M-real's operating result excluding non-recurring items for 2009 EUR -150 million, final quarter positive

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M-real Corporation Stock Exchange Release, 4 February 2010 at 12
M-real's operating result excluding non-recurring items for 2009 EUR -150
million, final quarter positive

Full year result for 2009
·        Sales EUR 2,432 million (2008: 3,236)
·        Operating result excluding non-recurring items EUR -150 million (-35).
Operating result including non-recurring items EUR -267 million (-61).
·        Result before taxes excluding non-recurring items EUR -230 million
(-178). Result before taxes including non-recurring items EUR -358 million
·        Earnings per share from continuing operations excluding non-recurring
items EUR -0.66 (-0.48), and including non-recurring items EUR -1.02 (-0.55)

Result for October-December
·        Sales EUR 606 million (Q3/2009: 618)
·        Operating result excluding non-recurring items EUR 7 million (-22).
Operating result including non-recurring items EUR -52 million (-24).
·        Result before taxes excluding non-recurring items EUR -15 million
(-70). Result before taxes including non-recurring items EUR -74 million (-72).
·        Earnings per share from continuing operations excluding non-recurring
items EUR -0.02 (-0.22), and including non-recurring items EUR -0.19 (-0.22)

Events during the fourth quarter
·        The transaction regarding the new ownership structure of Metsä-Botnia
and the divestment of operations in Uruguay was closed.
·        A new EUR 80 million profit improvement programme was launched,
including plans to close down the Alizay pulp mill and two speciality paper
machines at the Reflex mill.
·        A decision was made on an energy efficiency investment totalling EUR
22 million at Husum.
·        A new three-year IT service contract was signed with Tieto.
·        M-real announced that it will redeem prematurely a EUR 250 million lot
of its bond maturing in 2010.
·        Based on the annual impairment testing, impairment losses of EUR 113
million were booked in the result for the fourth quarter.

"M-real reached a positive operating result excluding non-recurring items during
the final quarter of the year. The internal profit improvement measures and the
gradual recovery of the market situation support the continuation of our
positive profit development. The divestment of Metsä-Botnia's operations in
Uruguay significantly improved our balance sheet structure and financial
position. M-real's structural change to become more clearly a packaging material
producer has proceeded as planned."

Mikko Helander, CEO, M-real Corporation

 KEY FIGURES                           2009  2008  2009  2009  2009  2009  2008

                                      Q1-Q4 Q1-Q4    Q4    Q3    Q2    Q1    Q4
 Sales, EUR million                   2,432 3,236   606   618   585   623   722
 EBITDA, EUR million                     88   254   132    27   -23   -48   -18

   excl. non-recurring items, EUR
 million                                 44   192    51    26   -20   -13     4
 Operating result, EUR million         -267   -61   -52   -24   -73  -118  -161

   excl. non-recurring items, EUR
 million                               -150   -35     7   -22   -70   -65   -51
 Result before taxes

   from continuing operations, EUR
 million                               -358  -204   -74   -72   -97  -115  -197

   excl. non-recurring items, EUR
 million                               -230  -178   -15   -70   -83   -62   -87
 Result for the period

   from continuing operations, EUR
 million                               -331  -170   -60   -73   -93  -105  -163

   from discontinued operations, EUR
 million                                -23  -338    -8    -3    -2   -10   -62
   Total, EUR million                  -354  -508   -68   -76   -95  -115  -225
 Result per share

   from continuing operations, EUR    -1.02 -0.55 -0.19 -0.22 -0.29 -0.32 -0.50

   from discontinued operations, EUR  -0.07 -1.03 -0.02 -0.01 -0.01 -0.03 -0.19
   Total, EUR                         -1.09 -1.58 -0.21 -0.23 -0.30 -0.35 -0.69
 Result per share

   excl. non-recurring items, EUR     -0.66 -0.48 -0.02 -0.22 -0.24 -0.18 -0.17
 Return on equity, %                  -28.6 -10.4 -24.3 -27.2 -32.1 -32.0 -43.3

   excl. non-recurring items, %       -18.3  -9.0  -1.4 -26.6 -27.2 -17.6 -14.5
 Return on capital employed, %         -8.9  -1.3  -8.7  -2.3 -10.2 -13.4 -19.7

   excl. non-recurring items, %        -4.5  -0.5   0.4  -2.0  -8.3  -7.0  -6.2
 Equity ratio at end of period, %      29.6  30.8  29.6  28.5  29.4  30.3  30.8

 Gearing ratio at end of period, %      153   152   153   170   168   151   152

 Net gearing ratio at end of period,
 %                                       84    90    84   121   116   101    90

 Interest-bearing net liabilities,
 EUR million                            777 1,254   777 1,262 1,276 1,243 1,254

 Gross investments, EUR million          73   128    18    23    16    16    39
 Deliveries, 1 000 tonnes

   Paper businesses                   1,132 1,761   266   275   269   321   393

   Consumer Packaging                 1,212 1,345   327   315   296   274   304
 Personnel at the end of period

   in continuing operations           4,903 6,546 4,903 5,649 6,080 6,314 6,546

 Divident proposed

 by the Board of Directors             0.00  0.00

 EBITDA = Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and impairment charges

The consolidation method of the Metsä-Botnia shareholding was changed to the
associated company method in accordance with IAS 28 on 8 December 2009.

Result for 2009 compared to 2008
M-real's sales totalled EUR 2,432 million (3,236). Comparable sales were up 2.8
per cent. The operating result was EUR -267 million (-61), and the operating
result excluding non-recurring items was EUR -150 million (-35).

The non-recurring items recognised in the operating result amounted to EUR -117
million net, the most significant being:
·         EUR 134 million profit related to the Metsä-Botnia arrangement, of
which EUR 18 million is allocated to Market Pulp and Energy and EUR 116 million
to Other operations.
·         An impairment loss of EUR 113 million according to IAS 36, of which
EUR 66 million is allocated to Speciality Papers and EUR 47 million to Office
Papers. Of this, EUR 33 million was recognised in goodwill.
·         EUR 48 million write-downs and cost provisions in the Market Pulp and
Energy business area connected to the plan to permanently close down the Alizay
pulp mill.
·         EUR 28 million cost provisions and write-downs in the Speciality
Papers business area connected to the closure of the Hallein paper mill.
·         EUR 22 million cost provisions and write-downs associated with the
closure of the Metsä-Botnia Kaskinen mill. This total consists of EUR 16 million
related to the Consumer Packaging business area and EUR 6 million to the Market
Pulp and Energy business area.
·         EUR 12 million cost provision in Other operations associated with the
terminated IT contract.
·         EUR 11 million cost provision related to profit improvement measures
of the Husum mill, of which EUR 9 million in the Office Papers business area and
EUR 2 million in the Market Pulp and Energy business area.
·         EUR 5 million cost provision associated with the profit improvement
programme of the Speciality Papers business area.
·         EUR 12 million net in other non-recurring items, of which EUR 2
million in Consumer Packaging and EUR 1 million in Speciality Papers and EUR 9
million in Other operations.

