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  • Bulletin from the Meda AB (publ) extraordinary general meeting (EGM) approving decision to issue shares

Bulletin from the Meda AB (publ) extraordinary general meeting (EGM) approving decision to issue shares

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On October 31, Meda’s EGM unanimously approved the board’s decision to issue shares with a preferential right for Meda’s shareholders to subscribe for the new shares, announced on October 14, 2008.

The new issue of shares comprises a maximum of 43,177,580 shares of class A. The subscription price is 35 SEK per share, which means that approximately 1,511 MSEK, prior to transaction costs, will be raised by Meda. The new issue results in a maximum increase of the share capital in the company of 43,177,580 SEK.

The further terms for the new issue entail that each shareholder in Meda is entitled to subscribe for one (1) new share for each six (6) shares held on the record day. Shares which are not subscribed for with preferential rights shall first be offered to shareholders who have subscribed for shares in excess of their preferential right and secondly to Stena AB (publ), that has issued a guarantee for the entire new issue.

The last day to trade in the Meda share including the right to participate in the new issue was October 31, 2008. The record day to participate in the new issue is November 5, 2008. The subscription period runs from November 10 to November 24 November 2008.

Prospectus regarding the invitation to subscribe for shares in the new issue will be published on or around November 5, 2008. The prospectus will be available at Meda’s offices on Pipers väg 2A in Solna and at Danske Bank at Norrmalmstorg 1. The prospectus will also be available at Meda’s web site, www.meda.se and at Danske Bank’s web site, www.danskebank.se.

This press release may not be announced, published or disseminated, directly or indirectly, in the United States of America, Canada, Australia, Hong Kong, Japan or in any other country where such measure wholly or partly is subject to restrictions by law. The information in this press release may not be forwarded, reproduced or shown in way that is in conflict with such restrictions. Failure to comply with this instruction may constitute a crime according the United States Securities Act of 1933 (“Securities Act”) or applicable laws in other jurisdictions.

Nothing in this press release shall be deemed to constitute and offer to invest, subscribe or otherwise deal with shares, subscription right or other securities of Meda. The offer to the mentioned persons to subscribe for in Meda will only be made in the prospectus which Meda is intending to make public around November 5, 2008, which will contain i.e. accounting records and information about the board and the accountant of Meda.

Neither the subscription right, nor the paid and subscribed shares or the new shares will be registered according the Securities Act or any provincial law in Canada and may not be transferred or offered for sale in the USA or Canada, or to a person domiciled in such state or for such persons account other in excepted cases, where registration is not required according the Securities act or any provincial law in Canada.

This information is such which Meda is obliged to make public according the Financial Markets Act and the Financial Instruments Trading Act (Sw: lagen om värdepappersmarknaden and lagen om handel med finansiella instrument). The information has been submitted for publication on October 31, 2008.

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