Mekonomen Group delivers spare parts by drone

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Spare-parts deliveries using drones are now a reality for Mekonomen Group. This new shipping method will facilitate more rapid deliveries, less environmental impact and cost savings. The method is particularly suitable in inaccessible areas where the difference between the road and the straight line distance is significant. The delivery is fully automatic and requires no control by a physical person.

In Mekonomen Group, the method of delivering spare parts from store to workshop is being tested using drones instead of delivery service vans. The aim is to increase the rate of deliveries for stores and provide workshops with the opportunity to order spare parts at short notice with a straight line delivery within a few minutes. The method also results in a reduction of environmental impact with reduced vehicle emissions. Driverless deliveries mean that employees will be able to focus on a higher degree of service to customers visiting the stores.

“The project started as a hobby by employees in the store and developed into a tool for rapid delivery of spare parts to a workshop customer in Värmdö, says Alexander Rantzow, Business Manager Värmdö. “We save a great deal of time being able to deliver the parts in a straight line instead of using winding roads. Drone deliveries will not yet replace deliveries by delivery service vans but in the long-term we recognise the potential for our sellers to spend more time with each customer or be available for our customers in the store when deliveries no longer require a driver.

The drone that is used for deliveries is a small pilotless helicopter, a so-called Quadcopter. The unit is started by pressing a button and the goods are then transported to the selected address automatically, without steering by a physical person. After the delivery, the drone returns to the starting point and lands itself without needing supervision. The sender can choose to monitor the delivery live via a mobile telephone that is connected to a web camera on the drone.

“Through innovation and development of our concept, we are able to offer the future to customers before they even request it. We will be the leading player in our industry and have the best offering for an easier carlife,” says Marcus Larsson, Executive Vice President, Mekonomen Group.

For further information, please contact:

Marcus Larsson, Vice President of Mekonomen Group, Tel: +46 (0)8-464 00 00