The non-recurring items recognised in the operating result for 2008 amounted to
EUR -26 million net, the most significant being:
·         EUR 86 million impairment charges under IAS 36, of which EUR 66
million were allocated to Other Papers, EUR 16 million to Office Papers and EUR
4 million to Consumer Packaging.  Of these, EUR 20 million was recognised in
·         EUR 74 million recognised as realised fair value and capital gains
from the sale of Pohjolan Voima shares in Market Pulp and Energy.
·         EUR 23 million positive effect in the Speciality Papers business area
related to the sale of the New Thames mill and being freed from the pension
liabilities of industrial operations in the UK, as well as the removal of other
responsibilities related to the closure of the Sittingbourne mill.
·         EUR 14 million cost provision for streamlining M-real's structure to
reflect the divestment of Graphics Papers business in Other operations.
·         EUR 13 million cost for the Pont Sainte Maxence (PSM) mill divested in
June 2006 for a guarantee issued to the mill's energy supplier and for the
write-down of receivables from PSM in Other operations.
·         EUR 10 million cost provision and write-down for the closure of New
Thames mill's cut-size operations in Office Papers.

Compared to the previous year, the operating result excluding non-recurring
items was weakened by the reduced delivery volumes caused by weakened demand and
lower average selling prices of office papers. The result was improved by the
implemented price increases, especially in board, and the implemented cost

The total delivery volume of paper businesses in 2009 was 1,132,000 tonnes
(1,761,000). The deliveries by Consumer Packaging totalled 1,212,000 tonnes

Financial income and expenses totalled EUR -75 million (-142). Foreign exchange
gains and losses from accounts receivable, accounts payable, financial income
and expenses and the valuation of currency hedging were EUR 5 million (13). Net
interest and other financial income and expenses amounted to EUR -80 million
(-155). Other financial income and expenses included EUR 10 million of valuation
gains on interest rate derivatives (valuation gain of 0). Additionally, the
financial income included a gain of approximately EUR 31 million related to
repurchases of the EUR 400 million bond maturing in December 2010 and financial
expenses included a loss of EUR 30 million related to early repayment of the
vendor note by Sappi.

In the review year, the result from continuing operations before taxes was EUR
-358 million (-204). The result from continuing operations before taxes,
excluding non-recurring items, was EUR -230 million (-178). Income taxes,
including the change in deferred tax liabilities, were EUR 27 million positive

Earnings per share were EUR -1.09 (-1.58). Earnings per share from continuing
operations excluding non-recurring items were EUR -0.66 (-0.48). Return on
equity was -28.6 per cent (-10.4), and -18.3 per cent (-9.0) excluding
non-recurring items. Return on capital employed was -8.9 per cent (-1.3);
excluding non-recurring items -4.5 per cent (-0.5).

Result for October-December compared with the previous quarter
M-real's sales totalled EUR 606 million (Q3/2009: 618). Comparable sales were
down 0.6 per cent. The operating result was EUR -52 million (-24), and the
operating result excluding non-recurring items was EUR 7 million (-22).

A net total of EUR -59 million was recognised as non-recurring items in the
operating result for October-December, the most significant of them being:
·         EUR 134 million profit related to the Metsä-Botnia arrangement, of
which EUR 18 million is allocated to Market Pulp and Energy and EUR 116 million
to Other operations.
·         An impairment loss of EUR 113 million according to IAS 36, of which
EUR 66 million is allocated to Speciality Papers and EUR 47 million to Office
Papers. Of these, a total of EUR 33 million was recognised in goodwill.
·         EUR 48 million write-down and cost provisions in Market Pulp and
Energy for the plan to permanently close down the Alizay pulp mill.
·         EUR 12 million cost provision in Other operations associated with the
terminated IT contract.
·         EUR 8 million cost provision related to profit improvement measures of
the Husum mill, comprising EUR 7 million in Office Papers and EUR 1 million in
Market Pulp and Energy.
·         EUR 5 million cost provision associated with the profit improvement
programme of the Speciality Papers business area
·         EUR 7 million net in other non-recurring items, of which EUR 1 million
in Consumer Packaging and EUR 1 million in Speciality Papers and EUR 5 million
in Other operations.
The non-recurring items for the previous quarter totalled EUR -2 million net due
to the implemented profit improvement measures.

The operating result excluding non-recurring items compared with the previous
quarter was improved by increased average operating rates in spite of the
seasonally low delivery volumes in December, implemented cost savings and higher
pulp price.

The total delivery volume of the paper businesses in October-December was
266,000 tonnes (275,000). Consumer Packaging's deliveries amounted to 327,000
tonnes (315,000).

Financial income and expenses in the period totalled EUR -20 million (-47).
Foreign exchange gains and losses from accounts receivable, accounts payable,
financial income and expenses and the valuation of currency hedging were EUR 1
million (2). Net interest and other financial income and expenses stood at EUR
-21 million (-49). Other financial income and expenses include EUR 1 million of
valuation gains on interest rate derivatives (valuation gain of 0). A loss of
EUR -30 million was booked in the financial expenses due to the early repayment
of the vendor notes issued to Sappi in third quarter.

The result from continuing operations for the review period before taxes was EUR
-74 million (-72). The result from continuing operations before taxes, excluding
non-recurring items, was EUR -15 million (-70). Income taxes, including the
change in deferred tax liabilities, came to EUR 14 million (-1).

Earnings per share were EUR -0.21 (-0.23). Excluding non-recurring items,
earnings per share from continuing operations were EUR -0.02 (-0.22). Return on
equity was -24.3 per cent (-27.2); excluding non-recurring items -1.4% (-26.6).
Return on capital employed was -8.7 per cent (-2.3); excluding non-recurring
items, 0.4 per cent (-2.0).()

The number of personnel was 4,903 on 31 December 2009 (31 December
2008: 6,546), of which 2,047 (2,258) worked in Finland. In 2009, M-real employed
an average of 5,913 people (2008: 9,087). The figure for the end of 2009 no
longer includes the share of Metsä-Botnia personnel due to the change in the
consolidation method (the figure for 2008 included 30 per cent of Metsä-Botnia
personnel, or 553 people).

Gross investments in 2009 totalled EUR 73 million (2008: 128), including a EUR
16 million share of Metsä-Botnia's investments (30). Metsä-Botnia's investment
share is based on M-real's 30 per cent share of ownership and the consolidation
method of Metsä-Botnia until 8 December 2009.

Structural change
In February 2009, M-real launched a new profit improvement programme with an
annual target of EUR 80 million. The improvement actions concerned the business
areas and streamlining the support functions to reflect the changed company
structure. The full annual effect of the programme will be visible from 2011.

