M-real's operating result excluding non-recurring items EUR -18 million for the first half of the year

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M-real Corporation Stock Exchange Release July 23, 2008

Result for the first six months of 2008

* Sales EUR 2,164 million (Q1-Q2/2007: 2,253)
* Operating result excluding non-recurring items EUR -18 million
  (18). Operating result including non-recurring items EUR 75 million
* Result before taxes excluding non-recurring items EUR -93 million
  (-52). Result before taxes including non-recurring items EUR 0
  million (11)

Result for the second quarter of 2008

* Sales EUR 1,065 million (Q1/2008: 1,099)
* Operating result excluding non-recurring items EUR -21 million (3).
  Operating result including non-recurring items EUR 51 million (24)
* Result before taxes excluding non-recurring items EUR -56 million
  (-37). Result before taxes including non-recurring items EUR 16
  million (-16)

Events during the second quarter

* As a part of the EUR 200 million divestment programme announced in
  February 2008, M-real sold 100,000 Pohjolan Voima B2 shares to
  Kymppivoima for EUR 80 million and fair valued its ownership in
  Pohjolan Voima.
* M-real raised the target of the profit improvement programme
  announced in November 2007 from EUR 100 million to EUR 150 million
  per year."We have found new profit improvements mainly through simplifying
business concepts, which made it possible to raise the target of the
profit improvement programme in May. We will still launch new profit
improvement actions later in the year to cover as much of the heavy
cost inflation as possible. Our divestment programme is seeing good
progress, and we believe in our possibility to exceed the EUR 200
million target by the end of the first quarter of 2009. There is a
definite need to increase the prices for all paper and paperboard
products, and we will do everything we can to achieve the necessary

Mikko Helander, CEO, M-real Corporation

                             2008  2008    2007    2008    2007  2007
                               Q2    Q1      Q2   Q1-Q2   Q1-Q2
Sales, EUR million          1,065 1,099   1,096   2,164   2,253 4,440
EBITDA, EUR million           126   102      66     228     258   444
  excl. non-recurring
items, EUR million             54    81      77     135     177   366
Operating result, EUR
million                        51    24     -15      75      81  -120
  excl. non-recurring
items, EUR million            -21     3      -2     -18      18    49
Result before taxes
  from continuing
operations, EUR million        16   -16     -44       0      11  -273
  excl. non-recurring
items, EUR million            -56   -37     -31     -93     -52  -104
Result for the period
  from continuing
operations, EUR million        17   -18     -48      -1       4  -250
  from discontinued
operations, EUR million       -25    -1      -1     -26       1    55
  Total, EUR million           -8   -19     -49     -27       5  -195
Result per share
  from continuing
operations, EUR              0.05 -0.06   -0.15   -0.01    0.01 -0.76
  from discontinued
operations, EUR             -0.08  0.00    0.00   -0.08    0.00  0.17
  Total, EUR                -0.03 -0.06   -0.15   -0.09    0.01 -0.59
Result per share excl.
  non-recurring items, EUR  -0.18 -0.12   -0.12   -0.30   -0.22 -0.32
Return on equity, %          -0.3  -3.8   -10.2    -0.1    -0.6 -12.5
  excl. non-recurring
items, %                     -3.0  -8.2    -2.2   -10.0    -7.7  -5.3
Return on capital employed,
%                             5.3   2.7    -1.1     4.0     4.1  -2.5
  excl. non-recurring
items, %                     -1.8   0.7     0.1    -0.5     1.3   1.4
Equity ratio at end of
period, %                    36.5  35.0    34.5    36.5    34.5  34.4
Gearing ratio at end of
period, %                     112   120     119     112     119   124
Net gearing ratio at end of
period, %                     100   100     107     100     107    99
Interest-bearing net
liabilities                 1,888 1,892   2,192   1,888   2,192 1,867
Gross investments, EUR
million                        30    21      62      51     112   259
Paper deliveries, 1,000
tonnes                        911   986     965   1,897   1,994 3,949
Paperboard deliveries,
1,000 tonnes                  309   298     313     607     615 1,203
Personnel at end of period  9,357 9,122  13,302   9,357  13,302 9,508
EBITDA = Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and

The table includes Pohjolan Voima shares at fair value, which was
approximately EUR 380 million on 30 June, 2008.

Result April-June compared with the previous quarter

M-real's sales totalled EUR 1,065 million (Q1/08: 1,099). Comparable
sales were down 3.1 per cent. The operating result was EUR 51 million
(24), and the operating result excluding non-recurring items was EUR
-21 million (3). A net total of EUR 72 million was recognised as
non-recurring items in the operating result for April-June. The total
consisted of the following items:

* EUR 74 million in Other operations as realised fair value and gain
  from the sale of Pohjolan Voima shares
* EUR 2 million cost provision in Other Operations related to the
  sales network restructuring programme.

In addition to items recognised in the operating result, a EUR 25
million reduction of the gain on the sale of the Map Merchant Group
in 2007 was booked for Discontinued operations. The finalisation of
the transaction will have a EUR 9 million positive cash effect in the
third quarter of 2008.

The non-recurring items for the previous quarter totalled EUR 21
million net. The total consisted of the following items:

* EUR 24 million positive effect on the result of the Graphic Papers
  business area related to the sale of the New Thames mill and the
  agreement of the pension liabilities of industrial operations in
  the UK, and other liabilities related to the closure of the
  Sittingbourne mill
* EUR 2 million cost provision in the Graphic Papers business area to
  complete the closure of the Kangas paper machine 2 producing coated
  magazine paper
* EUR 1 million cost provision in the Consumer Packaging business
  area to complete the closure of the Lielahti BCTMP mill.

