Brand protection offering

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Brand protection offering

Press release 16.11.2005


Already in 1998, the International Chamber of Commerce estimated that
approximately 5-7% of world trade is counterfeited or otherwise illegal
products, a market worth of $350 billion. Since 1998, the figures have soared
at double figure percentages per annum. And the losses due to counterfeiting
are not only financial. Especially with beautycare and healthcare products, the
low-quality or even harmful or toxic fake products pose a real danger to public
health and safety, and may deteriorate brand image and reputation of the
uninformed consumers. 

Means to fight counterfeiting

In fact there are multiple approaches a brand owner can take in the fight
against counterfeiting. The brand owner can take the direct approach and use
dedicated task force to canvass the suspected market areas, and raid and stop
the operation sites of counterfeiters. In addition, the brand owner can support
new legislation (e.g. laws against offences to IPR), and through co-operation
with enforcement organisations (e.g. customs) offer information and means to
identify the products at the borders. The brand owner can also influence and
educate the general public to identify the fake products and the risks they
entail. However the technology to identify the real products from the fakes is
a crucial tool to all of these approaches. M-real has multiple high quality
technologies to upraise the level of security of paperboard substrates and
carton packages. 

The most effective solutions are typically multilayered and thus have several
security levels, functions and target groups of authentication. The solutions
can be categorized as visual (overt), invisible (covert) and forensic
technologies. They can be targeted for the consumers, retailers and
shopkeepers, wholesale dealers, customs officers, and most importantly for the
brand owner detection. Various technologies may offer different functions, such
as plain authentication (yes/no), variable authentication (different
combinations), track & trace (supply chain authentication) or even tamper
evidence. No technology is alone secure, and the solutions always have a
definite, limited lifetime. Therefore it is critical to understand the target.
The M-real brand protection offering consists of overt, covert and track &
trace technologies to match broad range of protection needs. 

Role of carton

The technologies can be implemented to various parts of the total product:
secondary packaging (e.g. carton), primary packaging (e.g. glass bottles),
labels on the both before mentioned, and even to the actual product itself. In
most of the cases, the suspected items must be rapidly identified on the site
to apprehend the criminals. It is often more than adequate to use carton
package as the authentication tool. In addition, non-destructive methods are
favoured and typically the carton package does not even have to be opened for

M-real Offering

Customer commitment and end-use orientation have been the most important
drivers to select brand protection solutions as one of the targeted application
areas for M-real Consumer Packaging business. The work has been carried out
already for some years for example at the M-real Technology Centres. The
continuous work has resulted extensive competence in the area and a broad
pipeline of security solutions. The output of the development pipeline - M-real
brand protection offering - includes today of three exclusive technologies:
Stars, Decolux and Origo. 

The Stars product is a security board substrate with integrated multicoloured
UV-fluorescent features. The product is targeted for covert authentication. The
security is embedded to the material in the board production, thus it is very
hard to imitate by printing. The UV-fluorescent chemical is FDA and BFR
approved, thus the Stars product can be used in various end-uses, such as
beautycare, healthcare and cigarettes. The material is delivered through global
supply chain of M-real. 

The Decolux product is a new, foil-free hologram, which can be produced by
embossing directly to a varnish layer. The innovation enables overt security
features in addition to the decorative image. It also enables new design
possibilities of holograms, as well as more economic process workflow. 

The Origo is a printed RFID system for authentication and track & trace of
product. It is capable to store up to 96 bits of information. The memory
element is produced with flexo or inkjet printing method and with conductive
polymer inks. Inkjet printing can even enable item level tracking of products.
The memory element can be integrated to the carton structure, thus it is highly
secure and cannot be tampered with. 

In addition to the exclusive technologies, M-real has collected a databank
including over 200 technologies available at the markets. The databank is a
good source of information for development total brand protection solutions
consisting of combinations of M-real exclusive solutions and other available

For more information

Luc van Gestel, Vice President, Design & Print Management, M-real Corporation,
mobile +32 (0) 475 23 43 62, e-mail 

Riikka Joukio, Vice President, Marketing, M-real Corporation, tel. +358 (0)
1046 95295, mobile +358 50 5987 819, e-mail 

Information on M-real Corporation

M-real Corporation, headquartered in Finland and employing some 16,000 people,
is a European paper and paperboard company, providing premium solutions for
consumer packaging, communications and advertising end-uses. Through its
worldwide sales network, M-real serves its customers who mostly comprise
publishers, printers, paper merchants, offices and well-known consumer product
companies and carton printers. 

M-real is listed on the Helsinki Stock Exchange. Its turnover in 2004 was EUR
5.5 billion. 