A separate EUR 60 million programme to improve the 2009 cash flow was also
launched in February. The actions included, e.g., the reduction of net working
capital and cuts in investments.

Both programmes proceeded better than expected, and therefore the target of the
profit improvement programme was increased to EUR 90 million and the target of
the cash flow improvement programme to EUR 80 million in October 2009.

In 2008, M-real announced it was planning the discontinuation of standard coated
fine paper production at the Hallein and Gohrsmühle mills based on earlier
examined strategic options. Both mills had been loss-making for a long period of
time. At Hallein, paper production was discontinued at the end of April 2009. At
the Gohrsmühle mill, standard coated fine paper production was discontinued in
April. At Gohrsmühle, the production of speciality papers as well as uncoated
fine paper reels and folio sheets has been expanded.

The organisation of M-real was revised following the closure of the Hallein
paper mill and the discontinuation of standard coated fine paper production at
the Gohrsmühle mill. The Other Papers business area was renamed Speciality
Papers. The new structure took effect on 17 June 2009.

In October 2009, M-real's associated company Oy Metsä-Botnia Ab and its owners,
M-real Corporation, Metsäliitto Cooperative and UPM-Kymmene Oyj, signed an
agreement on the divestment of the pulp mill and forests located in Uruguay, to
UPM. The transaction was closed in December 2009, and as a result Metsä-Botnia
became Metsäliitto Cooperative's subsidiary. M-real changed the consolidation
method of Metsä-Botnia in its consolidated financial accounts and processes its
ownership in Metsä-Botnia as an associated company according to IAS 28 instead
of a joint venture (IAS 31). Previously, Metsä-Botnia had been consolidated line
by line based on the ownership. Starting from 8 December 2009, M-real will
disclose its share of the profits of Metsä-Botnia on the line Share of profits
of associated companies under operating result, and on the line Investments in
associates on the balance sheet. As a result of the transaction, M-real's net
debt decreased by approximately EUR 500 million compared to the end of the third
quarter of 2009 when taking into account the cash consideration of EUR 300
million, the market priced receivable of EUR 50 million from Metsäliitto and the
change in the consolidation method of Metsä-Botnia for M-real's consolidated
financial statements. M-real will use the funds to pay off its debts. The
transaction and the change in the consolidation method of Metsä-Botnia will
decrease M-real's annual sales by approximately EUR 250 million. As a result of
the transaction and the change in the consolidation method, M-real's
shareholders' equity increased by approximately EUR 58 million.

In December 2009, M-real announced that it will start a new profit improvement
programme for 2010, with the most significant actions being plans to permanently
shut down the Alizay pulp mill in France and two speciality paper machines at
Reflex, Germany, the plan to streamline the organisation and management model in
M-real Zanders, a EUR 22 million investment at the Husum mill to improve its
energy efficiency and a new EUR 20 million internal profit improvement programme
covering all of M-real's business areas. Once implemented, the planned measures
are expected to improve M-real's annual operating result by EUR 80 million with
full effect from 2011 onwards. The result improvement of the new planned
measures in 2010 is expected to be EUR 40 million. The combined profit impact of
the new planned measures and the previous years' profit improvement programmes
is expected to be approximately EUR 100 million positive in 2010.

M-real's structural change from a paper company to become more clearly a
packaging material producer has proceeded according to plans. The strategic
review of the paper business continues.

Management changes
Matti Mörsky started as M-real's CFO on 4 May 2009.

On 17 June 2009, Heikki Husso was appointed Head of the Speciality Papers
business area, and Soili Hietanen was appointed Head of the Market Pulp and
Energy business area. Hietanen is also responsible for contract manufacturing
between M-real and Sappi.

Mika Joukio, Head of the Consumer Packaging business area, was appointed as
Deputy to the CEO of M-real in addition to his current position as of 15
September 2009.

At the end of 2009, M-real's equity ratio was 29.6 per cent (31 December
2008: 30.8) and the gearing ratio 153 per cent (152). The net gearing ratio was
84 (90). Some of M-real's loan agreements set a 120 per cent limit on the
company's net gearing ratio and a 30 per cent limit on the equity ratio.
Calculated as defined in the loan agreements, the net gearing ratio at the end
of September was approximately 63 per cent (74) and the equity ratio some 35 per
cent (36).

The change in the fair value of investments available for sale was approximately
EUR -97 million in 2009 based mainly on the decrease in the value of the
Pohjolan Voima shares.

At the end of the year, net interest-bearing liabilities totalled EUR 777
million (1,254). Foreign-currency-denominated loans accounted for 8 per cent;
84 per cent were floating-rate and the rest were fixed-rate. At the end of
2009, the average interest rate on loans was 6.0 per cent and the average
maturity of long-term loans 2.4 years. The interest rate maturity of loans was
6.4 months at the end of the year. During the period, the interest rate maturity
has varied between 2 and 7 months.

Cash flow from operations amounted to EUR 110 million in 2009 (2008: 118).
Working capital was down by EUR 140 million (down 7).

At year-end, an average of 4.9 months of the net foreign currency exposure was
hedged. The degree of hedging varied between 3 and 5 months during the period.
Approximately 99 per cent of the non-euro-denominated equity was hedged at the
end of the review period.

Liquidity continues at a good level. At the end of the year, liquidity was EUR
776 million, of which EUR 279 million consisted of committed credit facilities
and EUR 497 million of liquid assets and investments. The amount of committed
credit facilities decreased after the EUR 500 million syndicated revolving
credit facility ended due to being cancelled by the company in October 2009. The
revolving credit facility would have been due in December 2009. In addition, the
Group had other interest-bearing receivables totalling EUR 137 million. To meet
its short-term financing needs, the Group also had at its disposal uncommitted
domestic and foreign commercial paper programmes and credit facilities amounting
to about EUR 530 million. In connection with the restructuring of Metsä-Botnia's
ownership and the divestment of the operations in Uruguay, M-real received a
cash payment of EUR 300 million in December. In addition, M-real sold a three
per cent share of Metsä-Botnia to Metsäliitto. Metsäliitto paid its share
purchase with a market priced vendor note of EUR 50 million, having a maturity
of 3 years.

In connection with the divestment of Graphic Papers in December 2008, M-real
received EUR 220 million in interest-bearing vendor notes from Sappi. In August,
M-real agreed with Sappi that Sappi will repay the vendor notes at the price of
86.5 per cent of their nominal value. The cash payment of EUR 190 million
received by M-real from Sappi in August strengthened the Group's liquidity. This
early repayment resulted in an approximately EUR 30 million loss that was booked
in M-real's financial expenses in the third quarter of 2009.

In the second quarter, M-real drew a EUR 60 million pension premium (TyEL) loan.
After this drawdown, M-real still has a total of about EUR 279 million of
undrawn pension premium (TyEL) loans.

