New Year New You – Get fit, eat well, look good, feel good!

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Feeling sluggish? Want to regain your mojo after the indulgences of Christmas? Made a New Year’s resolution to get fit, eat well, look good and feel good?

Dr Paul Clayton chairs the Scientific Advisory Boards of Itogha (Norway) and BiotheraPharma (USA), is a Fellow of the Institute of Innate Immunity (Osaka) and the Institute of Food, Brain & Behaviour (Oxford), a former Chair of the Forum on Food and Health at the Royal Society of Medicine and former Senior Scientific Advisor to the UK Government's Committee on the Safety of Medicines. He says the New Year should start from within.

“People should be more aware of the fatty acids in their diet”, says Dr Clayton, “as these largely determine whether the environment in the body is pro- or anti-inflammatory. All chronic diseases have inflammation at their core, and the huge increases we have seen in cardiovascular disease and cancer over the last century are closely related to increasing intakes of Omega 6 fatty acids (in vegetable oils), and a decline in Omega 3 fatty acids (in oily fish). This imbalance is also strongly linked to increasing rates of mental illness.

'Women are particularly vulnerable. They tend to have worse outcomes with cardiovascular disease; they are more likely to suffer from depression, or at the hands of men with mental illness; and an unhealthy fatty acid balance during pregnancy may substantially affect the unborn baby's brain, with major consequences in later life.'

To ensure your body gets the correct balance Dr Clayton, working with 4Life and St. Olav’s Hospital, Trondheim University Hospital, Norway has introduced the 4Life Test. Available on the internet and extremely easy to use, this test measures the profile of 11 fatty acids in your blood and precisely calculates the Omega-6/Omega-3 balance. Processed by highly qualified staff at Trondheim University Hospital, the blood tests are used to calculate each individual’s vulnerability to lifestyle related problems. The result is sent anonymously via . Assistance interpreting the results can be obtained if needed from GPs or other health professionals and can be used to guide lifestyle and dietary choices to improve the balance of Omega-3 and Omega-6 levels and thus enhance health and well-being.

The 4Life Test is an MOT for the body. Make an online pit stop and ensure your body is in balance to give you the best New Year ever.

Further information on the 4Life Test see

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