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Wandsworth residents have become among the most successful in London at adopting the car club concept, according to new figures from the UK’s largest pay-as-you-go car hire service, Streetcar (http://www.streetcar.com). The company, which hires BMWs, VW Golfs, Polos and Transporter vans, has announced that membership in Wandsworth has just topped the 8,000 mark, having nearly doubled in a year. The service now boasts 109 vehicles in 81 locations1, with many more planned for the next six months. Commenting on the company’s success, Brett Akker, Streetcar co-founder, said: "Streetcar’s rise in popularity in Wandsworth has been phenomenal. It’s clear that both the recession and the rising cost of owning a car are encouraging people to look for money-saving alternatives. With Streetcar members saving an average of £160 a month by joining the scheme, we are seeing significant numbers opting to sell their own vehicles in favour of our service."2 The scheme is simple to use. Members can reserve a car online (www.streetcar.com) or over the phone (0845 644 8475), from just £4.95 per hour, and use smartcards to unlock the vehicle. At the end of the journey the car is returned to its dedicated Streetcar parking bay. Will Mosenthal, recently joined Streetcar: “To me, it’s just a different way of owning a car – I can use it when I need it, but someone else takes care of the maintenance and admin. It’s brilliant.” -Ends-
