Extraordinary General Meeting in Loomis AB

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At today’s extraordinary general meeting in Loomis AB it was resolved, in accordance with the Board of Director’s proposal, to implement an incentive programme for senior executives and key employees by way of an issue of maximum 2,555,000 subscription warrants entitling to subscription for the equivalent number of new shares of class B in Loomis AB.

The issue shall be directed to the wholly-owned subsidiary Loomis Sverige AB for the purpose of transferring them onwards to senior executives and key employees. The warrants shall be issued to the subsidiary at a price of eight kronor and fifty öre (8.50). Subscription for the warrants shall be made on 24 February, 2009, at the latest.

The reason for the deviation from the shareholders’ preferential rights is that the Board of Directors is of the opinion that an incentive programme which offers senior executives and key employees the opportunity to take part of an increase in value of the company will lead to an enhanced interest in the company’s development – as well as the company’s share price development – and stimulate a continued loyalty towards the company over the forthcoming years. An incentive programme is expected to contribute to the possibilities to recruit and retain competent employees.

At full subscription of the proposed issue, and full exercise of the subscription warrants, the share capital may be increased by a total of maximum SEK 12,775,000, which is equivalent to approximately 3,50 % of the company’s present share capital and approximately 2,46 % of the number of votes. All in all, the programme may at full exercise result in a total dilution of maximum approximately 3,38 % in relation to the share capital and approximately 2,40 % in relation to the number of votes on a fully diluted basis, calculated as the number of new shares in proportion to the number of existing and new shares.

For further information, please refer to the complete proposal by the Board of Directors held available at Loomis AB’s website, www.loomis.com, and at Loomis AB’s head office in Solna.


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