In the first quarter, M-real repurchased its own bonds (EUR 400 million bond due
in December 2010) with a nominal value of EUR 59.95 million. A gain of
approximately EUR 31 million from the purchases was recorded in the first
quarter result. In December, M-real announced that it will exercise its right to
partial early redemption of the above-mentioned floating rate notes. The total
par value of redemption was EUR 250 million. The early redemption took place on
25 January 2010 and the redemption price was 100 per cent of the par value
according to the terms of the notes. After the redemption, the par value of all
outstanding notes is approximately EUR 90 million.

In 2009, the highest price for M-real's B share on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki was
EUR 1.57, the lowest EUR 0.19, and the average price EUR 0.66. At the end of the
year, the price of the B share was EUR 1.53.

The trading volume of B shares was EUR 321 million, 171 per cent of the share
capital. The market value of the A and B shares totalled EUR 517 million at the
end of the year.

At the end of the year, Metsäliitto Cooperative owned 38.6 per cent of the
shares, and the voting rights conferred by these shares amounted to 60.5 per
cent. International investors' holdings increased to 19 per cent.

On 5 February 2009, Financier de l'Echiquier SA's holding in M-real decreased to
4.8 per cent of the share capital and 1.6 per cent of the voting rights.
The company does not hold any of its own shares.

Distributable funds and dividend
The distributable funds of the parent company as of 31 December 2009 were EUR
-342,787,654.55 of which the result for the financial year is EUR
-120,580,449.73. The company therefore has no distributable funds. In its
meeting on 4 February 2010, the Board of Directors decided to propose to the
Annual General Meeting in spring 2010, to be held on 24 March 2010, that no
dividend is paid for the financial year 2009.

Board of Directors and Auditors
The Annual General Meeting of March 2009 confirmed the number of members of the
M-real Board of Directors as nine (9). The Annual General Meeting elected as
members of the Board of Directors Martti Asunta, M. Sc. (Forestry); Kari Jordan,
President and CEO of Metsäliitto Group; Erkki Karmila, LL.M.; Kai Korhonen,
M.Sc. (Eng); Liisa Leino, M.Edu; Runar Lillandt, Counsellor of Agriculture; Juha
Niemelä, Honorary Counsellor; Antti Tanskanen, Minister and Erkki Varis, M.Sc.
(Eng). The term of office of the Board members expires at the end of the next
Annual General Meeting.

At its organising meeting, the Board of Directors elected Kari Jordan as its
Chairman and Martti Asunta as its Vice Chairman. The Board further resolved to
organise the Board committees as follows: The members of the Audit Committee are
Erkki Karmila (Chairman), Kai Korhonen, Antti Tanskanen and Erkki Varis. The
members of the combined Nomination and Compensation Committee are Kari Jordan
(Chairman), Martti Asunta, Liisa Leino, Runar Lillandt and Juha Niemelä.

The Annual General Meeting elected Authorised Public Accountants
PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy as M-real's auditor. The term of office of the auditor
expires at the end of the next Annual General Meeting.

The Annual General Meeting instructed the Board of Directors to investigate
possibilities and the related terms to merge the company's series A and B
shares. The results of the investigation were instructed to be presented to the
next General Meeting.

Events after the reporting period
The company has no information about any material events after the reporting

Near-term outlook
The demand for board is expected to remain good during the first quarter.
Folding boxboard and liner prices are slightly increasing as a result of price
increase measures.

The improvement of the uncoated fine paper demand continued during the fourth
quarter. The demand seems to continue at a good level also during the first
quarter of 2010. M-real has announced price increases of eight per cent across
all main markets. The price increases will take effect at the beginning of

The demand for speciality papers is still below the normal level but it is
expected to improve during the first quarter. The prices of speciality papers
have mainly remained stable, and no significant changes in the average price are

In December 2009, M-real launched a new EUR 80 million profit improvement
programme for 2010. The result improvement of the new planned measures in 2010
is expected to be EUR 40 million. The combined profit impact of the new planned
measures and the previous years' profit improvement programmes is expected to be
approximately EUR 100 million positive in 2010. In addition to business areas
the decreasing cost trend is visible also in Other operations.The average total
production input costs are not expected to change materially during 2010.

In M-real's main products, the prerequisites for profitable business have
improved further. The operating result excluding non-recurring items in the
first quarter of 2010 is forecast to be better than in the last quarter of
2009. The operating result excluding non-recurring items for 2010 is expected to
be positive, provided that no material weakening takes place in the operating

Near-term business risks
In spite of several signs of improvement, there is still the risk that the
slowdown of the global economy will be prolonged and that the demand for
paperboard and paper products, which has already partially revived, can
experience another downturn.

The company's strategic review has proceeded consistently in phases. Together
with successful cost saving programmes, the company has achieved significant
savings and rationalisation of operations. It has been announced that the
strategic review of the paper business, cost cuts and streamlining of operations
will continue. If the measures to be implemented are unable to reach the desired
effect on costs, there is the risk of continued weak profitability of the paper

There is a risk of a strengthening euro in relation to the US dollar and the
British pound. This would have a negative impact on operating conditions in the
European paper and board industry.

Possible industrial actions related to labour market negotiations in Finland
might if implemented negatively impact M-real's profitability.

Because the forward-looking estimates and statements of these financial
statements are based on current plans and estimates, they contain risks and
other uncertain factors that may cause the results to differ from the statements
concerning them.

In the short term, M-real's result will be particularly affected by the price
of, and demand for, finished products, raw material costs, the price of energy,
and the exchange rate development of the euro.

More information about longer-term risk factors can be found on pages 37-38 of
M-real's 2008 annual report.


Further information:
Matti Mörsky, CFO, tel. +358 10 465 4913
Juha Laine, Vice President, Investor Relations and Communications, tel. +358
10 465 4335

More information available starting from 1 pm on 4 February 2010. A telephone
conference for investors and analysts in English starts at 3 pm.

M-real's annual report, including financial statements, report of the Board of
Directors and auditor's report, will be available on the company's website
www.m-real.com <http://www.m-real.com/> at the latest on 2.3.2010.


                                 2009  2009  2009  2009  2008  2008  2009  2008

 Consumer Packaging                Q4    Q3    Q2    Q1    Q4    Q3 Q1-Q4 Q1-Q4
 Sales, EUR million               255   250   237   226   248   274   968 1,061

 EBITDA, EUR million               50    51    24    15    11    37   140   108

   excl. non-recurring items       51    51    25    19    11    37   146   109

 Operating result, EUR million
                                   33    31     4   -17   -13    17    51    24

   excl. non-recurring items       34    31     5    -1    -9    17    69    29

 Return on capital employed, %
                                 20.5  16.4   2.1  -8.8  -6.0   8.3   7.5   3.2

   excl. non-recurring items, %
                                 21.0  16.4   2.5  -0.4  -4.0   8.3  10.2   3.8

 Deliveries, 1,000 tonnes         327   315   296   274   303   348  1212 1,345

 Production, 1,000 tonnes         342   323   275   292   293   347  1232 1,336

 Personnel at the end of period 1,533 1,545 1,690 1,535 1,541 1,576 1,533 1,541

Year 2009 compared to 2008
The Consumer Packaging business area's operating result, excluding non-recurring
items, improved compared to the last year and totalled EUR 69 million (29).
Price increases, the implementation of cost-saving measures and the
strengthening of the US dollar improved the result. The most significant factor
weakening the result was the general decline in demand.

