Fareham Shopping Centre celebrates Centenary of Girlguiding
As part of the Centenary of Girlguiding internationally, Rainbows and Brownies from Fareham Division were invited by Pam Gillard, Centre Manager of Fareham Shopping Centre, to plant 100 blue and yellow crocus bulbs near the Centre to celebrate their 100 years. All were very keen to get involved, however, Matt Wakefield, Fareham Council’s Horticultural Development Officer, did need to briefly explain how to plant the bulbs properly and to avoid any being planted upside down! Pam Gillard says: “We funded the planting to support the young people in our community and will be providing a tree later this year as a permanent reminder of the partnership between Girlguiding and Fareham Shopping Centre. Hopefully, the crocus will bloom for all to see with a colourful display by early spring next year.”