Sailors’ Society looking forward to another eventful year

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Southampton-based Sailors’ Society recently held a reception at the prestigious offices of international law firm Reed Smith LLP in The Broadgate Tower, in the City, to thank their supporters and ambassadors for their contributions to fund-raising events held during 2010. Some of the major events planned for 2011 were also announced at the reception and it promises to be the busiest year ever for the charity.

Sailors’ Society is an international charity offering support to the world’s 1.2 million seafarers who often spend long periods away from home and their loved ones. The charity works tirelessly with a network of Port Chaplains across the world to ease their isolation and ensure that seafarers do not feel forgotten when they are far from home. More than 60 supporters and ambassadors attended the reception. David Myers, Counsel, Shipping Group, Reed Smith LLP, formally welcomed guests and stressed the importance of supporting a charity such as the Sailors’ Society. He confessed to being totally biased in its favour and could not think of any charity that he would be more interested in helping. Director of Fundraising for the Sailors’ Society, Jan Webber, provided an insight into some of the work undertaken by the Port Chaplains around the world and went on to give her sincere thanks on behalf of the Society to all of the guests present for their support and participation in the events held throughout 2010. Con Carey, Director of Weathernews Inc. and Sailors’ Society Ambassador, very generously sponsored the reception and encouraged all attendees to look at their CSR Budgets to identify where additional donations can be made during 2011 to support the Sailors’ Society. Jonathan Stoneley, Marine & Compliance Manager of Cargill Ocean Transportation and a Sailors’ Society Trustee, thanked Reed Smith LLP for hosting the evening and outlined the programme of key fund-raising events to be held during 2011. Included in the calendar of events are the Asian Challenge, London Marathon, the Wilderness Challenge, Clipper Regatta, Merchant Navy Day, Singapore Ball and the ever popular Christmas Carol Service held in London, to name just a few. Highlight of the evening for 16 lucky winners was the raffle with excellent prizes donated by supporters of the Sailors’ Society, from which a total of almost £500 was raised for the charity. For more information, please visit their website or follow them on twitter at Ends Words: 396


