Fudge, soap and spice and all things nice

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Food, Drink and Lifestyle Show at Fareham Shopping Centre

Home-made chocolates and Fudge; cupcakes and cookies; pasties and pies are among the range of tempting treats on offer next week in Fareham Shopping Centre’s Food, Drink and Lifestyle Show. The indoor malls within the Centre will host a variety of speciality traders who will showcase their wares from Monday 24th May for 7 days, including Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th May, so shoppers should head on down to kick start their half-term holiday with something a little bit different. Centre Director, Pam Marsden, explains: “The traders and exhibitors who frequent our malls are a popular feature of the Centre and they nicely complement our big brand stores such as M&S, Bhs, Boots and Beales for Men. Themed weeks, such as this, help to attract new and unique exhibitors and add even more variety to the shopping experience we provide.” Other products billed for the event include: hand-made soap and beauty products, herbs and spices, quality cookware and designer baby bibs. For details about this and all other events and competitions at the Centre, visit www.farehamshopping.com -Ends- Words: 192 Notes to the Editor For further editorial information about Fareham Shopping Centre please contact Colin Salt at Logical Creative Marketing on 0845 345 6969 or email colins@lcm.co.uk To contact the Centre Director, call Pam Marsden on 01329 822506. Fareham Shopping Centre is located on the south coast and has over 80 big name stores such as Marks & Spencer, Bhs, Boots and Monsoon and a variety of restaurants and cafes on offer. Visit our website for further details on www.farehamshopping.com.