Press Release: Support the Iran Green Movement on Thursday 11th February

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Release Date: Wednesday 10 February 2010 Release Time: Immediate

Join the Legatum Institute in Promoting Freedom On Thursday 11 February, the 31st anniversary of the Iranian Revolution, the Legatum Institute will lead an initiative to promote freedom for the people of Iran. The Institute will transform its website ( to display the signature green colour of the Opposition Movement. Further to this initiative the Legatum Institute has commissioned a series of articles by guest writers on the themes of Democratic Institutions, Governance and Personal Freedom, which are shown by the Institute’s Prosperity Index to be the drivers of national prosperity and represent the core values of the Iranian Opposition. In addition, visitors to the Legatum Institute website can register their support for these principles by clicking a “Vote for a Free Iran” button, which can also be downloaded to their own web pages and social media sites. In the wake of last year’s questionable election result, millions of Iranians lined the streets to demonstrate against the regime of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and since then the Iranian Green Movement has peacefully campaigned for greater freedoms, human rights and the implementation of democratic institutions within their country. The Legatum Institute invites your help, support and partnership to promote political freedom, democratic governance and individual liberty for the people of Iran: 1) Partner with us – turn your website/blog/Facebook page/twitter account green for the day. 2) Join us – embed the following “vote for a free Iran” button into your blog/website/Facebook/LinkedIn page via this link. 3) Support us – spread the word. Ask colleagues and friends to visit and link to our guest writers’ commentary; use the voting button to record your support for a free Iran; and visit the Legatum Prosperity Index to share the principles of a more prosperous Iran ( Please show your true colours and support a freer, more secure, more prosperous Iran. For more information please contact The Legatum Institute is an independent, non-partisan organisation that researches and advocates an expansive understanding of global prosperity. Prosperity comprises both material wealth and well-being and includes factors such as liberty, opportunity, security and overall human flourishing. Follow us... Twitter: Twitter Hashtag: #li4Iran Facebook: Find us on Facebook here

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