Cell Network's new organization takes shape
Cell Network's new organization takes shape Cell Network's new organization is now taking shape. Several persons have now been named for the group that will lead the company when the merger between Mandator and the old Cell Network takes effect on June 1. The organizational structure will continue to be developed as Cell Network implements its business strategy and the new business model. Cell Network's business model is based on an integration of mission- critical solutions, speed, an innovative ability and experience and understanding of the challenges facing customers in the new economy. The following persons have been named for leading positions within the new company. They will assume their positions on June 1, when the old Cell Network and Mandator begin operating as a single company. As previously announced, Niklas Flyborg will be president and Chief Executive Officer. Niklas Flyborg already holds this position at Mandator. Chief Operating Officer International with responsibility for coordinating operations outside the Nordic and Baltic regions will be Tom Buhl. Tom already hold this position within the existing Cell Network organization and will now work with international subsidiaries in the new company. Sverre Hurum will be president of Cell Network Norway. Sverre Hurum, who has been president of Mandator Norway for the past ten years, will now take responsibility for the merged organization for Cell Network Norway. Arvid Liepe will be Director of Investor Relations. Arvid has been working as manager of investor relations and corporate communications in the existing Cell Network organization for six months. Before joining the company, he worked as investor relations manager at AGA four years. Gunilla Rudebjer will be Chief Financial Officer. Ginilla has held the corresponding position at Mandator for just under two years. Before joining Mandator, she worked at Fritidsresegruppen, where she was Corporate Controller. Ellinor Bolliman will be Director of Communications. Ellinor, who will be responsible for internal and external communications, has worked as a communications consultant for 15 years. In her most recent position, she was marketing manager for the subsidiary Journalistgruppen. Lotta Eriksson will be Director of Human Resources. Lotta currently has the same role in Cell Network's existing organization. She has previously worked as a personnel manager and with personnel development and comes most recently from Bohlin & Strömberg, where she worked as a head hunter. Jerket Käll wil be Director of Acquisitions and Integration. Jerker is currently vice president of Mandator and has a background as a business controller, financial manager and controller at a number of large companies. For further information: Niklas Flyborg, CEO Mandator, +46 8-402 31 00, +46 70-594 96 78, Ellinor Bollman, Manager Communication Mandator AB, +46 70-347 37 14 Arvid Liepe, Investor Relations, Manager Communication Cell Network, +46 709-56 51 85 ------------------------------------------------------------ Please visit http://www.bit.se for further information The following files are available for download: http://www.bit.se/bitonline/2000/05/08/20000508BIT01080/bit0001.doc http://www.bit.se/bitonline/2000/05/08/20000508BIT01080/bit0002.pdf