Redemption of shares in Tidnings AB Marieberg (publ)

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AB Bonnierföretagen ("Bonnierföretagen") has stated its willingness, pursuant to Chap. 14 §31 of the Swedish Companies Act - which specifies rules for compulsory redemption of shares after valuation by arbitrators - to redeem the remainder of the shares in Tidnings AB Marieberg (publ) ("Marieberg"). Bonnierföretagen has stated that the company, with its subsidiary Mariebergs Intressenter AB, owns more than nine tenths of the shares with more than nine tenths of the number of votes for all shares in Marieberg. Since an agreement on redemption could not be reached with all of the other shareholders, in accordance with Chap. 14 §32 of the Swedish Companies Act, Bonnierföretagen has requested the Board of Directors of Marieberg to refer the dispute to arbitration. Bonnierföretagen has appointed Attorney Karl-Erik Danielsson as its arbitrator. The shareholders in Marieberg to whom the request to resolve the dispute is directed are hereby requested not later than two weeks from the date of this public notice to submit the name of their arbitrator in writing to Marieberg. If the shareholders do not appoint a joint arbitrator within this time, Marieberg's Board, pursuant to Chap. 14 §32 of the Swedish Companies Act, will request the Stockholm District Court to appoint a legal representative. This representative will then apply for appointment of an arbitrator and in the dispute represent the rights of the absent shareholders. Stockholm, June 25, 1998 TIDNINGS AB MARIEBERG Board of Directors