The result includes non-recurring items of EUR -18 million related to the
closure of Metsä-Botnia's Kaskinen mill and personnel cuts. The result for the
previous year included non-recurring items of EUR -5 million.

The deliveries of European folding boxboard producers decreased by 11 per cent
compared to the previous year. Consumer Packaging's deliveries of folding
boxboard were down by 8 per cent.

Result for October-December compared with the previous quarter
The operating result excluding non-recurring items for the Consumer Packaging
business area improved from the previous quarter and was EUR 34 million
(Q3/2009: 31). The result was improved by an increase in the delivery volumes.

The result includes a EUR 1 million non-recurring item related to personnel
cuts. The result for the previous quarter did not include non-recurring items.

The deliveries of European folding boxboard producers were 1 per cent higher
compared with the previous quarter. Consumer Packaging's deliveries of folding
boxboard were down by 2 per cent.

                                 2009  2009  2009  2009  2008  2008  2009  2008

 Office Papers                     Q4    Q3    Q2    Q1    Q4    Q3 Q1-Q4 Q1-Q4
 Sales, EUR million               132   133   131   147   174   203   543   804

 EBITDA, EUR million                6     0    -3    -2    -3    11     1    35

   excl. non-recurring items       13     0    -3    -2    -1    11     8    37

 Operating result, EUR million
                                  -54   -15   -18   -17   -38    -6  -104   -53

   excl. non-recurring items        0   -13   -18   -17   -14    -6   -48   -29

 Return on capital employed, %
                                -47.5   -13 -13.7 -12.4 -25.6  -3.2 -21.2  -7.4

   excl. non-recurring items, %
                                  0.0 -11.4 -13.7 -12.4  -9.2  -3.2  -9.8  -3.8

 Deliveries, 1,000 tonnes         198   199   190   203   237   270   790 1,081

 Production, 1,000 tonnes         213   181   202   199   177   226   795   905

 Personnel at the end of period 1,374 1,407 1,428 1,454 1,495 1,518 1,374 1,495

Year 2009 compared with year 2008
The operating result for Office Papers, excluding non-recurring items, weakened
compared to the last year and totalled EUR -48 million (-29). The result was
weakened by the lower average selling prices and the reduced demand for
products. The result was improved by lower raw material costs and implemented
cost savings measures.

The result includes a non-recurring item of EUR -56 million, of which EUR 47
million was an impairment charge according to IAS 36 and a EUR 9 million cost
provision related to the profit improvement measures at the Husum mill.

The result for the previous year included non-recurring items of EUR -24

Total deliveries by European uncoated fine paper manufacturers were down by 12
per cent compared to the previous year. The delivery volume of Office Papers
fell by 27 per cent. This figure includes the impact of the divestment of the
New Thames mill.

Result for October-December compared with the previous quarter
The operating result excluding non-recurring items for Office Papers improved
compared to the previous quarter and was EUR 0 million (Q3/2009: -13). The
result was improved by lower production costs.

The result includes non-recurring items of a total of EUR -54 million, of which
EUR 47 million was an impairment charge according to IAS 36 and EUR 7 million a
cost provision related to the profit improvement measures at the Husum mill.

The result for the previous quarter included non-recurring items of EUR -2

Total deliveries by European uncoated fine paper producers were up by 5 per cent
compared to the previous quarter. The delivery volume of Office Papers remained
at the same level as the previous quarter.

                                 2009  2009  2009  2009  2008  2008  2009  2008

 Speciality Papers                 Q4    Q3    Q2    Q1    Q4    Q3 Q1-Q4 Q1-Q4
 Sales, EUR million                73    80    82   117   147   153   352   622

 EBITDA, EUR million               -8    -7   -17   -33    -1     7   -65    45

   excl. non-recurring items       -2    -8   -16    -5     1     7   -31    23

 Operating result, EUR million
                                  -78   -10   -23   -40   -75    -3  -151   -59

   excl. non-recurring items       -6   -11   -22   -12    -8    -3   -51   -15

 Return on capital employed, %
                               -215.3 -16.0 -32.2 -43.4 -63.5  -2.3 -62.1 -14.3

   excl. non-recurring items,
 %                              -16.5 -17.6 -30.4 -12.5  -5.8  -2.3 -20.3  -3.4

 Deliveries, 1,000 tonnes          68    76    80   118   157   168   342   680

 Production, 1,000 tonnes          71    75    74    99   160   170   319   705

 Personnel at the end of
 period                         1,389 1,563 1,742 1,971 1,965 2,009 1,389 1,965

Year 2009 compared with year 2008
The operating result excluding non-recurring items for Speciality Papers
weakened compared to the last year and totalled EUR -51 million (-15). The
result was weakened by a sharp decline in the demand for the products, decrease
in delivery volumes and the costs associated with discontinuation of coated fine
paper production, accounting for approximately half of the losses for the year.
The result was improved by higher average selling prices and implemented cost
savings measures.

The result includes total EUR -100 million in non-recurring items as follows.
·        EUR 66 million impairment charge according to IAS 36
·        EUR 28 million cost provisions and write-downs related to the closure
of the Hallein paper mill
·        EUR 5 million cost provision associated with the profit improvement
programme of the business area
·        EUR 1 million other non-recurring items

The result for the previous year included non-recurring items of EUR -44

The delivery volume of Speciality Papers fell by 50 per cent; this figure
includes the discontinuation of standard coated fine paper production.

Result for October-December compared with the previous quarter
The operating result excluding non-recurring items for the Speciality Papers
business area improved compared to the previous quarter and was EUR -6 million
(Q3/2009: -11). The result was improved by higher selling prices and the
implemented cost-saving measures. The result was weakened by seasonal decrease
in delivery volumes.

The result includes EUR -72 million in non-recurring items as follows.
  * EUR 66 million impairment charge according to IAS 36
  * EUR 5 million cost provision associated with the profit improvement
    programme of the business area
  * EUR 1 million other non-recurring items

The result for the previous quarter includes a non-recurring income item of EUR
1 million connected to the closure of the Hallein paper mill.

The delivery volume of Speciality Papers fell by 11 per cent; this figure
includes the discontinuation of standard coated fine paper production.