The result was weakened by lower delivery volume, annual maintenance
shutdowns, the stronger euro compared with the US dollar and British
pound, and the production curtailments at Metsä-Botnia's mills in
Finland. Result improved due to higher delivery volumes at
Metsä-Botnia's pulp mill in Uruguay, implemented cost saving actions
and achieved price increases.

The total paper delivery volume in April-June was 911,000 tonnes
(986,000). Production was curtailed by 98,000 tonnes in line with
demand (29,000). Paperboard deliveries amounted to 309,000 tonnes
(298,000) and production curtailments were 17,000 tonnes (1,000).

Financial income and expenses totalled EUR -34 million (-40). Foreign
exchange gains and losses from accounts receivables, accounts
payable, financial income and expenses and valuation of currency
hedging were EUR -1 million (0). Net interest and other financial
expenses amounted to EUR -33 million (-40). Other financial expenses
include EUR 7 million of valuation gains on interest rate derivatives
(valuation loss: 3).

In April-June, the result from continuing operations before taxes was
EUR 16 million (-16). The result from continuing operations before
taxes, excluding non-recurring items, totalled EUR -56 million (-37).
Income taxes, including the change in deferred tax liabilities, came
to EUR 1 million (-2).

Earnings per share were EUR -0.03 (-0.06). Excluding non-recurring
items, earnings per share from continuing operations were EUR -0.18
(-0.12). Return on equity was -0.3 per cent (-3.8), excluding
non-recurring items EUR -3.0 (-8.2). The return on capital employed
was 5.3 per cent (2.7); excluding non-recurring items, -1.8 per cent

Result for January-June compared with the corresponding period last

M-real's sales totalled EUR 2,164 million (Q1-Q2/07: 2,253).
Comparable sales were down 2.0 per cent. The operating result was EUR
75 million (81), and the operating result excluding non-recurring
items was EUR -18 million (18).

The net total of non-recurring items for January-June was EUR 93
million, the most significant being:

* EUR 74 million in Other operations as realised fair value and gain
  from the sale of Pohjolan Voima shares.
* EUR 24 million positive effect on the result of the Graphic Papers
  business area related to the sale of the New Thames mill and the
  agreement of the pension liabilities of industrial operations in
  the UK, and other liabilities related to the closure of the
  Sittingbourne mill.

Non-recurring items in January-June 2007 totalled EUR 63 million, the
most significant being:

* EUR 135 million capital gain on the sale of Metsä-Botnia shares
* EUR 14 million cost provision for completing the closure of the
  Sittingbourne mill
* EUR 29 million cost provision for finalising the closure of the
  Wifsta mill
* EUR 16 million impairment loss from the valuation of assets held
  for sale at the expected selling price in compliance with IFRS 5
* EUR 11 million cost provision and asset write-down related to the
  profit improvement programme of operations in Finland.

Compared with the previous year, the operating result excluding
non-recurring items was weakened by increased wood raw material and
energy costs, the stronger euro compared with the US dollar and
British pound, and the production curtailments at Metsä-Botnia's
mills in Finland. The result was improved by implemented cost saving
actions and price increases as well as the start up of the
Metsä-Botnia's Uruguay pulp mill in November 2007.

The total paper delivery volume was 1,897,000 tonnes in January-June
(1,994,000). Production was curtailed by 127,000 tonnes (91,000) in
line with demand. Paperboard deliveries amounted to 607,000 tonnes
(615,000) and production curtailments were 18,000 tonnes (48,000).

Financial income and expenses over the period totalled EUR -74
million (-69). Foreign exchange gains and losses from accounts
receivables, accounts payable, financial income and expenses and the
valuation of currency hedging were EUR -1 million (-3). Net interest
and other financial expenses amounted to EUR -73 million (-66). Other
financial expenses include EUR 4 million of valuation gains on
interest rate derivatives (6).

The result from continuing operations before taxes was EUR 0 million
(11). The result from continuing operations before taxes, excluding
non-recurring items, totalled EUR -93 million (-52). Income taxes,
including the change in deferred tax liabilities, were EUR -1 million

Earnings per share were EUR -0.09 (0.01). Earnings per share from
continuing operations excluding non-recurring items were EUR -0.30
(-0.22). Return on equity was -0.1 per cent (-0.6), and -10.0 per
cent (-7.7) excluding non-recurring items. Return on capital employed
was 4.0 per cent (4.1); excluding non-recurring items -0.5 per cent


The number of personnel was 9,357 on 30 June 2008 (31 December 2007:
9,508), of which 3,639 worked in Finland (3,994). In January-June
2008, M-real employed an average of 9,260 people (Q1-Q2/07: 13,610).
These numbers include 30 per cent of Metsä-Botnia's personnel.


Gross investments in January-June totalled EUR 51 million (Q1-Q2/07:
112), including a EUR 13 million share of Metsä-Botnia's investments
(72). Metsä-Botnia's investment share is based on the 30 per cent
share of ownership.

Structural change

M-real's profit improvement and complexity reduction programme
launched in November 2007 has proceeded according to the targets. As
part of the programme, the Lielahti BCTMP mill and coated magazine
paper machine 2 of the Kangas mill were closed in early 2008. The
Publishing and Commercial Printing business areas were combined under
the Graphic Papers business area. At the same time, projects were
launched to simplify the coated magazine paper business operations
and to streamline the sales and marketing organisation. As part of
the programme, M-real also announced its readiness to implement other
actions, such as capacity cuts, should changes in the operating
environment so require. In May 2008, the total annual profit
improvement target was raised from the original EUR 100 million to
EUR 150 million. The full impact on result will be achieved by the
end of 2010.

