Bulletin from the annual general meeting (AGM)

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On 2 May 2005, the AGM of Meda AB took these decisions to:  Distribute company profits as per the board’s proposal regarding a dividend of SEK 2 per share and to carry forward the surplus to the 2005 balance sheet. The day of record for dividends is expected to be 6 May 2005. Dividends are expected to be distributed via VPC AB on 11 May 2005.  Compensate board members with a total of SEK 950,000 of which SEK 500 000 is for the board chairman and SEK 150,000 is for each of the other board members who are not Meda employees. An additional SEK 400,000 shall be paid during the fiscal year to the board chairman for work outside the scope of regular board responsibilities. Compensation shall not be paid to board members who are employed by the company.  Amend the company’s articles of association: —The board’s base of operation is changed from Stockholm to Solna, where the company has its head office. —The AGM may be held in Solna, where the company has its head office (article 9, last paragraph). —Limits for the company’s share capital is changed from a minimum of SEK 60,000,000 and a maximum of SEK 240,000,000 to a minimum of SEK 100,000,000 and a maximum of SEK 400,000,000.  Authorise a split of the company’s shares: each previously issued share, worth a nominal amount of SEK 10, is converted to five new shares; each new share is worth a nominal amount of SEK 2. The day of record for implementation of the split is 30 May 2005; expected date of registration with VPC AB is 1 June 2005. Consequently, the last day for non-split share trading is expected to by 25 May 2005. The AGM re-elected Peter Sjöstrand, as board chairman, and Bert Åke Eriksson, Anders Lönner, Lennart Perlhagen, and Anders Waldenström, as regular board members. Solna, 2 May 2005 The board of directors

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