                                   2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008  2009  2008

 Market Pulp and Energy              Q4   Q3   Q2   Q1   Q4   Q3 Q1-Q4 Q1-Q4
 Sales, EUR million                 126  132  116  134  150  172   508   644

 EBITDA, EUR million                 -1   -6  -10   -4    8   23   -21   148

   excl. non-recurring items          2   -6  -10   -3    8   23   -17    73

 Operating result, EUR million      -39  -15  -19  -18   -2   12   -91   106

   excl. non-recurring items         -9  -14  -19  -12   -2   12   -54    32

 Return on capital employed, %    -22.8 -7.3 -9.2 -8.4 -1.3  5.1 -12.8  12.6

   excl. non-recurring items, %    -5.2 -6.9 -9.2 -5.8 -1.3  5.1  -7.7   3.6

 Deliveries, 1,000 tonnes           246  295  327  287  264  291  1155 1,115

Year 2009 compared to 2008
The operating result of the Market Pulp and Energy business area, excluding
non-recurring items, weakened compared to the corresponding period last year and
totalled EUR -54 million (32). The result was weakened by the lower selling
price of pulp and the production curtailments of pulp mills due to low demand.
The result was improved by lower wood costs.

The result includes total EUR -37 million net in non-recurring items as follows:

·        EUR 48 million write-downs and provisions associated with the plan to
close the Alizay pulp mill down permanently
·        EUR 18 million gain related to Metsä-Botnia's divestment of PVO shares
·        EUR 6 million cost provisions and write-downs associated with the
closure of the Metsä-Botnia Kaskinen mill
·        EUR 1 million cost provisions related to the profit improvement
measures at the Husum mill.

The result for the corresponding period last year included EUR +74 million
non-recurring items related to M-real's divestment of PVO shares.

Result for October-December compared with the previous quarter
The operating result excluding non-recurring items for the Market Pulp and
Energy business area improved compared with the previous quarter and was EUR -9
million (Q3/2009: -14). The result was improved by higher selling prices of pulp
and an increase in delivery volumes due to the pick-up in demand. The decrease
in the total volume of deliveries is due to the divestment of Metsä-Botnia's
Uruguay mill, which was realised on 8 December 2009. The delivery volumes of all
remaining units increased compared to the third quarter.

The result includes total EUR -30 million net in non-recurring items as follows:

·        EUR 48 million write-downs and provisions associated with the plan to
close the Alizay pulp mill down permanently
·        EUR 18 million gain related to Metsä-Botnia's divestment of PVO shares
A non-recurring item totalling EUR -1 million was recognised in the operating
result for the previous quarter in connection with the profit improvement
measures at the Husum mill.

 Condensed consolidated statement of comprehensive income

                                                2009   2008         2009   2009

 EUR million                                   Q1-Q4  Q1-Q4 Change    Q3     Q4
 Continuing operations

 Sales                                         2,432  3,236   -804   618    606

 Other operating income                          252    182     70    25    166

 Operating expenses                           -2,597 -3,164    567  -616   -641

 Share of results in associated companies          2      0      2     0      2

 Depreciation and impairment losses             -356   -315    -41   -51   -185
 Operating result                               -267    -61   -206   -24    -52

   % of sales                                  -11.0   -1.9         -3.9   -8.6

 Share of results in associated companies        -16     -1    -15    -1     -2

 Net exchange gains and losses                     5     13     -8     2      1

 Other net financial items                       -80   -155     75   -49    -21
 Result before income tax                       -358   -204   -154   -72    -74

   % of sales                                  -14.7   -6.3        -11.7  -12.2

 Income taxes                                     27     34     -7    -1     14
 Result for the period from continuing
 operations                                     -331   -170   -161   -73    -60

   % of sales                                  -13.6   -5.3        -11.8   -9.9

 Discontinued operations

 Result from discontinued operations             -23   -338    315    -3     -8
 Result for the period                          -354   -508    154   -76    -68

 Other comprehensive income

 Cash flow hedges                                 26    -41     67    12      2

 Available for sale financial assets            -115     87   -202    27    -22

 Translation differences                           5     11     -6   -13     15

 Income tax relating to components of
 other     comprehensive income                   27    -19     46    -6      5
 Other comprehensive income, net of tax          -57     38    -95    20      0

 Total comprehensive income for the period      -411   -470     59   -56    -68

 Result for the period attributable to

   Shareholders of parent company               -358   -517    159   -77    -69

   Minority interest                               4      9     -5     1      1
 Total comprehensive income for the period
 attributable to

   Shareholders of parent company               -412   -481     69   -55    -68

   Minority interest                               1     11    -10    -1      0
   Total                                        -411   -470     59   -56    -68

 Earnings per share for result attributable
 to shareholders of parent company

   from continuing operations                  -1.02  -0.55  -0.47 -0.22  -0.19

   from discontinued operations                -0.07  -1.03   0.96 -0.01  -0.02
   Total                                       -1.09  -1.58   0.49 -0.23  -0.21

 *) Metsä Botnia's netresult includes from 8.12.2009 on in operating result's
 row "Share of results in associated companies"

 Condensed consolidated balance sheet

                                             31.12.       31.12.

 EUR million                                   2009     %   2008     %

 Non-current assets

 Goodwill                                        13   0.4     51   1.1

 Other intangible assets                         32   1.0     51   1.1

 Tangible assets                              1,130  36.1  1,808  40.1

 Biological assets                                0   0.0     57   1.3

 Investments in associated companies            210   6.7     63   1.4

 Available for sale investments                 316  10.1    440   9.8

 Other non-current financial assets              59   1.9    232   5.2

 Deferred tax receivables                         3   0.1      5   0.1
                                              1,763  56.3  2,707  60.1

 Current assets

 Inventories                                    313  10.0    505  11.2

 Accounts receivables and other receivables     559  17.8    743  16.5

 Cash and cash equivalents                      497  15.9    550  12.2
                                              1,369  43.7  1,798  39.9

 Total assets                                 3,132 100.0  4,505 100.0


 Shareholders'  equity

 Equity attributable

 to shareholders of parent company              916  29.2  1,329  29.5

 Minority interest                                8   0.3     57   1.3
 Total equity                                   924  29.5  1,386  30.8

 Non-current liabilities

 Deferred tax liabilities                       162   5.2    232   5.1

 Post-employment benefit obligations             89   2.8     98   2.2

 Provisions                                     104   3.3     99   2.2

 Borrowings                                     943  30.1  1,568  34.8

 Other liabilities                               12   0.4     18   0.4
                                              1,310  41.8  2,015  44.7

 Current liabilities

 Current borrowings                             468  15.0    538  11.9

 Accounts payable and other liabilities         430  13.7    566  12.6
                                                898  28.7  1,104  24.5

 Total liabilities                            2,208  70.5  3,119  69.2
 Total shareholders'  equity and liabilities  3,132 100.0  4,505 100.0

