Audit Commission confirms Accent Peerless provides a fair service with promising improvement prospects.

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Camberley based Housing Association, Accent Peerless Ltd, has been awarded a 1 Star rating with promising prospects for improvement following a recent inspection by the Audit Commission. The 1 Star rating confirms that Accent Peerless is providing its customers with a fair housing service, whilst recognition of their promising prospects for improvement demonstrates Accent Peerless is well placed to make the necessary improvements to be able to achieve a 2 Star Good, or 3 Star Excellent rating in the future. Accent Peerless’ Managing Director Angela Smithers commented: “We are pleased that we have been awarded our first star and agree that this rating is a sound assessment of our service delivery at this point in time. The inspection process is a valuable opportunity to assess where and how we can make improvements to our services, as well as establishing the things we are already doing well. We recognise we have a way to go to achieve a 3 star service, but our Board and staff are committed to taking the necessary steps to be able to achieve this. I would like to express my sincere thanks to all the staff, at Accent Peerless and throughout Accent Group, members of the Board, and many residents who were involved in the inspection process. -ENDS- Words: 224 Notes to editors Accent Peerless is a registered social landlord, providing over 3,500 homes for rent, shared ownership and outright sale in Surrey, Kent, Berkshire and Hampshire. It is a member of Accent Group, which provides over 19,500 homes nationwide, (managed by Accent Peerless, Accent Nene and Accent Foundation), and delivers transformational projects across the key areas of housing, training and regeneration. The Group won a Housing Corporation Gold Award in 2008 for ‘Tackling Worklessness’.