In February 2008, M-real published a target of a minimum of
EUR 200 million from asset divestments, which should be achieved by
the end of the first quarter of 2009. EUR 162 million has been
currently realised within this divestment programme, including the
sale of the New Thames mill and the 100,000 Pohjolan Voima B2 shares.
The positive cash effect of the New Thames mill sale including the
pension liabilities of the industrial operations in the UK was
approximately EUR 82 million. A profit of approximately
EUR 24 million was booked from the transaction. The positive cash
effect from the sale of 100,000 Pohjolan Voima B2 shares was
EUR 80 million and the non-recurring profit EUR 74 million. Other
assets to be included in the divestment programme will be announced
at a later date.

As announced on 13 June 2008, the sale of the Reflex mill to
Arjowiggins was cancelled. The European Commission granted a
conditional approval for the sale, but the conditions made the
transaction impossible to carry out in practice.


At the end of June, M-real's equity ratio was 36.5 per cent (31
December 2007: 34.4) and the net gearing ratio 100 per cent (99).
Some of M-real's financing agreements set a 120 per cent limit on the
company's net gearing ratio and a 30 per cent limit on the equity
ratio. Calculated as defined in the loan agreements, the net gearing
ratio at the end of June was approximately 86 per cent (86) and the
equity ratio some 42 per cent (40).

Interest-bearing net liabilities totalled EUR 1,888 million at the
end of June (1,867). Foreign-currency-denominated loans accounted for
11 per cent, 93 per cent were floating-rate and the rest were
fixed-rate. At the end of June, the average interest rate on loans
was 7.5 per cent and the average maturity of long-term loans 3.2
years. The interest rate maturity of loans was 4.3 months at the end
of June. During the period, the interest rate maturity has varied
between 4 and 6 months.

In January-June, cash flow from operations amounted to EUR 39 million
(Q1-Q2/2007: 132). Working capital was up by EUR 60 million (18).

At the end of the report period, an average of 5.5 months of the net
foreign currency exposure was hedged. The level of hedging varied
between 5 and 6 months during the period. Approximately 99 per cent
of non-euro-denominated equity was hedged at the end of the review

Liquidity is at a good level. Liquidity at the end of the period was
EUR 926 million, of which EUR 853 million consisted of committed
long-term credit facilities and EUR 73 million of liquid assets and
investments. In addition, to meet its short-term financing needs, the
company had at its disposal non-binding domestic and foreign
commercial paper programmes and credit facilities amounting to about
EUR 500 million.


In January-June, the highest price of M-real's B shares on the OMX
Nordic Exchange Helsinki was EUR 3.28, the lowest EUR 1.27, and the
average price EUR 2.08. At the end of June, the price of the B shares
was EUR 1.33.

The trading volume of B shares was EUR 600 million, or 100 per cent
of the share capital. The market value of the A and B shares totalled
EUR 454 million at the end of June.

At the end of June Metsäliitto Cooperative owned 38.6 per cent of
M-real Corporation's shares, and the voting rights conferred by these
shares was 60.5 per cent. International investors' holdings decreased
to 26 per cent.

On 9 January 2008, Norges Bank's (Central Bank of Norway) holding in
M-real increased to 5.3 per cent of the share capital and 1.7 per
cent of the voting rights.

On 2 May 2008, Hermes Focus Asset Management Europe Ltd's holding in
M-real decreased to 4.9 per cent of the share capital and 2.3 per
cent of the voting rights.

The Annual General Meeting on 13 March 2008 resolved to delete from
the company's Articles of Association the stipulation on the minimum
and maximum share capital, the record date provisions of book-entry
system and the section concerning the par value of company's share.


Demand for M-real's paperboard and magazine paper products in the
main markets is expected to remain good in the third quarter of 2008.
In fine papers there are some signs of demand weakening.

Actions to raise product prices continue in all business areas. The
price increases for folding boxboard and coated magazine paper have
been announced in the main markets, and contract prices are expected
to increase towards the end of the year. Price increases are also
actively sought for coated fine paper. For uncoated fine paper the
need for price increases is also great.

This year, M-real will not be able to fully cover the cost inflation
with its profit improvement actions. New profit improvement
programmes are being launched this year.

Reduction of wood consumption will continue. As announced earlier,
the annual consumption of wood by M-real and Metsä-Botnia will be
reduced by approximately 10 per cent. Pulp sales to external
customers will be reduced, so M-real has good possibilities to
maintain normal paperboard and paper production levels.

M-real's strategic review continues. The profit improvement and
complexity reduction programme announced in November 2007 and the
divestment programme announced in February 2008 are progressing
according to targets.

2008 is a challenging year due to rising production costs, pulp
production curtailments caused by shortage of wood, decrease in the
sales volume of fine papers, the stronger euro and the postponement
of price increases for coated fine paper. As stated in the release
published on 10 July 2008, M-real's operating result for 2008,
excluding non-recurring items, will be weaker than last year due to
the factors mentioned above. However, the operating result for the
third quarter of 2008 excluding non-recurring items is expected to
show a seasonal increase compared with the second quarter.

Near-term business risks

If the uncertainty in the US economy continues for a longer period,
it could spread worldwide and affect negatively the operational
preconditions of European paper and paperboard industry. In M-real's
main market areas in Europe the economy has not shown major signs of
weakening so far. Demand for paperboards and coated magazine paper
seems to continue relatively good. European demand for fine papers
seems nonetheless to be quieting down to some extent. M-real aims at
price increases on a wide front. However, the risk of not achieving
all the targeted increases exists.

