Contact Group launches OurSchoolsApp
Contact Group, provider of school-home communications solutions, has launched OurSchoolsApp a personalised app that schools can give free to parents, to keep them instantly updated with school information, news, events and contacts. It is designed for use on iPhones and Android devices – now owned by nearly 60 per cent of the UK adult population and steadily rising.
Easy to update and amend, OurSchoolsApp can be personalised with the school’s name and branding. Information can be readily uploaded by non technical staff via the app’s portal which replicates the layout displayed on the recipients’ phone making it easy to add, update or delete content.
Every time a school adds information, news or events onto the web portal, parents will receive a push notification and also a reminder prior to an event. Additionally the app includes updated phone numbers, email addresses and photos of school contacts, with click options to call or email.
After downloading the free OurSchoolsApp, parents simply search for their child’s school, adding more schools one by one if they have a number of children in different locations. This information is saved in the phone ensuring the parent is taken straight into the relevant schools’ app the next time they use it.
Stephen Clarke, Managing Director of Contact Group said: “We have always worked very closely with schools and local authorities across the UK and know from experience that mobile phones are the most effective way to reach parents. With smartphone usage growing all the time OurSchoolsApp means that schools can update parents instantly using the method preferred by them.”
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