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Scandinavian Clinical Nutrition AB (SCN) has signed a 20-year world-wide exclusivity agreement with the Norwegian company Life Capitol regarding a patent pending bio-marine substance with a strong antiviral effect. Research shows that the substance N5G, which is derived from sea cucumber, can have effect on viruses causing flu, common colds and virus related obesity. The substance has pharmaceutical potential, and will be developed in cooperation with e.g. Karolinska Institutet.

SCN has also started cooperating with American researchers specialized in obesity related to a virus called adenovirus 36 (AD36). AD36 interacts with the processes that cause fat cells to develop from precursors to mature fat cells, and may thereby contribute to a rapid development of obesity.

American animal experiments have shown that mice and monkeys infected with AD36 acquire four times as much body fat and abdominal fat as animals not infected by the virus. Other studies have shown that 30 per cent of humans diagnosed as obese have been infected by the virus, in comparison to 11 per cent of those with normal weight.

Inhibits and Blocks Virus Spread

The discovery of the patent pending bio-marine substance N5G, which can be found in a special kind of sea cucumber, was made in connection to aids related research. The substance is all-natural, and works by inhibiting several of the mechanisms which are necessary for a virus infection to develop.

“There is a great need for substances that can provide a broad protection and treatment within the whole area of virus related diseases. The American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has already given N5G a safety approval, a so-called GRAS (Generally Regarded as Safe)”, says Ulf Söderberg, CEO of SCN.

Sole Right to Obesity Treatment

The agreement with Life Capitol can give SCN a unique opportunity, since a patent in practice gives the company an exclusive right to treatment of obese patients infected by AD36.

“The safety approval and the patent also provide a good starting-point for future use of N5G as an ingredient in dietary supplements and functional food in the USA and the rest of the world. It is also not unlikely that the substance could be developed into a pharmaceutical”, says Ulf Söderberg.

SCN’s Norwegian contract partner Life Capitol has developed a method for producing N5G, and will secure both the supply of raw material and the production process in parallel to SCN’s scientific and commercial development of the product.

”We are now in a very intensive working phase. SCN’s strong focus on research, the cooperation with Karolinska Institutet and the fact that the company already is present on the American market were decisive arguments in the choice of SCN as our partner”, says Jan Remmereit, owner of Life Capitol.

More information:

Ulf Söderberg, CEO,, +46 708 13 22 81

Anders Struksnes, Business Strategy Manager,, +47 911 98 942

Dan Edwall, Director of Research,, +46 707 98 80 89


· Unpublished data.

· Pending US Patent (60/589,046). Published PCT (Worldwide) Patent (PCT/US99/31161)

· Atkinson RL, Dhurandhar NV, Allison DB et al. Human adenovirus-36 is associated with increased body weight and paradoxical reduction in serum lipids. International Journal of Obesity. 2005; 29: 281-6.

· Dhurandhar NV, Abbott DH, Atkinson RL et al. Human adenovirus Ad-36 promotes weight gain in male rhesus and marmoset monkeys. Journal of Nutrition. 2002; 132: 3155-60.

Scandinavian Clinical Nutrition AB (publ) works in R&D and sales of scientifically documented products within the field of nutrition (nutraceuticals). Established in 2006, SCN maintains a product portfolio with established trademarks, such as CUUR, Membraseven and Ledactin. Core competence and strategic alliances, within both R&D and sales, in combination

with innovative and scientifically documented products, create the right conditions for profitable growth both in Sweden and

in the company’s export markets. The SCN share is listed for trade on NGM Nordic MTF since December 6, 2006.

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