To the shareholders of AB LINDEX (publ) Corporate identity number 556452-6514

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Notice is hereby given that your attendance is requested at the Extraordinary General Meeting (“EGM”) of AB Lindex which will be held in Chalmers kårhus, Chalmersplatsen 1, Göteborg, Sweden on Monday 26 June 2006 at 4 pm. The doors will open and registration for the EGM will commence at 3 pm. Coffee and cakes will be served between 3 and 4 pm. Notification of attendance Shareholders who wish to attend the EGM must be entered in the shareholders’ register kept by the Swedish Securities Centre, VPC AB, on Monday 19 June 2006. and notify the company of their intention to attend not later than 1 pm on Monday 19 June December 2006 by mail to AB Lindex, SE-441 84 Alingsås or by telephoning +46 322-778 51, or by e-mail to:, stating name, personal/corporate identity number and daytime telephone number. To qualify for attendance at the EGM, shareholders, whose shares are nominee-registered, must temporarily re-register their shares in their own names with VPC AB. Shareholders who wish such re-registration must notify the nominee of this in good time before 19 June 2006. EGM Agenda 1. Opening of the Meeting 2. Election of a Chairman for the Meeting 3. Preparation and approval of the voting list 4. Approval of the Agenda 5. Election of persons to verify the Minutes and check votes 6. Procedure to establish if the Meeting has been duly convened 7. Proposal for extraordinary dividend 8. Proposal for option programme for senior executives 9. Closing of the Meeting Proposals at the EGM Item 2 Mr. Claes Beyer, lawyer, is proposed as Chairman of the EGM. Item 7 The Board of Directors proposes an extraordinary dividend to the shareholders of SEK 4.75 per share, SEK 326,562,500 in total, and that the record day for receiving the dividend shall be Thursday 29 June 2006. Should the EGM pass a resolution in accordance with the proposal, the dividend is expected to be remitted by VPC AB on Tuesday 4 July 2006. Item 8 The Board of Directors proposes that the EGM will approve the implementation of the option programme described below. The programme is proposed to comprise three option series with an annual allocation in September 2007, 2008 and 2009, and subscription to shares for the respective series during October 2010, 2011 and 2012. The programme entails that employees will be offered the opportunity to acquire warrants on market terms. The number of warrants to be offered will be maximised so that the total premium does not exceed the bonus after tax for the previous financial year. However, there will be a ceiling determined by the number of available warrants. For each warrant acquired by the participant, not more than two staff options will be offered without consideration. A total of not more than 2,250,000 options will be offered to the employees, i.e. 750,000 options per series. Each option will entitle its holder to acquire one share in the company. The offer is directed to senior executives in the Lindex Group and to individuals who may later be employed in similar positions. Both warrants and staff options entitle their holders for subscribe for one share to be issued by the organisation assigned by the subsidiary, Lindex Financial Services AB, corporate identity number 556021-4768. The following terms shall apply for the acquisition of the warrants by the employees: A premium shall be paid by the employees up on acquisition and shall be equivalent to the market value on the date of acquisition calculated in accordance with Black & Schole’s valuation method. The term is approximately three years. The issue price is equivalent to 115 per cent of the average volume-weighted price paid for a share in AB Lindex (publ) during a measuring period corresponding to the first ten trading days in September on the respective allocation date. The warrants are transferable without any restrictions. The following terms shall apply for staff options received by the employees: No premium shall be paid up on allocation. The term is approximately three years. The issue price is equivalent to 115 per cent of the average volume-weighted price paid for a share in AB Lindex (publ) during the respective measuring period. The measuring periods are the same as stated below relating to the warrants. The staff options are non-transferable and their exercising is conditional on the participant still being employed within the Lindex Group on the exercise date. The following shall apply for the programme as a whole: The number of executives covered by the programme is estimated to amount to approximately 55 persons. Allocation will be made after a more detailed determination by the Board of Directors. Allocation shall be made taking into account the aforementioned criteria relating to bonus outcome. Based on previous bonus payments and subject to a market value for the options of SEK 7.10, it can be assumed that the annual allocation to the CEO will amount to approximately 45,000 warrants. It can also be assumed that the allocation to other senior executives will amount to approximately 9,000 warrants and that the allocation to each member of the middle management group will amount to approximately 2,000 warrants. It should be possible to make local adaptations to comply with specific rules and regulations or to take into account market conditions in different countries. Against the background of the fact that the warrants will be transferred at market price, no social security contributions will arise for the Group relating to participants in Sweden. On a positive price development, costs will arise for social security contributions for warrants to foreign participants. With regard to staff options, costs will arise for social security contributions to all participants, regardless of country for taxation. The social security contributions will be written off during the term of the options based on the change in value of the options. In accordance with IFRS 2, the staff options shall be written off as a personnel cost over the earning period and reported directly against shareholders’ equity. Based on the assumption that approximately five per cent of the staff options offered will fall due before they have been earned, due to staff turnover, the reported IFRS 2 cost for the staff options will amount to approximately SEK 15M for all three series during the period 2007-2012. The cost will be re-examined continually during the term of the options. Resolution regarding the issue of warrants with a right to subscribe for new shares To enable the implementation of the option programme, the Board of Directors of AB Lindex (publ) proposes that the EGM will pass a resolution to issue not more than 2,250,000 warrants distributed on three series, of which each warrant will entitle to subscribe to one share. The reason for a departure from the shareholders’ right of preference is to implement the aforementioned option programme. Entitled to subscribe with a departure from the shareholders’ right of preference is the wholly-owned subsidiary, Lindex Financial Services AB (‘the subsidiary’), corporate identity number 556021-4768, which is entitled to acquire the options without consideration. After subscription, the subsidiary shall have the warrants at its disposal to meet the obligations which follow from the option programme as outlined above. In that connection, transfer can be made without consideration. Subscription to new shares with the support of the warrants can be made during the period 1 October – 31 October 2010 for series 2006/2010, 1 October – 31 October 2011 for series 2006/2011 and 1 October – 31 October 2012 for series 2006/2012. The issue price shall be equivalent to 115 per cent of the average volume-weighted price paid for a share in AB Lindex (publ) during the respective measuring period. For option series 2006/2010, the measuring period is 3 September – 14 September 2007. For option series 2006/2011, the measuring period is 1 September – 12 September 2008 and for option series 2006/2012, the measuring period is 1 September – 14 September 2009. The Board of Directors’ reasoning for the above proposal is that the Lindex Group has carried out a review of the Group’s model for salaries and remuneration ahead of the 2006/2007 financial year. In order to increase the staff’s long-term commitment to and interest in the Group’s growth in value, options are proposed as an integral part of staff remuneration together with salaries and bonus. The link to the bonus received allows for personal targets to be the basis for allocation and provides an incentive for the employee to make a financial investment. The reason for proposing the issuance of option series for future years at this EGM is to ensure that the remuneration programme can be implemented in full. For a valid resolution by the EGM, shareholders representing at least nine tenths of both the votes cast and the shares represented at the EGM shall vote in favour of the resolution. The Board of Directors’ complete proposal and other documents in accordance with the Companies Act will be published on the company’s website,, from 9 June and will be sent to those shareholders who request it. ________________________ The Agenda including proposals for resolutions can be obtained by e-mail: or by telephone +46(0)322-778 51. Göteborg, June 2006 AB Lindex (publ) Board of Directors For further information, please contact: Christer Gardell, Chairman of AB Lindex telephone +46(0)8-545 675 57 Ulrika Danielson, Director of Corporate Communications telephone +46(0)31-739 50 05 mobile +46(0)709-50 16 13 ____________________


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