The risk of the euro growing even stronger was realised during the
first part of the year. Production input costs have also continued to
increase. Yet additional curtailments to pulp production may be
necessary, if the wood trade continues at a slow pace. The risk of
curtailments in the paper and paperboard production also exists due
to the challenges in wood raw material supply. In addition, the risk
of the euro still continuing to grow stronger exists.

Because the forward-looking estimates and statements of this
financial statements release are based on current plans and
estimates, they contain risks and other uncertain factors which may
lead the results to differ from the statements concerning them. In
the short term, M-real's result will be influenced in particular by
the price of, and demand for, finished products, the availability and
price of wood, other raw material costs, the price of energy, and the
exchange rate of the US dollar. More information about longer-term
risk factors can be found on pages 28-29 of M-real's 2007 Annual


Further information:
Seppo Parvi, CFO, tel. +358 10 465 4321
Juha Laine, Vice President, IR and Communications, tel. +358 10 465

Further information on 23 July, 2008 from 1 pm (EET)


Consumer Packaging         2008 2008 2007 2007 2007  2008  2007  2007
                             Q2   Q1   Q4   Q3   Q2 Q1-Q2 Q1-Q2
Sales, EUR million          244  235  225  231  243   479   478   934
EBITDA, EUR million          24   36   24   45   28    60    67   136
 excl. non-recurring
items                        24   37   25   45   33    61    72   142
Operating result, EUR
million                       5   18    0   27    8    23    29    56
 excl. non-recurring
items                         5   19    8   27   15    24    36    71
Return on capital
 %                          2.9  9.6  0.1 15.3  4.1   6.3   7.6   7.5
 excl. non-recurring
items, %                    2.9 10.1  4.3 15.3  7.9   6.6   9.4   9.5
Deliveries, 1,000 tonnes    309  298  291  297  313   607   615 1,203
Production, 1,000 tonnes    294  314  294  303  302   608   613 1,210
EBITDA = Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and

Result for April-June compared with the previous quarter

The operating result for the Consumer Packaging business area,
excluding non-recurring items, dropped from the previous quarter,
amounting to EUR 5 million (Q1/08: 19). The result was weakened by
heavy cost inflation, stronger euro compared with the US dollar and
British pound, production curtailments at Metsä-Botnia's mills in
Finland, as well as annual maintenance shutdowns and the decrease in
product stock. The profitability was improved by implemented cost
saving actions and achieved price increases. No non-recurring items
were recognised in the second quarter.

The operating result for the previous quarter included a
non-recurring item of EUR -1 million.

The deliveries of European folding boxboard producers decreased by 2
per cent compared with the previous quarter. Correspondingly,
M-real's deliveries of folding boxboard were up 2 per cent. The
average selling price remained unchanged.

The delivery volume of linerboard was clearly higher than in the
previous quarter. The euro-denominated selling price was on par with
the previous quarter.

Result for January-June compared with the corresponding period
previous year

The business area's operating result for January-June excluding
non-recurring items totalled EUR 24 million (36). Profitability was
hurt by the considerably higher wood and energy costs, the production
curtailments at Metsä-Botnia's mills in Finland, as well as the
weakened US dollar and British pound. The profitability was improved
by implemented cost saving actions and achieved price increases.

The deliveries of European folding boxboard producers decreased by 2
per cent compared with the corresponding period last year. M-real's
folding boxboard deliveries were at last year's level. The average
euro-denominated price for folding boxboard price was slightly higher
than in the corresponding period last year, in spite of the weaker US
dollar and British pound.

The delivery volume for linerboard was slightly lower than in the
corresponding period last year. The average euro-denominated price
remained the same. The selling price for wallpaper base paper
increased clearly from previous year.

Graphic Papers       2008   2008  2007  2007 2007   2008   2007  2007
                       Q2     Q1    Q4    Q3   Q2  Q1-Q2  Q1-Q2
Sales, EUR million    530    560   569   574  548  1,090  1,125 2,268
EBITDA, EUR million    23     56    10    52   31     79     58   120
non-recurring items    23     34    20    48   33     57     74   142
Operating result,
EUR million           -19     14   -71    16  -12     -5    -26   -81
non-recurring items   -19     -8   -22     8   -9    -27     -9   -23
Return on capital
employed, %          -3.6    2.9 -14.1   3.2 -2.1   -0.4   -2.3  -3.9
items, %             -3.6   -1.5  -4.1   1.7 -1.6   -2.4   -0.7  -0.9
Deliveries, 1,000
tonnes                695    748   761   760  724  1,443  1,481 3,002
Production, 1,000
tonnes                685    755   736   752  735  1,440  1,474 2,962
EBITDA = Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and

Result for April-June compared with the previous quarter

The second quarter operating result for the Graphic Papers business
area, excluding non-recurring items, totalled EUR -19 million (Q1/08:
EUR -8 million). No non-recurring items were recognised in the second
quarter. The result was mainly weakened by the higher fixed costs
caused by the midsummer and annual maintenance shutdowns, as well as
the lower delivery volume and the stronger euro compared with the US
dollar and British pound. Result improved due to higher delivery
volumes at Metsä-Botnia's pulp mill in Uruguay, implemented cost
saving actions and achieved increases for coated magazine paper.

The operating result for the previous quarter included non-recurring
items of net EUR 22 million.

Compared with the previous quarter, total deliveries were down 9 per
cent for European coated fine paper producers and 3 per cent for
European coated magazine paper producers. Total deliveries for the
Graphic Papers business area decreased 7 per cent from the previous

Result for January-June compared with the corresponding period
previous year

The operating result for the Graphic Papers business area, excluding
non-recurring items, totalled EUR -27 million (-9). Weakening factors
included increased wood and energy costs, the stronger euro compared
with the US dollar and British pound and the production curtailments
at Metsä-Botnia's mills in Finland. Profitability was improved by the
implemented cost saving actions and the start up of the Uruguay pulp
mill in November 2007 and price increases for coated magazine paper.

