Metro fundraising

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NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE UNITED STATES METRO FUNDRAISING Metro International S.A. ("Metro"), the international newspaper group, today announced that it has issued subordinated convertible notes to one of its major shareholders, Modern Times Group MTG AB. The principal amount of the convertible notes is US$ 20 million and the notes have a five year yield to maturity in 2007. The notes are convertible into Metro International S.A. B shares at a price of US$ 2.01 (SEK 20.50) per share, representing a 22% premium to the closing price of the B Share at US$ 1.64 (SEK 16.8) on the Stockholmsbörsen on Monday 13 May 2002. The convertible notes have an annual coupon of 6.25% and are issued and redeemed at 100% (par value). The terms of the convertible notes have been based on an independent fair market valuation. Metro International S.A.'s existing shareholders will be offered the opportunity to subscribe to an offering of convertible notes on the same terms as MTG and in proportion to their existing shareholdings. The record date for shareholders to be eligible to participate in the offering is Monday 13 May 2002. The funds raised from the issue of convertible notes will be invested in Metro's existing operations. THESE MATERIALS ARE NOT AN OFFER FOR SALE OF THE NOTES IN THE UNITED STATES. THE NOTES MAY NOT BE SOLD IN THE UNITED STATES ABSENT REGISTRATION OR AN EXEMPTION FROM REGISTRATION UNDER THE U.S. SECURITIES ACT OF 1933, AS AMENDED. METRO INTERNATIONAL S.A. INTENDS TO REGISTER THE OFFERING OF NOTES TO THE EXISTING SHAREHOLDERS IN THE UNITED STATES AND TO CONDUCT A PUBLIC RIGHTS OFFERING OF NOTES IN THE UNITED STATES. THE PUBLIC RIGHTS OFFERING WILL BE MADE PURSUANT TO A PROSPECTUS THAT WILL BE OBTAINABLE FROM METRO INTERNATIONAL S.A. AND WILL CONTAIN DETAILED INFORMATION ABOUT METRO INTERNATIONAL AND ITS MANAGEMENT, AS WELL AS FINANCIAL STATEMENTS. For further information, please visit, email or contact: Pelle Törnberg, President & CEO tel: +44 (0) 20 7408 0230 Matthew Hooper, Investor & Press Relations tel: +44 (0) 20 7321 5010 Metro is the world's largest free newspaper, publishing and distributing 23 editions in 15 countries in 13 languages: Stockholm (Metro), Prague (Metro), Gothenburg (Metro), Hungary (Metro), the Netherlands (Metro), Helsinki (Metro), Malmö (Metro), Santiago (Publimetro), Philadelphia (Metro), Toronto (Metro Today), Rome (Metro), Milan (Metro), Warsaw (Metropol), Athens (Metrorama), Montreal (Metro), Barcelona (Metro Directe), Boston (Metro), Madrid (Metro Directo), Copenhagen (MetroXpress), Paris (Metro), Marseille (Metro), Lyon (Metro) and Hong Kong (Metropolis Daily). Metro International S.A. 'A' and 'B' shares are listed on NASDAQ and on the Stockholmsbörsen under the symbols MTROA and MTROB. ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker The following files are available for download: