Strategic marketing and PR expert to join the LCM team

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Fareham-based strategic marketing and PR agency LCM has recruited Lorraine Lewis to a key role in Strategic Marketing and PR Development.

Lorraine, who is a member of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations, has over 18 years marketing and PR experience in Software, Telecoms, Wireless and Business Industry. She was recently employed by Business Link, in Fareham for three years and was responsible for all the PR activity for Business Link and their local events for businesses in Hampshire and Isle of Wight. Lizz Clarke, Managing Director at LCM said, “I was recommended to meet Lorraine by Maureen Frost of Hampshire Chamber and I am grateful. Lorraine is already proving to be a valuable asset to me and the team because she understands how to work with growing SME’s to help manage the function of marketing and to help drive revenue in their organisations.” LCM has extensive expertise as an outsourced marketing department to SME’s where it’s needed, and in strategic marketing, branding, PR, design, web communications, training and coaching. The firm’s unique, results-driven approach ensures that companies benefit from focused marketing investment. To find out more about how LCM can help your business to grow, please contact or call 0845 345 6969. -Ends-


