Report from the Annual General Meeting of Magnolia Bostad AB held on 4 May 2016

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Magnolia Bostad AB held its AGM on Wednesday, 4 May 2016. The main resolutions passed at the meeting are shown below.

More detailed information about the contents of the resolutions may be obtained from the complete notice of the AGM and the complete proposals. The notice and complete proposals are available on the Company’s website:

Adoption of balance sheets and profit and loss accounts

It was resolved at the meeting to adopt the profit and loss account and balance sheet, as well as the consolidated profit and loss account and consolidated balance sheet for the financial year 2015.


 In accordance with the Board’s proposal, it was resolved at the meeting that a dividend of SEK 1 per share would be paid, the record day being Monday, 9 May 2016. Dividends are expected to be paid out by Euroclear Sweden AB on Thursday, 12 May 2016.

Discharge from liability

The meeting discharged the directors and the CEO from liability towards the Company for their management during the financial year 2015.

Directors and auditors

Fredrik Holmström, Andreas Rutili, Risto Silander och Fredrik Tibell were re-elected to the Board. Jan Roxendal was elected to the Board. Fredrik Holmström was re-elected Chairman of the Board.

The registered audit firm Ernst & Young AB was reappointed auditor of the Company.

It was resolved that directors’ fees totalling SEK 1,450,000 would be paid for the period until the end of the next AGM, comprising SEK 450,000 for the Chairman of the Board, and SEK 250,000 each for other directors elected at the AGM.

It was further resolved that fees would be payable to the auditor in accordance with approved invoices.
For more information, please contact:
Fredrik Lidjan, CEO
+46 70 223 43 47,

Magnolia Bostad develops efficient, attractive and functional residential properties, including rental apartments, tenant-owned apartments and hotels, in attractive locations primarily in Sweden’s growth areas. Our work is based on a holistic approach where the operations are conducted in a manner that promotes long-term, sustainable urban development. Magnolia Bostad's share (MAG) is listed on Nasdaq First North. Erik Penser Bank is the Certified Adviser for the Company. More information is available at


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