Rauch to distribute drinks direct to UK offices

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, One of Europe’s largest soft drinks manufacturers, Rauch Group, is this week launching its programme of distributing healthy drinks direct to offices. The €700m company has recently signed a distribution deal with Koolaking, who will distribute fridges stocked with healthy drinks and snacks, free of charge, to offices throughout the UK, through their network of licensed distributors. Their innovative approach relies on an ‘honesty box’ payment system administered by key staff within participating companies, with their licensed distributors taking care of stock levels. The project, which compliments the Government’s ‘5 a Day’ campaign, is working in partnership with The Stroke Association who will receive ten percent of all product sales. James Beeby, Head of Corporate Fundraising at The Stroke Association said: “Consuming five portions of fruit and vegetables a day has been proven to reduce the risk of stroke and we are delighted to support this innovative venture which will bring healthy drinks and snacks into the workplace”. A recent Mintel Report called ‘Eating at Work’ suggests that on average we spend around £4 per day on eating and snacking at work. With approximately 21m workers in the UK, this market is estimated to be worth £19bn. Koolaking expects UK sales to exceed £5m in the first five years. Koolaking is an EIS qualifying company and is currently offering shares through City One Securities in order to increase its points of sale in the UK. Contacts: Nevern Johns, Koolaking: +44(0)20 3298 0720 nevern@koola-king.com www.koola-king.com John Newlands, City One Securities +44(0)20 3006 3201 john@cityonesecurities.com Tim Maltin, Maltin PR: +44(0)20 7887 1357 tim@maltinpr.com www.maltinpr.com Photographs: Nevern Johns, Koolaking Licensing Manager: www.maltinpr.com/nevern-johns Stocked Rauch/Koolaking Cooler: http://www.maltinpr.com/koolakingrauch-cooler Rauch Group Logo: www.maltinpr.com/rauch Koolaking Logo: www.maltinpr.com/koolaking The Stroke Association Logo: www.maltinpr.com/the-stroke-association