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  • Amendment to notice to convene extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in Mandator AB

Amendment to notice to convene extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in Mandator AB

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Amendment to notice to convene extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in Mandator AB The shareholders of Mandator AB (publ) have been convened to an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders on 30 May 2000 at 2 p.m., at the company's offices on Kungsgatan 60 in Stockholm. In addition to the matters 1-13 included in the previous notice, the following matters shall be dealt with: 14. The board's proposal to increase the share capital by SEK 1 079 300 by issuing 539 650 shares, each share with a par value of SEK 2. All new shares may without preferential rights for the shareholders be subscribed to by owners of a total of 541 837 options to subscribe to new shares in Cell Network AB having accepted Mandator AB's public offer effecting the merger between the two companies. The board's complete proposal and documents pursuant to Ch 4 §§ 4 and 6 of the Swedish Companies Act is available at the company from and including 23 May 2000 and will be sent on request. 15.Closing of the meeting. Notice to attend As was included in the previous notice, the shareholders shall in order to have the right to attend the meeting, be registered in the share registry kept by Värdepapperscentralen VPC AB not later than Friday 19 May 2000. Shareholders, who own shares managed by an authorised nominee (bank or securities broker) must in order to be able to vote at the shareholders meeting request to have the shares temporarily registered in his own name in the share registry. Such registration must have been completed on Friday 19 May 2000. Shareholders wishing to attend the shareholders meeting shall further notify the company not later than Thursday 25 May 2000 at 12.00 under the address Mandator AB, Box 305, 101 26 Stockholm or by telephone to Carina Törnqvist 08-402 31 00. Notice may also be given on the Internet: www.mandator.se. A shareholder may be accompanied by up to two advisors at the shareholders meeting providing that Mandator AB has been notified of the number of advisors in accordance with what is set out above on notice to attend. Stockholm in May 2000 The board of directors of Mandator AB For further information: Gunilla Rudebjer, Head of Finance, +46 8-402 31 00, +46 709-84 38 36 Arvid Liepe, Head of Corp. Communications and Investor Relations, +46-8-52 20 41 85, +46-709-56 51 85 During spring 2000 Mandator AB and Cell Network AB are merging their operations to form one of the world's largest consulting companies with main focus on the Internet and other interactive media. The new company will be called Cell Network AB. Both Mandator and Cell Network are listed on the O-list of the OM Stockholm Stock Exchange. The combined company has around 1,800 employees in 13 countries. ------------------------------------------------------------ Please visit http://www.bit.se for further information The following files are available for download: http://www.bit.se/bitonline/2000/05/15/20000515BIT00190/bit0001.doc http://www.bit.se/bitonline/2000/05/15/20000515BIT00190/bit0002.pdf