Now 5 Michelin starred and 5 Bib Gourmand restaurants

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The MenuCard restaurant program now comprises of more than 260 quality restaurants at a variety of price levels, including a strong representation amongst the Michelin starred restaurants in Denmark.

It is a key component of MenuCard’s business concept to continue and expand its offering of truly unique restaurant experiences to members on favourable terms. It was therefore with excitement that we followed today’s announcement of Michelin starred restaurants in the Nordics for the coming year.

MenuCard is pleased to see that all 5 (five) current Michelin starred Menucard partner restaurants in Denmark have maintained their Michelin star:  

  • Kong Hans Kælder,
  • Formel B,
  • Kokkeriet,
  • CLOU and
  • Substans.

In addition, MenuCard now has 5 (five) Bib Gourmand restaurants in Denmark, up from 1 last year. These are:

  • Marv & Ben,
  • Mêlèe,
  • Anarki,
  • L'altro and
  • Pondus.

For more information, please contact:

Kim Lykke Sommer
VD MenuCard AB
Phone: +45 23 83 20 25

About MenuCard
: MenuCard is an app based service that appeals to companies and their employees. Using the app allows employees to navigate everything, from getting their first inspiration, to booking the table, and paying via their cell phone; including getting a 10-30% discount. A receipt can be sent directly to the company which they can use for their expense system. MenuCard has agreements with over 100 companies that represent over 200,000 employees and are connected to over 260 quality restaurants. MenuCard takes a transaction fee which is based on how much the individual restaurant guest spends per visit. The payment system is approved by the Danish Financial authorities, Finanstilsynet which is equivalent to the Swedish Finansinspektionen. For further information, please see

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