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M-real Corporation Stock Exchange Bulletin 15.12.2006


M-real Corporation’s reorganised management team will take up their
responsibilities from 1 January 2007. The aim is to continue
downsizing the head office top management positions following
decisions already made, and as a consequence of the ongoing
integration process of M-real’s and Metsäliitto Group’s support
functions. Management practices and overlapping functions will be
streamlined, and costs cut.

On 18 October, M-real announced its new restructuring programme and
appointed its new CEO, Mikko Helander. Since then he has evaluated
the company’s future priorities and has formed a new management team
best suited to execute the restructuring programme, and steer and
develop the company to achieve its set targets.

As Mikko Helander points out: “In addition to the restructuring
programme, M-real needs thorough re-engineering from top to bottom.
The only fair way to initiate the process is to start from the top
management and then proceed step-by-step through the whole company.”

M-real’s new management team as of 1 January 2007
Mikko Helander, CEO
Seppo Parvi, CFO and Deputy to the CEO
Seppo Puotinen, Head of Office Papers Business Area
Gregory Gettinger, Head of Publishing Business Area
Mika Joukio, Head of Consumer Packaging Business Area
Jarmo Salonen, Head of Commercial Printing Business Area
Karl-Johan Lindborg, Head of Map Merchant Group
Matti Mörsky, Head of Business Development

“I firmly believe that this team can efficiently execute the
restructuring programme and lay solid foundations on which to reform
the company’s way of operating so it can meet the demands set by
today’s permanently changed business environment. While excellent
work has been done to reduce costs, global changes in the paper
industry call for profound re-engineering in our sales processes,
supply chain and mill management,” he concludes.

The re-engineering programme to improve efficiency and significantly
cut costs has already begun by reorganising M-real’s top management
and head office support functions.

As announced earlier, Aarre Metsävirta, Deputy CEO, will retire in
spring 2007. Until then he will act as Senior Advisor to the CEO. As
announced on 18 October, the integration project of M-real’s and
Metsäliitto Group’s support functions and administration has been
initiated. As HR will be part of this project, Ari Himma will step
down from M-real’s management team.


Further information:
Mikko Helander, CEO, +358 10 469 4300 and Anne-Mari Achrén,
Communications, +358 10 469 4541
