CEO Mikko Helander is taking part in the shareholding system of Metsäliitto Group's Executive Management

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M-real Corporation Stock Exchange Release on 10 August 2010 at 10.05
CEO Mikko Helander is taking part in the shareholding system of Metsäliitto
Group's Executive Management 

Metsäliitto Cooperative has today announced the new ownership system of members
of Metsäliitto Group's Executive Management, the purpose of which is to
encourage members of Metsäliitto Group's Executive Management to acquire and
own M-real's shares and, through this, to increase Metsäliitto Group's
shareholder value over the long term and to support the achievement of
strategic targets. Through the system, the management of Metsäliitto Group
personally invest a considerable amount of their own funds in M-real's B series

Mikko Helander, CEO of M-real Corporation, takes part in the ownership system
of Metsäliitto Group's Executive Management. For Helander's part, the new
system replaces the company's earlier share bonus system under which the other
members of M-real Corporation's management team continue. Helander is not
entitled to the potential share bonus for the 2010 financial period under the
old system. 

Helander invests about EUR 500,000 of his own capital in the holding company.
The holding company purchases M-real's B series shares using its own capital
and debt capital. Shares will be purchased for Helander for the worth of about
EUR 2.5 million. CEO Helander is tied to the holding company and, through that,
to indirect ownership of M-real's shares until the end of 2013 on a preliminary

Further information:
Kari Jordan, Chairman of the Board of Directors, tel. +358 10 465 5200
