Inter-faith foundation slams Koran burning in America

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Release date: Friday 10th September 2010 RELEASE TIME: IMMEDIATE

Iman, the inter-faith dialogue organisation, says burning Koran is “needless, provocative and dangerous.” A leading inter-faith dialogue group, which campaigns for a greater understanding between faiths, has slammed plans for an organised burning of the Koran as Muslims around the world celebrate the end of the Eid festival. Florida pastor Terry Jones plans to burn the Koran with his small congregation on the anniversary of the 9/11 attack on America. He said in a statement that the burning was “in response to anti-American sentiment by some Muslims abroad.” Iman Chairman, Ribal al-Assad, said today that: “As Muslims around the world celebrate the end of Eid, and as we all remember the horror of the 9/11 attacks, faith groups should be coming together in recognition of shared values. “The planned Koran burning stunt is needless, provocative and dangerous. It will create nothing but division at a time when we should be focussing on what unites us. “Faith groups and religious leaders should be a force for good, not hatred.” ENDS For media enquires contact Christian May of Media Intelligence Partners on 07876708262 or 02030088147. Email Noted for Editors: IMAN is a non-partisan and not for profit organisation, which aims to promote dialogue to strengthen international understanding and co-existence through the exchange of ideas, people, culture and religion. Aims: To promote inter-religious and inter-cultural dialogue To promote intra-religious dialogue To challenge extremism and promote mainstream voices About Iman’s Chairman: Ribal Al-Assad is the Founder and Chairman of IMAN. He is extensively involved in promoting dialogue, understanding and relations between the Arab world and the West. Ribal, 35, was born in Syria and has lived in the West since being exiled from his country as a child. He brings fresh ideas and perspectives to promoting dialogue between civilisations and strengthening international understanding. Ribal is a regular speaker on inter-religious and inter-cultural platforms and regularly interacts with religious and cultural leaders, politicians, civil servants, academics, journalists, think tanks, cultural and religious groups all around the world. Ribal has a track record of promoting dialogue and relations between Muslims, Christians and Jews around the globe. Over the last few years he has successfully been involved in helping to tackle inter-religious and intra-religious conflict and violence in Lebanon. One of his notable achievements was to help facilitate a rapprochement between the Alawite and the Sunni Muslims in North Lebanon. Ribal is also Founder and Director of the Organisation for Democracy and Freedom in Syria and the Chairman of the Arab News Network (ANN) satellite television channel, which broadcasts throughout Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa and promotes democracy, freedom and peace in the Middle East.

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