The Graphic Paper's operating result for the corresponding period in
the previous year included non-recurring items of net EUR -17

Total deliveries by European coated fine paper producers were on par
with the previous year. Deliveries by European coated magazine paper
producers were up by 2 per cent compared with the previous year.
Graphic Papers business area's total deliveries decreased by 3 per
cent including the impacts of capacity closures.

Office Papers         2008 2008    2007 2007 2007  2008  2007    2007
                        Q2   Q1      Q4   Q3   Q2 Q1-Q2 Q1-Q2
Sales, EUR million     165  181     171  167  183   346   385     723
EBITDA, EUR million      8   16      25   21   15    24     7      53
 excl. non-recurring
items                    8   16      20   21   15    24    37      78
Operating result, EUR
million                 -4    3    -173    7    1    -1   -21    -187
 excl. non-recurring
items                   -4    3       7    7    1    -1     9      23
Return on capital
employed, %           -2.4  3.1 - 114.8  4.9  0.6   0.5  -5.7   -29.6
 excl. non-recurring
items, %              -2.4  3.1     5.3  4.9  0.6   0.5   2.7     4.2
Deliveries, 1,000
tonnes                 215  238     219  215  241   453   513     947
Production, 1,000
tonnes                 180  200     213  223  257   380   537     973
EBITDA = Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and

Result for April-June compared with the previous quarter

The second quarter operating result for the Office Papers business
area, excluding non-recurring items, totalled EUR -4 million (Q1/08:
3). No non-recurring items were recognised in the second quarter. The
result was weakened by a decrease in the delivery volume and the
heavy cost inflation. The result was improved by implemented cost
saving actions.

Total deliveries by European uncoated fine paper producers were down
by 4 per cent. The Office Papers business area's delivery volumes
decreased by 10 per cent.

Result for January-June compared with the corresponding period
previous year

Office Papers business area's operating result excluding
non-recurring items in January-June totalled EUR -1 million (9).
Profitability was weakened by increased raw material costs,
particularly the cost of wood. Profitability was improved by a rise
in the average selling price and implemented cost saving actions.

Total deliveries by European uncoated fine paper producers were down
by 4 per cent. The Office Papers business area's delivery volumes
decreased by 12 per cent. The figure includes the impact of the
Wifsta mill closure.

The financial statements are unaudited.

Condensed consolidated
income statement           2008    2007 Change   2007     2008   2008
Continuing operations,
EUR million               Q1-Q2   Q1-Q2                     Q1     Q2
Sales                     2,164   2,253    -89  4,440    1,099  1,065
Other operating income      176     181     -5    239       60    116
Operating expenses       -2,112  -2,176     64 -4,235   -1,057 -1,055
Depreciation and
losses                     -153    -177     24   -564      -78    -75
Operating result             75      81     -6   -120       24     51
  % of sales                3.5     3.6          -2.7      2.2    4.8
Share of results in
companies                    -1      -1      0     -3        0     -1
Exchange gains and
losses                       -1      -3      2     -3        0     -1
Other net financial
items                       -73     -66     -7   -147      -40    -33
Result before taxes
continuing operations         0      11    -11   -273      -16     16
  % of sales                0.0     0.5          -6.1     -1.5    1.5
Income taxes                 -1      -7      6     23       -2      1
Result for the period
from continuing
operations                   -1       4     -5   -250      -18     17
  % of sales                0.0     0.2          -5.6     -1.6    1.6
Result from
discontinued operations     -26       1    -27     55       -1    -25
Result for the period       -27       5    -32   -195      -19     -8
                           -1.2     0.2          -4.4     -1.7   -0.8
Attributable to
Shareholders of parent
company                     -31       5    -36   -194      -20    -11
Minority interest             4       0      4     -1        1      3
Earnings per share for
attributable to
shareholders of
parent company
  from continuing
operations                -0.01    0.01  -0.02  -0.76    -0.06   0.05
  from discontinued
operations                -0.08    0.00  -0.08   0.17     0.00  -0.08
Total                     -0.09    0.01  -0.10  -0.59    -0.06  -0.03

Taxes include taxes corresponding to the result for the period under

Condensed consolidated
balance sheet
                              30.6.         30.6.         31.12.
EUR million                    2008    %     2007    %      2007    %
Non-current assets
Goodwill                        172  3.3      376  6.3       172  3.1
Other intangible assets          71  1.4       50  0.9        38  0.7
Tangible assets               2,633 50.7    2,956 49.5     2,820 51.4
Biological assets                43  0.8       44  0.7        47  0.9
Shares in associated
and other companies             449  8.6      355  5.9       390  7.1
receivables                      26  0.5       34  0.6        27  0.5
Deferred tax receivables          3  0.1       31  0.5         4  0.1
Other non-interest-bearing
receivables                       8  0.2        8  0.1        14  0.3
                              3,405 65.6    3,854 64.5     3,512 64.1
Current assets
Inventories                     653 12.6      679 11.4       619 11.3
receivables                     142  2.7       55  0.9        62  1.1
receivables                     925 17.7    1,179 19.8       908 16.6
Cash and cash equivalents        73  1.4      175  2.9       380  6.9
                              1,793 34.4    2,088 35.0     1,969 35.9
Assets classified as held
for sale                          0  0.0       32  0.5         0  0.0
Total assets                  5,198  100    5,974  100     5,481  100

