M-real announces new services for publishers & printers at Drupa

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Press release 4.6.2008

M-real Graphic Papers today (4 June 2008) announces a fuller and more
comprehensive service that provides expert advice to publishers and printers on
improving quality, efficiency and consistency. The Galerie Print Performance
Services Team will cover all stages of the production process, with particular
emphasis on colour management and printing efficiency. 

Gregory Gettinger, Executive Vice President, M-real Graphic Papers, said: “Our
customers are faced with a very challenging market, and we hope to help them
prove the competitiveness of printed media through high quality, appealing
appearance and correct colour reproduction.  There is also significant
potential for increasing cost efficiency.  To provide two examples from a
Printing Efficiency Service project conducted in Finland: a 2% improvement in
run time on a 16-page press, for example, can generate €35,000 annual savings. 
Moreover, a 2% reduction in waste from a 16-page press results in €50,000
annual savings.  Ultimately, these kinds of savings can add up to remarkable
cost reductions.” 

M-real's Colour Management Service combines a unique set of software, tools and
specialist consultancy skills that will help customers bring full control over
colour reproduction.  It spans the entire production process, ensuring colours
and images are reproduced consistently.  The aim is standardised workflow and
fewer mistakes, simplified and more realistic proofing, and greater printing
efficiency through faster make-ready and decreased quality waste.  M-real's
experts have already conducted 50 colour management evaluations for customers
worldwide over the last year. 

One example is a project undertaken by M-real for Litografia Rosés, one of
Spain's leading printers in the publishing sector, helping build their colour
management system and obtain ISO profile certification.  M-real provided
analysis of proofs and printed samples, colour management training to sales and
production people, recommendations for Galerie ISO profiles, and advice on
quality consistency.  “We thought it unusual to find a paper supplier that was
interested in colour management issues,” said Francesc Farres, Prepress & I+D
Director, Litografia Rosés, “but we were impressed with the support M-real
provided and we will continue our future collaboration with them as a key

The Printing Efficiency Service evaluates the printing process, identifies
targets for improvement, and can result in notable cost savings and efficiency
gains.  Evaluation uses sensitivity analysis techniques, tailor-made software
and specific measurement tools.  The service covers press, postpress (binding
and stitching), production planning, and working practices and processes. 

The service team also benefits from cross industry collaboration with other
leading players in the graphics market, such as ink and paper machine
manufacturers.  These groups are working together to find solutions to printing
problems and increase joint understanding.  A recent example is the
Troubleshooting Guide, produced jointly with Sun Chemicals. 

These new services form part of M-real's Galerie Customer Program, announced
November 2007,  introducing a simpler choice of products, faster availability,
optimised paper quality and consistency, and improved print performance

Link to photos:

For further information please contact:

Marjo Halonen
Vice President, Marketing Communications, M-real Graphic Papers
Mobile: +358 50 5987 046
Email: marjo.halonen@m-real.com

Lasse Lerche
AVP, Techical Services, M-real Graphic Papers      
Mobile: +358 50 381 93 15
Email: lasse.lerche@m-real.com 

