M-real increases folding boxboard prices in Europe by EUR 70 per tonne

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M-real Corporation Press release 15 October 2009 at 09:00

M-real has increased its folding boxboard prices by EUR 70 per tonne in Europe.
The increase is made to cover the severe cost inflation experienced in previous
years and to compensate the rising pulp price. The increase will be effective
for deliveries ex mill and ex stock from 1 December 2009, and will be valid
until further notice. 

“We have brought additional customer benefits by new product innovations like
the LITE4U concept. Through this price increase we secure our ability to
support our customers' success also in the future,” says Mika Joukio, Head of
Consumer Packaging. 

The main drivers for M-real's profit improvement have been internal cost
savings and efficiency improvements complemented by the price increases. 

For further information please contact Consumer Packaging:

Mika Joukio, Head of M-real Consumer Packaging
Mobile: +358 50 516 9024
E-mail: mika.joukio@m-real.com

Juha Yrjönen, Senior Vice President, Sales & Business Development
Mobile: +358 50 373 1500
E-mail: juha.yrjonen@m-real.com