 Condensed consolidated cash flow statement

                                                            2009 2008 2009

 EUR million                                               Q1-Q4        Q4
 Result for the period                                      -354 -508  -68

 Total adjustments                                           324  619  134

 Change in working capital                                   140    7    9
 Cash flow arising from operations                           110  118   75
 Net financial items                                         -38 -193  -33

 Income taxes paid                                             9  -22   -1
 Net cash flow arising from operating activities              81  -97   41
 Investments in intangible and tangible assets               -73 -128  -18

 Divestments of assets and other                             284  483  277
 Net cash flow arising from investing activities             211  355  259

 Share issue, minority interest                                0    2    0

 Changes in non-current loans and in other financial items  -344  -71 -253

 Dividends paid                                                0  -20    0
 Net cash flow arising from financing activities            -344  -89 -253
 Changes in cash and cash equivalents                        -52  169   47
 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period            550  380  424

 Translation difference in cash and cash equivalents          -1    1    0

 Changes in cash and cash equivalents                        -52  169   47

 Assets held for sale                                          0    0   26
 Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                  497  550  497

 Statement of changes in shareholders' equity

                 Equity attributable to shareholders of parent
                           Share  Trans-    value                  Minor-
                            pre-  lation      and                     ity
                   Share    mium differ-    other Retained         inter-
 EUR million     capital account   ences reserves earnings   Total    est Total
 1 January 2008      558     667     -11      225      391   1,830     52 1,882
 Dividends paid                                        -20     -20          -20

 in Uruguay                                                            -6    -6

 for the period                        2       34     -517    -481     11  -470
 equity, 31
 December 2008       558     667      -9      259     -146   1,329     57 1,386
 1 January 2009      558     667      -9      259     -146   1,329     57 1,386
 in Uruguay                                                           -50   -50

 for the period                       11      -65     -358    -412      1  -411
 equity, 31
 December 2009       558     667       2      194     -504     916      8   924

 Key ratios                                                    2009  2008  2009

 Sales, EUR million                                           2,432 3,236   606

 EBITDA, EUR million                                             88   254   132

    excl. non-recurring items, EUR million                       44   192    51
 Operating result, EUR million                                 -267   -61   -52

    excl. non-recurring items, EUR million                     -150   -35     7
 Result from continuing operations

    before taxes, EUR million                                  -358  -204   -74

    excl. non-recurring items, Eur million                     -230  -178   -15
 Result for the period

    from continuing operations, EUR
 million                                                       -331  -170   -60

    from discontinued operations, EUR
 million                                                        -23  -338    -8
 Total, EUR million                                            -354  -508   -68
 Earnings per share

    from continuing operations, EUR                           -1.02 -0.55 -0.19

    from discontinued operations, EUR                         -0.07 -1.03 -0.02
 Total, EUR                                                   -1.09 -1.58 -0.21
 Earnings per share, excl. non-recurring
 items, EUR                                                   -0.66 -0.48 -0.02
 Return on equity, %                                          -28.6 -10.4 -24.3

    excl. non-recurring items, %                              -18.3  -9.0  -1.4
 Return on capital employed, %                                 -8.9  -1.3  -8.7

    excl. non-recurring items, %                               -4.5  -0.5   0.4
 Equity ratio at end of period, %                              29.6  30.8  29.6

 Gearing ratio at end of period, %                              153   152   153

 Net gearing ratio at end of period, %                           84    90    84
 Shareholders' equity per share at end of
 period, EUR                                                   2.79  4.05  2.79

 Interest-bearing net liabilities, EUR
 million                                                        777 1,254   777

 Gross capital expenditure, EUR million                          73   128    18
 Deliveries, 1 000 tonnes

    Paper business                                            1,132 1,761   266

    Consumer Packaging                                        1,212 1,345   327
 Personnel at the end of period

    In continuing operations                                  4,903 6,546 4,903

 EBITDA = Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and
 impairment charges

 Securities and guarantees                 2009                            2008

 EUR million
 For own liabilities                        113                              61

 On behalf of associated companies            0                               1

 On behalf of Group companies                 0                               5

 On behalf of others                          2                               2
 Total                                      115                              69

 Open derivative contracts                 2009                            2008

 EUR million
 Interest rate derivatives                  981                           1,286

 Currency derivatives                     2,806                           2,805

 Other derivatives                          183                             185
 Total                                    3,970                           4,276

 The fair value of open derivative contracts calculated at market value at the
 end of the review period was EUR -19.5 million (EUR 15.0 million 31 December

 Also include other closed contracts to a total amount of EUR 2,158.5 million
 (EUR 2,068.8 million 31 December 2008).

 Commitments related to fixed assets       2009                            2008

 EUR million
 Payments due in following 12 months          0                               0

 Payments due later                           1                               1

 Changes in property, plant and
 equipment                                 2009                            2008

 EUR million
 Carrying value at beginning of period    1,808                           2,820

 Capital expenditure                         70                             128

 Decreases                                 -454                            -670

 Depreciation and impairment charges       -312                            -282

 related to discontinued operations           0                            -149

 Translation difference                      18                             -39
 Carrying value at end of period          1,130                           1,808

 Depreciation and impairment losses related to discontinued operations include
 Graphic Papers business.

 Related-party transaction

 Transaction and balances with parent and
 sister companies                          2009                            2008

 EUR million

 Sales                                       22                              34

 Other operating income                      37                               3

 Purchases                                  201                             571

 Interest income                              1                               7

 Interest expences                            2                               4

 Non-current receivables                     53                               5

 Current receivables                        107                              49

 Non-current liabilities                      0                               0

 Current liabilities                        106                             228

 Transaction with associated companies     2009                            2008

 EUR million

 Sales                                        1                               0

 Purchases                                   35                               4

 Non-current receivables                      0                               0

 Current receivables                          7                               7

 Current liabilities                          2                               2

 Accounting policies

 The financial statements were prepared in accordance with accounting policies
 set out in International Accounting Standard 34 and in the M-real´s Annual
 Report for 2008.

 The Group has adopted the following standards: IAS 1 (revisited), Presentation
 of Financial Statements. The revisited standard is aimed at improving users'
 ability to analyse and compare the information given in financial statements
 by separating changes in equity of an entity arising from transactions with
 owners from other changes in equity. The Group presents non-owner changes in
 equity in the statement of comprehensive income.

 IFRS 8, Operating Segments. The new standard replaces IAS 14. The new standard
 requires a 'management approach', under which segment information is presented
 on the  same basis as that used for internal reporting purposes. The operating
 segments are the same as in 2008 according to IAS 14 or Consumer Packaging,
 Office Papers, Speciality Papers and Market Pulp and Energy.

 The figures in the financial statement are unaudited.

