The Board of Scandinavian Clinical Nutrition AB (SCN) today decided to prolong the term for the offer to holders of convertible bonds in SCN to buy shares in Scandivir until April 24, 2009.
On May 12, 2008, an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) in SCN decided to issue convertible bonds. On March 31, 2009, an EGM decided to offer the holders of the bonds to transfer their bonds, and the rights attached, to SCN in return for shares in Scandivir AB.
The term of the offer was set to April 17, and as per today, subscription forms for a total amount of close to MSEK 19 (out of the total amount of about MSEK 24.7) have been submitted to Mangold Fondkommission AB. In order to ensure that all holders of bonds have received the necessary information and thereby are able to consider the offer, the Board of SCN today decided to prolong the term of the offer until April 24, 2009. All other terms and conditions remain the same.
The terms and conditions in summary can be found on the company’s website, www.scnutrition.com.
For more information, please contact:
Ulf Söderberg, CEO, us@scnutrition.com, +46 708 13 22 81
Jörn Erik Aas, Chairman of the Board, jea@scnutrition.com, +47 924 99 360
Scandinavian Clinical Nutrition i Sverige AB (publ)) works in R&D and distribution of clinically tested, scientifically documented products within the field of nutrition (nutraceuticals). Established in 2006, SCN maintains a product portfolio with established trademarks, such as CUUR, Coldizin, Immulina, Membra7 and Ledactin. Core competence and strategic alliances, within both R&D and sales, in combination with innovative and clinically proven products, create good conditions for profitable growth both in Sweden and internationally. The shares of SCN are traded under the ticker “SCN” on Oslo Axess (www.osloaxess.no) and NGM Equity (www.ngm.se).For more information, please visit www.scnutrition.com.