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As the 2010 World Cup kicks off, not everyone is going to be following England’s fortunes. He may be dreaming of going to South Africa to watch the beloved game, but you’re probably not so keen. Given the amount of time you’re likely to get to see him over the Summer, you could be forgiven for thinking it’s all over! But before you kick him into touch, why not treat this as guilt-free “me” time. Imagine yourself on the beaches of South Africa with Lush’s selection of maritime premiere league pampering products … this way you’ll both be able to lay back and think of England! Kick off your 90 minutes of pampering with a Lush Lush’s Big Blue ballistic (£2.95) to take you fizzically closer to the sea. Continue the seaside theme by scrubbing any cellulite prone areas with Sandstone soap (£2.75 for 100g). Finally, apply a fresh facemask to cleansed skin for 5–10 minutes. BB Seaweed (£4.95 for 75g) is based on the proven benefits of seaweed, combined with a blend of soothing honey and aloe vera. You think it’s all over … it is now! Please find press release attached with further information on Lush’s premiere league pampering products. If you would like any images or samples sent out for review, please do not hesitate to let me know. Best wishes, Stephanie


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