Hygiene revolution would save the NHS more than £100 million

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Save Money, Save Lives The revolution is staring the NHS in the face Company says: Kill superbugs and save over £100 million

A revolutionary new healthcare technology could dramatically reduce hospital infections and save the NHS hundreds of millions of pounds at the same time. Manchester-based Byotrol, which manufactures a new kind of hospital cleaning product, has responded to the Government’s call to achieve “more for less.” Inventor Stephen Falder says: “If the NHS is looking seriously for a product that keeps hospitals clean and budgets under control, then the only practical solution is to adopt Byotrol across the entire NHS.” Falder’s product, which is used in American hospitals, is “a generation ahead of conventional bleach and alcohol, and it’s safe, clean, effective and most importantly affordable.” Byotrol has calculated, with the help of former Health Minister Lord Warner, that a full–scale adoption of its technology, a water-based product that prevents bacteria and viruses from surviving on surfaces for several days, would save the NHS over £100 million a year. By using Byotrol instead of more toxic substances like bleach and alcohol, the NHS would: • Reduce the current £250 million annual spend on replacing equipment damaged by conventional cleaners • Dramatically reduce the cost of infection; Byotrol has kept Monroe Hospital, in Indiana in the United States, free of superbugs for the last 4 years. • Save large amounts of money. Byotrol trials in the Glasgow Royal Infirmary showed a 50 per cent reduction in post-surgical MRSAs. Each prevented case saved an estimated £2000. • The present cost of healthcare acquired infections is estimated at £1billion in the UK alone. Byotrol technology is less expensive than current NHS alcohol-based cleaning products. The NHS could save up to 50 per cent in costs of hand-hygiene, by switching to Byotrol products • The storage of bleach and alcohol products is expensive, as they are both hazardous materials and require special training. Byotrol requires no special storage or training and a quick estimate suggest the NHS could save around £20 million in transport costs and £2 million in storage costs. The above statements are based on reducing current NHS spending in such areas by a mere 10 per cent. In addition to the above, Byotrol could also; • Reduce the NHS carbon footprint • Cater to ethical issues concerning alcohol • Massively reduce cleaning times • Reduce the cost of cleaning a hospital • Increase the effectiveness of hospital cleaning The new coalition government has indicated its desire to achieve “more for less.” At present, the NHS spends millions upon millions of pounds on old-fashioned alcohol and bleach-based cleaners. Falder says; “We can see why the NHS resists changing from bleach and alcohol; it’s reassuring and it is how things have always been done. But it’s like clinging to steam engines when hybrid cars have arrived on the scene. Byotrol is the future.” Byotrol has previously received front-page coverage for its ability to slash dramatically the infection rates in hospitals, and it is currently under consideration by the NHS. Dealing with hospital acquired infections adds around $20 billion a year to healthcare systems around the world. A one per cent reduction in infection rates at a hospital that treats 13,000 patients annually can result in a saving of over $4 million, or £2.3 million. Vast savings can be made in hospital budgets if resources are spent on new cost effective and more powerful ways to kill super-bugs. Since Monroe Hospital in Indiana began using the new cleaning product there has not been a single case of MRSA or C-Difficile infection. James Ballard, its Infection Control Specialist, says that the revolutionary new Byotrol cleaning product has now become “the cornerstone of the Infection Prevention Program.” Byotrol cleaning products not only kill micro-organisms, but its polymer structure actually prevents them from surviving on surfaces and skin, long after it is first applied. In contrast, traditional cleaning products stop working once dry. This means that focus can shift from cleaning infected areas to preventing them from becoming infected in the first place. ENDS For interviews, quotes or media enquires contact Christian May on 07876708262 or email Christian.may@gmail.com. Alternatively, contact Alistair Thompson on 07970 162225. About Byotrol: In 1997 the Byotrol scientists were working in the UK’s largest independent paint company when, a local bakery asked the team to create a paint to kill germs and prevent mould in their kitchens. The team combined paint technology with the anti-microbial ingredients used in shampoo and skincare products. The belief being that ingredients considered safe enough to put on your face and skin would be safe enough for food preparation. A positive outcome at the bakery led to the formation of new company created specifically to develop the technology. A nine year research and development program delivered a series of groundbreaking patents and Byotrol, a totally revolutionary technology in the field of microbial control. Early use of the new technology has produced some outstanding results. In recent UK hospital tests Byotrol wipes led to a 50% improvement in the control of MRSA over existing products. In the food industry, Byotrol saved an Icelandic fish factory set for closure due to sanitation issues. It is the only product ever to have a 100% US Department of Agriculture pass rate for Salmonella testing in eggs. And recent use in a UK cheese factory proved Byotrol’s effectiveness in eradicating Listeria. To understand how Byotrol can achieve these game-changing results it’s important to understand that Byotrol works in a game-changing way. What is not widely recognised even by healthcare professionals, is that current technologies like bleach or biocides only work when wet, and that their performance