Shareholders' equity
Equity attributable to
shareholders of parent
company                       1,836 35.3    2,006 33.6     1,830 33.4
Minority interest                56  1.1       52  0.9        52  0.9
                              1,892 36.4    2,058 34.5     1,882 34.3
Non-current liabilities
Deferred tax liabilities        307  5.9      334  5.6       290  5.3
Post-employment benefit
obligations                     141  2.7      194  3.2       159  2.9
Provisions                       45  0.9       81  1.4        72  1.3
Other non-interest-bearing
liabilities                      30  0.6       32  0.6        38  0.7
liabilities                   1,637 31.5    2,123 35.5     1,883 34.4
                              2,160 41.6    2,764 46.3     2,442 44.6
Current liabilities
liabilities                     655 12.5      814 13.6       704 12.8
liabilities                     491  9.5      327  5.5       453  8.3
                              1,146 22.0    1,141 19.1     1,157 21.1
Liabilities relating to
classified as held for sale       0  0.0       11  0.1         0  0.0
Total liabilities             3,306 63.6    3,916 65.5     3,599 65.7
Total shareholders'
equity and liabilities        5,198  100    5,974  100     5,481  100

The table includes Pohjolan Voima shares at fair value, which was
approximately EUR 380 million on 30 June, 2008.

Condensed consolidated
cash flow statement
                                             2008  2007  2007  2008
EUR million                                 Q1-Q2 Q1-Q2          Q2
Result for the period                         -27     4  -196    -8
Total adjustments                             126   146   479    34
Change in working capital                     -60   -18    42   -27
Cash flow arising from operations              39   132   325    -1
Net financial items                           -54   -68  -160   -36
Income taxes paid                             -23   -21   -38   -10
Net cash flow arising from
operating activities                          -38    43   127   -47

Investments in tangible and
intangible assets                             -51  -112  -259   -30
Divestments of assets and other               138   275   628    81
Net cash flow arising from
investing activities                           87   163   369    51

Share issue, minority interest                  2     2     6     0
Changes in long-term loans and
other financial items                        -337  -197  -282  -128
Dividends paid                                -20   -20   -20     0
Net cash flow arising from
financing activities                         -355  -215  -296  -128
Changes in cash and
cash equivalents                             -306    -9   200  -124

Cash and cash equivalents at
beginning of period                           380   182   182   197
Translation difference in cash and
cash equivalents                               -1    -1    -2     0
Changes in cash and cash equivalents         -306    -9   200  -124
Assets held for sale, folding carton plants     0     2     0     0
Cash and cash equivalents
at end of period                               73   174   380    73

Statement of changes in shareholders' equity
                                  Trans-      and    Re-    Mi-
                           Share  lation    other tained nority
                   Share    pre-    dif-      re-  earn- inter-
EUR million      capital    mium ference   serves   ings    est Total
according to
1 Jan. 2007 (as
revised)             558     667       3      222    605     63 2,118
differences                          -11                     -1   -12
Net investment
hedge                                 11                           11
Available for
 recorded in
equity                                        -34                 -34
 transferred to
income                                         -5                  -5

Currency flow
 recorded in
equity                                        -22                 -22
 transferred to
sales                                          11                  11

Interest flow
recorded in
equity                                          0                   0
recorded in
equity                                         12                  12
Transferred to
purchases                                      -5                  -5
Tax on equity
components                            -3       12                   9
Net expenses
directly in
equity                                -3      -31            -1   -35
Result for the
period                                                 5            5
and expenses
for the period                        -3      -31      5     -1   -30

Related party
Changes in
Sale of
shares (9%)                                                 -11
in Uruguay                                                    2
Total                                                        -9    -9
Dividends paid                                       -20     -1   -21
Related party
transactions                                         -20    -11   -30
30.6.2007, IFRS      558     667       0      191    590     52 2,058

according to
IFRS 1 Jan.
2008 (as
revised)             558     667     -11      225    391     52 1,882
differences                           -9                     -2   -11
Net investment
hedge                                  9                            9
Available for
 recorded in
equity                                         95                  95
 transferred to
income                                        -28                 -28

Currency flow
 recorded in
equity                                          6                   6
 transferred to
sales                                          -8                  -8

Interest flow
 recorded in
equity                                         -1                  -1
financial items                                -1                  -1

 recorded in
equity                                         14                  14
purchases                                       2                   2
Tax on equity
components                            -2      -20                 -22
Net expenses
directly in
equity                                -2       59            -2    55
Loss for the
period                                               -31      4   -27
and expenses
for the period                        -2       59    -31      2    28
Related party
Changes in
in Uruguay                                                    2
                                                              2     2
Dividends paid                                       -20          -20
Related party
transactions                                         -20      2   -18
30.6.2008, IFRS      558     667     -13      284    340     56 1,892

