Loyal Solutions AICPA SOC2 certified

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Loyal Solutions has completed AICPA SOC2 certification of our market leading LoyalTfacts payment/card-linked SaaS platform, adding SOC 2 to our PCI DSS Level 1, ISO 27001, ISO27017, ISO28018 certifications. 

At Loyal Solutions our work with compliance and security is an ever evolving process and a never ending journey, as protecting our clients data is paramount to them and to us. Having certified third parties test and certify our solutions, processes and technology is an important part of this. We have held PCI DSS Level 1 certification for several years, and have now added both ISO and SOC 2. 

For further information about the Company, please contact
Peter Kisbye, CEO
Phone: +45 21 28 69 60
E-mail: pki@loyalsolutions.eu
Website: www.loyalsolutions.eu

Loyal Solutions was set up with the sole purpose of disrupting the loyalty industry with new technology, new transparent concepts and a 100% focus on the end customer.
Loyal Solutions has become a leading global provider of loyalty concepts, solutions, and SaaS technology for selected industries and clients. Our proprietary technology and global private SaaS cloud solutions are state of the art and market leading. We also offer clients full outsourcing options, making implementation of a full program seamless and easy.
We have our HQ in Copenhagen an IT hub in Johannesburg, South Africa and are represented in Stockholm, Dubai, San Francisco, and Sydney.


