Young Choristers prepare for European tour
Going from strength to strength the Chapel Choir from St John’s College has already stormed the UK and is now preparing to take on Europe!
A successful year has seen performances in numerous cathedrals around the country, including Winchester, Chichester, Rochester, Canterbury, Liverpool, Salisbury, Chester, Westminster Abbey and both cathedrals in Portsmouth. The Choir, made up of 24 boys aged nine to 14, were also privileged to be ‘Choir in residence’ at the Queen’s Chapel in Windsor. Under the direction of the Head of Music, Keith Ellison, the Choir has recorded a 16 track CD, available to purchase from St John’s Roman Catholic Cathedral and bookshop in Portsmouth, St Jude’s Church and the school. The CD contains a selection of tracks ranging from ‘Ave Maria’ and ‘You Raise Me Up’ to ‘I Am Sailing’ and ‘Tears From Heaven’ and is priced at £6.50. ‘The Chapel Choir is renowned for giving highly-disciplined, polished performances. This is a truly remarkable achievement as the project started life only a year ago with a small group of enthusiastic boys from one of St John’s boarding houses.’ says Mr Ellison. ‘It’s great news that they get to visit the Cathedral’s of Notre Dame, Rouen, Chartres and Reims in France before another performance in London over the next few months.’