Key ratios                            2008     2007     2007     2008
                                     Q1-Q2    Q1-Q2                Q2
Sales, EUR million                   2,164    2,253    4,440    1,065
EBITDA, EUR million                    228      258      444      126
 excl. non-recurring items, EUR
million                                135      177      366       54
Operating result, EUR million           75       81     -120       51
  excl. non-recurring items, EUR
million                                -18       18       49      -21
Result from continuing operations
  before taxes, EUR million              0       11     -273       16
  excl. non-recurring items, EUR
million                                -93      -52     -104      -56
Result for the period
  from continuing operations, EUR
million                                 -1        4     -250       17
  from discontinued operations,
EUR million                            -26        1       55      -25
Total, EUR million                     -27        5     -195       -8
Earnings per share
  from continuing operations, EUR    -0.01     0.01    -0.76     0.05
  from discontinued operations,
EUR                                  -0.08     0.00     0.17    -0.08
Total, EUR                           -0.09     0.01    -0.59    -0.03
Earnings per share, excl.
non-recurring items
from continuing operations, EUR      -0.30    -0.22    -0.32    -0.18
Return on equity, %                   -0.1     -0.6    -12.5     -0.3
  excl. non-recurring items, %       -10.0     -7.7     -5.3     -3.0
Return on capital employed, %          4.0      4.1     -2.5      5.3
  excl. non-recurring items, %        -0.5      1.3      1.4     -1.8
Equity ratio at end of period, %      36.5     34.5     34.4     36.5
Gearing at end of period, %            112      119      124      112
Net gearing at end of period, %        100      107       99      100
Shareholders' equity per share at
end of period, EUR                    5.60     6.11     5.58     5.60
Net interest-bearing liabilities
at end of period, EUR million        1,888    2,192    1,867    1,888
Gross capital expenditure, EUR
million                                 51      112      259       30
Paper deliveries, 1,000 tonnes       1,897    1,994    3,949      911
Board deliveries, 1,000 tonnes         607      615    1,203      309
Personnel at end of period           9,357   13,302    9,508    9,357
EBITDA = Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and

The table includes Pohjolan Voima shares at fair value, which was
approximately EUR 380 million on 30 June, 2008.

Securities and guarantees                    2008     2007      2007
EUR million                                    Q2       Q2
For own liabilities                            58       56        61
On behalf of associated companies               1        1         1
On behalf of Group companies                    5        5         4
On behalf of others                             3        2         3
Total                                          67       64        69

Open derivative contracts                    2008     2007      2007
EUR million                                    Q2       Q2
Interest rate derivatives                   1,815    2,373     1,954
Foreign exchange derivatives                3,326    3,563     3,809
Other derivatives                             176      183       133
Total                                       5,317    6,119     5,896

The fair value of open derivative contracts calculated at market
value was EUR 27.7 million at the end of the review period (EUR 14.7
million 31 December 2007 and EUR 5.9 million 30 June 2007).

The gross amount of open contracts also includes closed contracts,
totalling EUR 2,623.2 million (31 December 2007: EUR 2,713.9 million
and 30 June 2007 EUR 2,308.6).

Commitments related to fixed
assets                                     2008       2007       2007
EUR million                                  Q2         Q2
Payments in less than a year                  5         48         22
Payments later                                1          5          4

Changes in property,
plant and equipment                        2008       2007       2007
EUR million                                  Q2         Q2
Carrying value at beginning of
period                                    2,820      3,156      3,156
Capital expenditure                          51        110        250
Decrease                                    -73       -143       -186
Depreciation and impairment
losses                                     -145       -155       -346
Translation difference                      -20        -12        -54
Carrying value at end of period           2,633      2,956      2,820

Related-party transactions
Transactions with parent company
and sister companies                       2008       2007       2007
EUR million                                  Q2         Q2
Sales                                        16         19         34
Other operating income                        2        136        138
Purchases                                   318        255        549
Interest income                               3          1          3
Interest expenses                             3          4          8
Non-current receivables                      19         20         19
Current receivables                         117         64         41
Non-current liabilities                       0          1          1
Current liabilities                          34         43        149

Transactions with associated
companies                                  2008       2007       2007
                                             Q2         Q2
Sales                                         0          0          0
Purchases                                     2          2          4
Non-current receivables                       2          7          0
Current receivables                          10          0          7
Current liabilities                           2          3          3

Accounting policies

The interim report was prepared in accordance with the IAS 34
standard Interim Financial Reporting and the accounting policies
presented in M-real's Annual Report 2007.

The figures in the financial statement release are unaudited.

Taxes include taxes corresponding to the result for the period under

Calculation of key ratios

                              (Result from continuing operations
Return on equity (%)     =    before tax - direct taxes) per
                              (Total equity (average))                       (Result from continuing operations
                              before tax + interest expenses, net
Return on capital             exchange gains/losses and other
employed (%)             =    financial expenses) per
                              (Total assets - non-interest-bearing
                              liabilities (average))

Equity ratio (%)         =    (Total equity) per
                              (Total assets - advance payments

Gearing ratio (%)        =    (Interest-bearing liabilities) per
                              (Total equity)

                              (Interest-bearing liabilities - liquid
                              funds - interest-bearing receivables)
Net gearing ratio (%)    =    per
                              (Total equity)

                              (Profit attributable to shareholders of
Earnings per share       =    parent company) per
                              (Adjusted number of shares (average))

Shareholders' equity per      (Equity attributable to shareholders of
share                    =    parent company) per
                              (Adjusted number of shares at end of
                              review period)

Quarterly information

Sales and result
by segment,       2008    2008     2007    2007    2007   2008   2007
EUR million         Q2      Q1       Q4      Q3      Q2  Q1-Q2  Q1-Q2
Consumer           244
Packaging                  235      225     231     243    479    478
Graphic Papers     530     560      569     574     548  1,090  1,125
Office Papers      165     181      171     167     183    346    385
Internal sales
other operations   126     123      120     130     122    249    265
Sales            1,065   1,099    1,085   1,102   1,096  2,164  2,253

Consumer            24
Packaging                   36       24      45      28     60     67
Graphic Papers      23      56       10      52      31     79     58
Office Papers        8      16       25      21      15     24      7
Other operations    71      -6       11      -2      -8     65    126
EBITDA             126     102       70     116      66    228    258
  % of sales      11.8     9.3      6.5    10.5     6.0   10.5   11.5

