Invitation to attend exclusive presentation on scientific data in Brussels

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On the 6 October 2010, at 13:00 the High-Level Group on Scientific Data, made of twelve top-level European experts in different fields of science and chaired by Prof John Wood, will publicly present the report "Riding the Wave: How Europe can gain from the raising tide of scientific data" to Neelie Kroes, Vice-President of the European Commission for the Digital Agenda. Please contact us if you would like to be present at this event and would like a press pass and entrance organised.

The High Level Group's reflections address a fundamental characteristic of our age: "the rising tide of data". The report is the result of six months of intense brainstorming and consultations with experts around the world to prepare a "vision 2030" for Scientific Data e-Infrastructures. It describes long term scenarios and associated challenges regarding scientific data access, curation and preservation as well as the strategy and actions necessary to realise the vision. As stated by Vice-President Neelie Kroes, "It will be an invaluable input for formulating our research and research-infrastructure policies. I invite every citizen and every organisation involved in scientific research to take note of this report and to use it as a reference point when discussing the priorities of EU research investments." More information about the High-Level Group on Scientific Data can be found in If you would like to attend this event, please confirm your attendance to Erik Toen (, +32 2 2987082) who will provide all further details (registration, room, etc). Please see below a draft agenda of the event. *** Draft Agenda *** Brussels, 6 October 2010 Berlaymont 13:00 - Welcome by INFSO (Director F – M Campolargo) 13:10 - Main conclusions handing the report (Prof. J.Wood) 13:20 - Commissioner Kroes brief speech (Commissioner Kroes) 13:30 - Commissioner Geoghegan-Quinn brief speech (TBC) 13:40 - Q&A From press to the HLG panel of experts (All) 14:15 - Close (HLG Chair)