is only achieved by full wet contact time (Typically 5 minutes) if that time is not reached... they do not work properly, once they are dry they stop working. Byotrol works wet and dry. Applied to any surface, it creates a microscopic barrier that’s invisible to the naked eye, can’t be felt by human hands, but is absolutely deadly to microbes. And it lasts for days on most hard surfaces. Yet this is only half the story. Though hostile to microbes, Byotrol is harmless to other living things. It’s so safe you could even drink it. That’s why it’s used in hospitals, food factories, on farms; environments with the highest standards of both anti-germ effectiveness and absolute safety. Byotrol completely re-writes the hygiene rulebook and our challenge now is to develop a range of applications to make the best use of this exceptional technology. We’ve started in hospitals and food factories where Byotrol delivers new levels of protection and care. We are working in Africa where food loss is a huge problem and Byotrol could prevent the loss of millions of tonnes of food every year. Byotrol could also be used to address some of the big global health challenges, where it’s gentle long lasting protection can help prevent the spread of HIV. Powerful, gentle and long lasting, Byotrol containing products will soon be available for use in our homes. We are working on a whole range of everyday products from baby wipes to skin sanitisers, from kitchen and bathroom products to wound care. All of which will benefit from Byotrol’s revolutionary, safe and effective long-term defence against germs and bacteria. The Byotrol revolution is just beginning. Our hope is that over the next ten years Byotrol will lead to profound hygiene improvements around the world, and a hygiene revolution similar in scale to that created by penicillin. The Science Behind Byotrol: Killing germs and other microbes is actually quite easy. It’s doing it safely and persistently that has never been done before. The old world. For the last 100 years cleaners like bleach, disinfectant and biocides have been the primary weapons in our battle against microbes. Based largely on pre-war technology these products all work on the same basic principle. They kill microbes by simply poisoning them or they destroy them with chemical burns. While effective at one level this approach does come at a price. The most immediate is that some products can be toxic or at worst poisonous, damaging and indiscriminate. The second issue is that these old technologies only work during the short time they are being used during cleaning. They stop as soon as they are dry which in some cases can be within 5 minutes of use. With no long lasting effect the field is clear for bacteria and other microbes to quickly recolonise. The staggeringly fast reproduction rates mean that the next day a single surviving bacteria can have up to 8 million descendants! The new world. Byotrol is a revolution. It works in a different way. Byotrol tackles the problem of microbes by getting down to their level, and using a more certain way of eliminating all the millions of different types of bugs by focusing on the one thing that is common to all micro-organisms…their size! Microbes are tiny; rather than using only a chemical action Byotrol uses surface tension; a mechanical force that affects tiny things in a big way. The result is a physical action that is devastating to the microbe’s invisible world, but almost undetectable at human scale. Byotrol’s force literally pulls the microbes apart ripping them open and utterly destroying them and because of the way it is created, it stays on surfaces for hours and days. The result; a microscopic barrier that’s invisible to the naked eye, can’t be felt by human hands, but is absolutely deadly to microbes. A technology that offers a lasting protection and reassurance hour, after hour, after hour. No other technology can do this. Byotrol is a series of patented technologies that involves a non-chemical combination (sequestration) to an inert polymer (the backbone) of a selection of chosen biocides or active agents. This combination creates a thermally and chemically stable species that exists as a colloidal micelle in aqueous solutions. Byotrol is not a new chemical or compound but a structured combination of existing and well-known ingredients combined together in a new way that makes them much more effective. This means it’s based on materials which are tried, trusted and have already received regulatory approval. The polymer is typically hydrophobic in nature and preferentially adheres (affixes) the Byotrol molecule to hard surfaces and organic materials. This adherent/hydrophobic quality also makes the biocides water resistant. All of this means the biocides remain in place and effective for longer. In turn this creates an incredibly hostile environment for microbes and a long-lasting residual anti microbial action. (It lasts for 7 days even on stainless steel and glass). The effect of this structure means Byotrol delivers significant multiplier effects on performance improvement to the biocides. Less does even more, as a result of the molecular Byotrol structure and longevity of action. This leads to considerable ecotox and toxilogical advantages. The Byotrol technology creates a structure that delivers both physical and chemical control of microbes. The physical force creates a stress on the microbes and is generated by a steep surface energy gradient created between the polymer and biocides. This action relies on harnessing surface tension which increases as size decreases, and so is highly effective at targeting the small size of micro-organisms, but is has no measurable effect on larger organisms. Byotrol also provides performance improvements in suspension tests (for example in water it is typically a hundred times more powerful (2 log improvement) than bleach. With regular use upon a surface the Byotrol structure establishes a monolayer that also has a dirt repellent “Stay clean” effect.