Emissions from M-real decreased by 8 percent

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Emissions from M-real decreased by 8 percent

Total emissions from the M-real group decreased during 2002 by 8% per tonne of
produced paper and pulp. 

During 2002 M-real's total production of paper and pulp increased by 7.9% but
the emissions in absolute terms of green gas emissions, acidifying emissions
and eutrofying emissions decreased by 2.1 to 5.4%. The Total emissions
decreased slightly in absolute terms, but taking the increase of production
into account a decrease by nearly 8% per tonne was reached. 

The strongest decreases per tonne of production are sulphur dioxide (-15%) and
solid waste landfilled (-26%). 

M-real's energy consumption per tonne produced paper and board has decreased by
4 % and more than half of the energy needed is produced internally. 

The share of certified wood raw material delivered to M-real mills was 61%. In
Russia and the Baltic countries, 164 audits of logging operations have been
conducted to ensure that logging procedures comply with wood procurement
environmental policy. 

The total operative environmental costs amounted to EUR 66 million. The total
environmental investment in 2002 amounted to EUR 15 million. 

All figures and facts above are taken from M-real's Environmental Report 2002,
which can be found under Publications in the Environmental section. 
For further information, please contact:

Armi Temmes
Vice President, Environmental affairs
telephone +358 1046 94140.
