Spring Showcase of FUN comes to Fareham Shopping Centre

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Fareham Shopping Centre is providing some light relief to the end-of-holiday blues for young shoppers this weekend. An extravaganza of FREE entertainment is coming to the Centre. Throughout the day near Clarks, on Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th April, there’ll be regular Punch and Judy shows to amuse kids and ‘big kids’ alike. In between times, Robbie the Wizard will be astounding onlookers with his magical powers, while Mr Tall will be entertaining with his juggling and balloon-modelling. Plus, Denise the face painter will be adding some colourful and funky face art to the mix. Thanks to Waterstone’s, there’s £30 worth of book vouchers to be won by entering the Centre’s magical spot-the-difference competition. Entry forms are available now in the Centre and downloadable at www.farehamshopping.com Centre Director, Pam Marsden says: “It’s lovely to be able to bring a smile to children’s faces. And there’s so much going on this weekend, there’s sure to be plenty of smiles going around.” She adds: “And once you’ve seen all the acts in action, why not have a go at home. Hawkins Bazaar stocks a host of magic tricks, puppets and balloon-modelling kits which will keep kids entertained for the rest of the weekend.” -Ends- Words: 209 Notes to the Editor For further editorial information about Fareham Shopping Centre please contact Colin Salt at Logical Creative Marketing on 0845 345 6969 or email colins@lcm.co.uk To contact the Centre Director, call Pam Marsden on 01329 822506. Fareham Shopping Centre is located on the south coast and has over 80 big name stores such as Marks & Spencer, Bhs, Boots and Monsoon and a variety of restaurants and cafes on offer. Visit our website for further details on www.farehamshopping.com.