M-real's reporting on Corporate Responsibility rewarded

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M-real's reporting on Corporate Responsibility rewarded

M-real shared second place in the Finnish competition for Environmental and
Corporate Responsibility reporting with Fortum, a leading Nordic energy
company. First prize was awarded to Kesko, the leading provider of services in
the Finnish trading sector. The 2005 competition was organised by the Economics
Information Office, the Finnish Institute of Authorised Public Accountants, the
Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry of Trade and Industry, the
Association of Environmental Management, LTT Research Ltd and the newspaper

In 2005, M-real published its first extensive Corporate Responsibility Report
which was judged to give the reader a solid picture of our activities. Covering
the social, economic and environmental aspects of corporate responsibility, it
forms a uniform entity with the Annual Review and the Annual Financial Report.
According to the jury, this package conveys a good picture of the scope of
M-real's operations and their impact on society. 

M-real reporting acknowledged globally

The series has also been appraised in a global comparison carried out by e.com.
The survey reviewed a total of 200 annual reports published by major
corporations in all industries. M-real was placed thirty-first (31st), an
improvement in its ranking over the previous year by twenty places. 

The outstanding features of the annual report package, printed on Galerie
Papers, included the review of M-real's operations, share information, the
corporate responsibility report, the use of covers, design and layout, and
readability. The reports are also available as PDF-files on the internet. 
