M-real has received the EUR 190 million cash payment from Sappi

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M-real Corporation Stock Exchange Release 27 August 2009 at 3.15 pm

M-real has received the EUR 190 million cash payment from Sappi

M-real Corporation, a part of Metsäliitto Group, divested its Graphic
Papers business to Sappi Limited at the end of 2008 for EUR 750
million. EUR 220 million of the transaction consideration was paid in
the form of four-year interest-bearing vendor notes.

On 17 August 2009 M-real announced that M-real and Sappi had agreed
on the early repayment of the entire vendor notes for the price of
86.5 percent of their nominal value. Repayment was to occur no later
than 30 September 2009 and was subject to completion of Sappi's
refinancing transaction.

Repayment by Sappi occurred today, 27August 2009.

This early repayment results in an approximately EUR 30 million
non-recurring loss booked in M-real's 3Q 2009 result.
For more information:
Matti Mörsky, CFO, tel. +358 10 465 4913
Juha Laine, Vice President, Investor Relations and Communications,
tel. +358 10 465 4335
