The Bushey Academy awards Viglen a £1.8m five year ICT contract

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The Bushey Academy, Hertfordshire’s most improved school, awards Viglen a £1.8m five year ICT contract

The Bushey Academy, Hertfordshire’s most improved school opened today by Lord Alan Sugar, awarded a £1.8million five-year contract to Viglen for the supply of its ICT. A total of 1,350 students at the Academy will benefit from the technology provided by Viglen, which will play a vital role in creating a successful learning environment through the provision of a complete end-to-end solution. Viglen is also working closely with the Academy’s Senior Leadership Team to deliver a programme of training and Continued Professional Development (CPD) support that will help to embed the ICT into teaching and learning, throughout the school.

Deployment of the new Academy’s ICT solution commenced in December 2012. Viglen coordinated the project management, supply, installation and commissioning of the entire system and worked closely with the main building contractor to ensure the overall integrity and quality of the delivered IT solution. The ICT solution encompasses the following key elements; 224 Viglen Integra Desktop Computers, 86 Apple iMac Desktop Computers, 4 Apple MacBook Pro Laptops, 565 Toshiba laptops, 5 HP Servers, an active network infrastructure, wireless networking and VOIP telephony.

Viglen also supplied a staff/student identification system, a cashless catering solution, library system, interactive whiteboard/projector solutions, printing, peripherals and other equipment. Multimedia delivery/video conferencing was provided alongside specialist AV solutions for theatre, drama and music, and also software. Migration of the existing ICT equipment and services was coordinated along with training of Academy staff and ongoing helpdesk support for the school’s in-house IT team.

The ICT solution was designed by Viglen to fully support and enable the Academy’s vision of how ICT will bolster learning and teaching. This has been successfully achieved by delivering a robust, scalable and flexible infrastructure that provides users with an exciting and motivational learning environment that is always on 24/7, 365 days a year. In order to cater for the Academy’s future growth and development, the ICT solution has been specifically designed for flexibility to ensure it can develop as new technologies become available.

Key benefits of this fully integrated seamless ICT solution include access to ICT anytime anywhere, available first-time every time; the ability to personalise the learning experience; access to a wide range of inclusive devices, training to help staff and students become competent users of technology and improved communication and engagement between pupils, teachers, staff and parents. Viglen has also helped free up the time of Bushey Academies’ ICT team through increased efficiency, integration of services, automation of routine tasks and reduced management.

Commenting on the contract Andrew Hemmings, Principal, The Bushey Academy, said, “We are pleased to have worked with Viglen throughout this project. The package they have delivered meets the vision of the academy and the needs of our learners well. Good technology, used properly can make a significant difference in modern education.”

Concluding Bordan Tkachuk CEO, Viglen, said, “Viglen is very excited to have been selected to design and implement the ICT solution for The Bushey Academy. This solution brings the Academy into the 21stCentury with a bang. We have worked together with the Academy to deliver a “state-of-the-art” solution deploying the very latest technology to provide an engaging ICT solution for the pupils, teaching staff, and support staff that will continue to evolve and develop as the needs change, and more importantly to provide a solid backdrop to aid the educational transformation which will assist the Principal, Andrew Hemmings, vision of the future. I’m personally committed to working with the Academy to see this vision fulfilled.’’