 Calculation of key ratios

                                  (Result from continuing
                                  operations before tax
 Return on equity (%)           = - direct taxes) per
                                  (Shareholders' equity

                                  (Result from continuing operations before
 Return on capital employed (%) = + interest expenses,net exchange
                                  gains/losses and other financial
                                  expenses) per (Shareholders'  equity
                                  + interest-bearing borrowings (average))

 Equity ratio (%)               = (Shareholders'  equity) per (Total assets
                                  - advance payments received)

 Gearing ratio (%)              = (Interest-bearing borrowings)
                                  per (Shareholders'  equity)

                                  (Interest-bearing borrowings
 Net gearing ratio (%)          = - liquid funds
                                  - interest-bearing receivables)
                                  per (Shareholders'  equity)

                                  (Profit attributable to shareholders of
 Earnings per share             = parent company)
                                  per (Adjusted number of shares (average))

                                  (Equity attributable to shareholders of
 Shareholders´equity per share  = parent company)
                                  per (Adjusted number of shares at the end
                                  of period)

 Sales and result  by

                         2009  2009  2009   2009  2008  2008  2009         2008

 EUR million               Q4    Q3    Q2     Q1    Q4    Q3 Q1-Q4        Q1-Q4
 Consumer Packaging       255   250   237    226   248   274   968        1,061

 Office Papers            132   133   131    147   174   203   543          804

 Speciality Papers         73    80    82    117   147   153   352          622

 Market Pulp and
 Energy                   126   132   116    134   150   172   508          644

 Other operations          59    56    40     34    57    77   189          323

 Internal sales           -39   -33   -21    -35   -54   -53  -128         -218
 Sales                    606   618   585    623   722   826 2,432        3,236

 Consumer Packaging        50    51    24     15    11    37   140          108

 Office Papers              6     0    -3     -2    -3    11     1           35

 Speciality Papers         -8    -7   -17    -33    -1     7   -65           45

 Market Pulp and
 Energy                    -1    -6   -10     -4     8    23   -21          148

 Other operations          85   -11   -17    -24   -33   -29    33          -82
 EBITDA                   132    27   -23    -48   -18    49    88          254

   % of sales            21.8   4.4  -3.9   -7.7  -2.5   5.9   3.6          7.8

 Consumer Packaging        33    31     4    -17   -13    17    51           24

 Office Papers            -54   -15   -18    -17   -38    -6  -104          -53

 Speciality Papers        -78   -10   -23    -40   -75    -3  -151          -59

 Market Pulp and
 Energy                   -39   -15   -19    -18    -2    12   -91          106

 Other operations          86   -15   -17    -26   -33   -28    28          -79
 Operating result         -52   -24   -73   -118  -161    -8  -267          -61

   % of sales            -8.6  -3.9 -12.5  -18.9 -22.3  -1.0 -11.0         -1.9

 Non-recurring items

 Consumer Packaging        -1     0    -1    -16    -4     0   -18           -5

 Office Papers            -54    -2     0      0   -24     0   -56          -24

 Speciality Papers        -72     1    -1    -28   -67     0  -100          -44

 Market Pulp and
 Energy                   -30    -1     0     -6     0     0   -37           74

 Other operations          98     0    -1     -3   -14   -11    94          -27
 Non-recurring items
 in operating result      -59    -2    -3    -53  -110   -11  -117          -26

 Consumer Packaging        51    51    25     19    11    37   146          109

 Office Papers             13     0    -3     -2    -1    11     8           37

 Speciality Papers         -2    -8   -16     -5     1     7   -31           23

 Market Pulp and
 Energy                     2    -6   -10     -3     8    23   -17           73

 Other operations         -13   -11   -16    -22   -15   -18   -62          -50
 EBITDA, excl.
 non-recurring items       51    26   -20    -13     4    60    44          192

   % of sales             8.4   4.2  -3.4 -2.087   0.6   7.3   1.8          5.9

 Consumer Packaging        34    31     5     -1    -9    17    69           29

 Office Papers              0   -13   -18    -17   -14    -6   -48          -29

 Speciality Papers         -6   -11   -22    -12    -8    -3   -51          -15

 Market Pulp and
 Energy                    -9   -14   -19    -12    -2    12   -54           32

 Other operations         -12   -15   -16    -23   -18   -17   -66          -52
 Operating result,
 excl. non-recurring
 items                      7   -22   -70    -65   -51     3  -150          -35

   % of sales             1.2  -3.6 -12.0 -10.43  -7.1   0.4  -6.2         -1.1

 Return on capital
 employed %

 Consumer Packaging      20.5  16.4   2.1   -8.8    -6   8.3   7.5          3.2

 Office Papers          -47.5   -13 -13.7  -12.4 -25.6  -3.2 -21.2         -7.4

 Speciality Papers     -215.3   -16 -32.2  -43.4 -63.5  -2.3 -62.1        -14.3

 Market Pulp and
 Energy                 -22.8  -7.3  -9.2   -8.4  -1.3   5.1 -12.8         12.6
 Group                   -8.7  -2.3 -10.2  -13.4 -19.7  -0.5  -8.9         -1.3

 Capital employed, EUR

 Consumer Packaging       556   744   771    774   801   839   556          801

 Office Papers            420   479   501    517   556   645   420          556

 Speciality Papers         65   225   241    312   415   518    65          415

 Market Pulp and
 Energy                   550   830   822    876   899   929   550          899

 Unallocated and
 eliminations             743   541   611    609   822   -12   743          822
 Group                  2,334 2,819 2,946  3,088 3,493 2,919 2,334        3,493

 The capital employed for a segment included its assets: goodwill, other
 intangible goods, tangible assets, biological assets, investments in
 associates, inventories, accounts receivables, prepayments and accrued income
 (excluding interest and taxes), less the segment's liabilities (accounts
 payable, advance payments, accruals and deferred income (excluding interest
 and taxes).

 Deliveries              2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008   2009     2008

 1,000 tonnes              Q4   Q3   Q2   Q1   Q4   Q3  Q1-Q4  Q1-Q4
 Consumer Packaging       327  315  296  274  303  348  1,212    1,345

 Office Papers            198  199  190  203  237  270    790    1,081

 Speciality Papers         68   76   80  118  157  168    342      680
 Paper business, total    266  275  270  321  394  438  1,132    1,761

 Market Pulp              246  295  327  287  264  291  1,155    1,115

 Production              2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008   2009     2008

 1,000 tonnes              Q4   Q3   Q2   Q1   Q4   Q3  Q1-Q4  Q1-Q4
 Consumer Packaging       342  323  275  292  293  347  1,232    1,336

 Office Papers            213  181  202  199  177  226    795      905

 Speciality Papers         71   75   74   99  160  170    319      705
 Paper business, total    257  257  276  298  337  396  1,114    1,610

 Metsä-Botnia pulp (1))   203  219  210  231  235  270    863      990

 M-real pulp              316  263  264  277  303  377  1,120    1,486

 (1)) corresponds to M-real's ownership share of 30% in Metsä-Botnia


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