Consumer             5
Packaging                   18        0      27       8     23     29
Graphic Papers     -19      14      -71      16     -12     -5    -26
Office Papers       -4       3     -173       7       1     -1    -21
Other operations    69     -11       -1      -7     -12     58     99
Operating result    51      24     -245      43     -15     75     81
 % of sales        4.8     2.2    -22.6     3.9    -1.5    3.5    3.6
Share of results
companies           -1       0       -3       1      -1     -1     -1
Exchange gains
losses              -1       0        2      -2       2     -1     -3
Other net
financial items    -33     -40      -42     -39     -29    -73    -66
Result from
continuing          16
before tax                 -16     -288       4     -44      0     11
Income taxes         1      -2       39      -9      -4     -1     -7
Result for the
from continuing     17
operations                 -18     -249      -5     -48     -1      4
Result for
period from        -25
operations                  -1       57      -3      -1    -26      1
Result for the      -8
period                     -19     -192      -8     -49    -27      5
Minority             3
interest                     1        0       1       0      4      0
Financial result
attributable to
shareholders of
parent company     -11     -20     -192      -7     -49    -31      5
Earnings per     -0.03
share, EUR               -0.06    -0.58   -0.02   -0.15  -0.09   0.01

items             2008    2008     2007    2007    2007   2008   2007
EUR million         Q2      Q1       Q4      Q3      Q2  Q1-Q2  Q1-Q2
Packaging            0      -1       -8       0      -7     -1     -7
Graphic Papers       0      22      -49       7      -2     22    -16
Office Papers        0       0     -180       0       0      0    -30
Other operations    72       0       -2       0      -4     72    116
items in
operating result    72      21     -239       7     -13     93     63
items in
financial items      0       0        0       0       0      0      0
total               72      21     -239       7     -13     93     63

Packaging           24      37       25      45      33     61     72
Graphic Papers      23      34       20      48      33     57     74
Office Papers        8      16       20      21      15     24     37
Other operations     1      -6       13      -3      -4     -7     -5
EBITDA, excl.
recurring items     54      81       78     111      77    135    177
 % of sales        5.1     7.4      7.2    10.1     7.0    6.2    7.9

Packaging            5      19        8      27      15     24     36
Graphic Papers     -19      -8      -22       8      -9    -27     -9
Office Papers       -4       3        7       7       1     -1      9
Other operations    -3     -11        1      -6      -9    -14    -18
Operating result
items              -21       3       -6      36      -2    -18     18
% of sales        -2.0     0.3     -0.6     3.3    -0.2   -0.8    0.8

Result before
items              -56     -37      -49      -3     -31    -93    -52
% of sales        -5.3    -3.4     -4.5    -0.2    -2.8   -4.3   -2.3
Result per
share, excl.
EUR              -0.18   -0.12    -0.07   -0.04   -0.12  -0.30  -0.22
Return on
equity, excl.
items, %          -3.0    -8.2     -0.4    -0.9    -2.2  -10.0   -7.2
Return on
employed, excl.
recurring items,
%                 -1.8     0.7     -0.3     3.5     0.1   -0.5    1.3

Return on
employed          2008    2008     2007    2007    2007   2008   2007
%                   Q2      Q1       Q4      Q3      Q2  Q1-Q2  Q1-Q2
Packaging          2.9     9.6      0.1    15.3     4.1    6.3    7.6
Graphic Papers    -3.6     2.9    -14.1     3.2    -2.1   -0.4   -2.3
Office Papers     -2.4     3.1   -114.8     4.9     0.6    0.5   -5.7
Group              5.3     2.7    -23.1     4.1    -1.1    4.0    4.1

Capital employed  2008    2008     2007    2007    2007   2007
EUR million         Q2      Q1       Q4      Q3      Q2     Q1
Packaging          778     781      731     742     741    777
Graphic Papers   2,120   1,998    1,907   2,046   2,042  2,077
Office Papers      422     475      518     681     665    669
Other equity       700     894    1,061     719     726    700
Group            4,020   4,148    4,218   4,188   4,174  4,223

The capital employed for a segment included its assets: goodwill,
other intangible goods, tangible assets, biological assets,
investments in associates, inventories, accounts receivables,
prepayments and accrued income (excluding interest and taxes), less
the segment's liabilities (accounts payable, advance payments,
accruals and deferred income (excluding interest and taxes).

Personnel                      2008     2007    2007
Average                       Q1-Q2    Q1-Q2
Consumer Packaging            1,340    1,556   1,504
Graphic Papers                4,842    5,260   5,135
Office Papers                 1,346    1,710   1,657
Other continuing operations   1,733    2,670   2,372
Discontinued operations           -    2,414   2,007
Total                         9,260   13,610  12,675

Deliveries        2008    2008    2007    2007    2007     2008  2007
1,000 tonnes        Q2      Q1      Q4      Q3      Q2    Q1-Q2 Q1-Q2
Packaging          309     298     291     297     313      607   615
Graphic Papers     695     748     761     760     724    1,443 1,481
Office Papers      215     238     219     215     241    1,440   513
Paper segments,
total              911     986     980     975     965    1,897 1,994

Production        2008    2008    2007    2007    2007     2008  2007
1,000 tonnes        Q2      Q1      Q4      Q3      Q2    Q1-Q2 Q1-Q2
Packaging          294     314     294     303     302      608   613
Graphic Papers     685     755     736     752     735    1,440 1,474
Office Papers      180     200     213     223     257      380   537
Paper mills,
total              865     955     949     975     992    1,820 2,011
Metsä-Botnia pulp
1)                 233     252     235     203     200      485   403
M-real pulp        424     446     400     455     398      870   824

1) corresponds to M-real's share of 30 per cent in Metsä-Botnia


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