Meda files complaint against 3M and claims damages

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Meda has filed a complaint against 3M and claims damages for breach of agreement in connection with Meda’s acquisition of 3M’s European pharmaceutical division in 2007. Meda’s claims are based upon 3M’s failure to disclose an essential agreement that it had entered into with the French authorities regarding the sale of Tambocor in France. This undisclosed agreement forced Meda, after the acquisition, to concede to substantial price reductions, which were fully implemented during 2008 and 2009. The agreement does not stipulate any further price reductions for Tambocor. As a direct result of 3M’s improper conduct, Meda has not been able to fully benefit from its efforts to grow the volume of this product in France. The sales value of the product in France amounted to approximately 40 - 50 MEUR per year during the period 2007 - 2010.

”On the whole, the acquisition of 3M’s pharmaceutical division in Europe has contributed positively to Meda’s development. However, in this particular case, we are forced to act in order to protect our rights as a company”, said Anders Lönner, CEO of Meda.

For questions, please contact:

Anders Larnholt, Vice President Corporate Development & IR        ph: +46 709-458 878

MEDA AB (publ) is a leading international specialty pharma company. Meda’s products are sold in 120 countries worldwide and the company is represented by its own organizations in 50 countries. The Meda share is listed under Large Cap on the Nasdaq OMX Nordic Stock Exchange in Stockholm. Find out more, visit


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