D&AD Yellow Pencil Award awarded for M-real Galerie Papers customer magazine

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D&AD Yellow Pencil Award awarded for M-real Galerie Papers customer magazine

Press release 30.5.2006

The ‘Success' issue in M-real's series of themed customer magazines has won a
Yellow Pencil at the 2006 D&AD Awards.  John Brown Citrus Publishing won the
prestigious award in the ‘complete magazines' category, in recognition of the
magazine's creative design. 

The D&AD Awards is recognised as the most prestigious ceremony in the global
creative industry. The judging panel included 309 judges from 28 countries, and
the awards ceremony took place on May 25 in London. Yellow Pencils were also
won by leading magazines Grazia and Marmalade as well as Sony and Virgin Mobile
for their creative advertising campaigns. 

Jeremy Leslie, creative director for ‘Success' at John Brown Citrus Publishing
comments: "These awards are the design and advertising industry's Oscars.  It's
a very special thing to win, given only for outstanding achievement, and it's
very rare, if not unprecedented, for a customer magazine to be awarded." 

Marjo Halonen, Vice President of Marketing Communications at M-real Publishing
adds: "M-real gave John Brown Citrus Publishing and Jeremy Leslie a very open
brief from a creative perspective, based on the different themes provided for
each issue.  Jeremy's design skills have helped us to portray our messages and
themes in a bold and interesting way, and this has helped the magazine achieve
a distinctive profile and wide readership among its target audience." 

D&AD is a non-profit organisation that represents the international design,
advertising and creative communities.  D&AD sets industry standards, educates
and inspires the next generation and promotes the importance of creativity,
innovation and ideas within the business community. 
M-real Galerie Papers magazine has been created for magazine publishers,
printers and brand owners using Galerie Papers in their print communications.
The magazine is published biannually and the print run is 30,000 copies. The
magazine is distributed to customers and collaboration partners in over 50
Each issue takes on a different theme of relevance to M-real Publishing's
customers, such as 'colour', 'words', 'design' and 'success', and this is
reflected in the content and design of the magazine from cover to cover. 
M-real contributes content to each issue of the magazine, providing readers
with insights into its research into areas such as reader perceptions and
colour management. The latest issue was published at the end of April, themed
'the Future'. 
Since its launch in 2000, M-real Galerie Papers Magazine has been awarded with
six publishing awards in recognition of its groundbreaking, non-traditional
approach, including the award for 'Best Design' in customer magazines at the
Association of Publishing Agencies (APA) 2005 annual awards and D&AD Yellow
Pencil in 2006. 
Further information: 
Marjo Halonen, VP Marketing Communications, M-real Publishing
Tel: +358 10 469 462
Email: marjo.halonen@m-real.com
