High-Level U.S. Delegation to Participate in First Annual World Summit on Infrastructure Security in London

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For immediate release • The Summit will bring together elected government officials, senior government representatives and scientists from Europe, the United States, and around the world. • Secretary of Defence Liam Fox to give Keynote • Honorary co-chairs, U.S. Congressman Trent Franks (R-AZ) and Congresswoman Yvette Clarke (D-NY) • Chairing the event is Rt. Hon. James Arbuthnot MP, Chair of the United Kingdom House of Commons Defence Select Committee

NASA scientists, the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, the U.S. Department of Energy and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission now all predict an unprecedented, century-class solar flare that will destroy unprotected national electric grids, a disaster that could also be caused by a malicious electromagnetic threat. Are the United Kingdom and the world prepared? In today’s world, electricity, water and other vital infrastructures have become complex, interconnected networks that are increasingly vulnerable to potentially hostile states and natural disasters. According to Congressman Franks a member of the U.S. House Armed Services Committee, "An EMP attack represents a unique opportunity to those who would seek to harm freedom-loving nations. Indeed, just one strategically-detonated weapon could paralyze an entire nation, disabling everything from power and transportation grids to defense systems, hospitals, and aircraft. Our enemies are not naive regarding this prospect, as evidenced by reports indicating that Iran, in addition to defying the world with its nuclear weapons development, is experimenting with developing just such a capability.” The first World Summit on Infrastructure Security is co-hosted by the Electric Infrastructure Security Council and the Henry Jackson Society, will bring together world leaders to inaugurate a new international security framework to address these unprecedented threats. Participants will include international experts and energy regulatory officials, discussing recent studies by NASA, the National Academy of Sciences and other agencies that now predict a near-term super solar flare that could permanently destroy a national grid. They will project the impact of this flare – or a hostile act with similar consequences -- on the escalating vulnerability of our critical infrastructures. They will also highlight the window of opportunity we may have to upgrade and protect these infrastructures. They will also discuss the results of new studies, concluding our infrastructures would be burned out by such an event, resulting in a blackout that would leave us without light, food, water or other essentials for the years it would take to rebuild. Dr. Liam Fox, UK Secretary of State for Defence will deliver a keynote address, open to the press. He will point out that defence and security are not just about what happens overseas, but also about protecting our society and our critical infrastructures at home. He will also discuss options to prepare for these threats, and how we can to respond to a natural or hostile attack on a national grid. Dr Liam Fox is expected to say: “As the nature of our technology becomes more complex, so the threat becomes more widespread. “While we all benefit from the products of scientific advances so we also create vulnerabilities that can be exploited by our enemies. “However advanced we become the chain of our security is only as strong as its weakest link.” Congresswoman Clarke, a member of the U.S. Homeland Security Committee stated, “I hope that the effect of the Electric Infrastructure Security Summit is to bring a sense of urgency to the protection of our electric grids. We are entering a period of increased solar activity – solar hurricane season if you will – and we cannot sustain a nation-wide or worldwide solar Katrina. A large solar storm could hit us at any time. Hackers have already penetrated our computer networks and industrial control systems. Such threats, as well as others, could bring our electric grids down for days, weeks, months, or even years. These are not exaggerations, these are the facts. The good news is that we can protect our grids. We know what to do and the relative costs are low. We simply must take action. Now.” In addition to the congressional co-chairs, speaking at during the summit will be William N. Bryan Deputy Assistant Secretary, Infrastructure Security and Energy Restoration, U.S. Department of Energy, Joseph McClelland Director, Office of Electric Reliability, U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, John Kappenman Principal Investigator, National Academy of Sciences Severe Weather Project, and Bronius Cikotas Responsible for Washington D.C. and Strategic Air Command EMP-Hardened Communications Systems. For media enquires contact Nick Wood of Media Intelligence Partners Ltd on 07889 617003 or Mike Magan on 07531 722559 or email mmagan@media-intelligence-partners.com ENDS Note for editors: The Electric Infrastructure Security Council: Hosts international initiatives to coordinate infrastructure protection against electromagnetic threats, in partnership with government representatives, NGOs and corporations. www.eiscouncil.com The Henry Jackson Society: Project for Democratic Geopolitics is a cross-partisan, British think-tank. Our founders and supporters are united by a common interest in fostering a strong British, European and American commitment towards freedom, liberty, constitutional democracy, human rights, governmental and institutional reform and a robust foreign, security and defence policy and transatlantic alliance. www.henryjacksonsociety.org --------------

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