Press Release: New survey reveals stark differences between Indian and Chinese entrepreneurs

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Indians do it for freedom – Chinese for money Ground-breaking new survey of Indian and Chinese entrepreneurs finds big differences in their reasons for starting a business. Indians are driven by the desire to be their own boss; Chinese by the lure of making money. Indians are spurred on by the example of their peers and family members; Chinese are inspired by the lead given by government agencies and schools and universities Stark differences between Indian and Chinese entrepreneurs are revealed by a new survey of some 4,000 business owners and managers in the two countries commissioned by the London-based global think-tank the Legatum Institute. Chinese self-starters cite knowledge gained at school as the most important factor behind their decision to set up a business. But the same people in India say they took the plunge after knowing another entrepreneur. The findings of the survey suggest that China shows signs of a successful public effort to bolster interest in entrepreneurship, while India’s entrepreneurial culture appears more organic and relational. “Nearly half of Chinese respondents cite pro-business actions or environments in universities, government communications and media as key factors in their decision to start a business. In India, by contrast, only 17 per cent say the same. One fifth of Indian respondents cite family expectations.” The role of the state and its agencies is reflected in the differing ways entrepreneurs go about raising the finance to start their firms. Indians are much more likely to raise the money from their families or their own savings. Chinese start-ups are most often financed by a bank loan. The survey also reveals great optimism in the two emerging economic superpowers with large numbers in both believing that within 20 years they will be the world’s greatest economic powerhouse. The Chinese are the most optimistic with 62 per cent of their entrepreneurs believing that their country will eclipse the USA by 2030. In India, the figure is 48 per cent. The Legatum Institute Survey of Entrepreneurs: China & India can be accessed at It was conducted by online pollsters YouGov on behalf of Legatum Institute. For media inquiries please contact Nick Wood of Media Intelligence Partners Ltd on 0203 008 8146 or 07889 617003 About the Legatum Institute The Legatum Institute ("LI") is an independent, non-partisan policy, advocacy and advisory organisation. The Institute's mission is to research and promote the principles that drive the creation of global prosperity and the expansion of human liberty and wellbeing. For more information about the Legatum Institute, please visit The Institute is part of the Legatum Group, a private global investment organization focused on investing in the international capital markets and the promotion of sustainable development. For more information about the Legatum Group, please visit ends

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