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M-real Corporation Stock Exchange Bulletin on 27 July 2006 at 1.00


M-real’s result before taxes and non-recurring items weakened to a
loss of EUR 57 million from the profit of EUR 16 million for the
previous quarter. Operating result excluding non-recurring items for
the second quarter totalled EUR -21 million (35). Profitability was
primarily weakened by the seasonally reduced delivery volumes, costs
arising from maintenance and investment shutdowns, the two-day strike
of paper workers at the Finnish mills, the weakened US dollar and the
increased fibre and energy costs.

As non-recurring items, profitability was weakened by the cost
reserves for the personnel reduction programmes at the Stockstadt,
Hallein and Alizay mills totalling EUR 19 million and the loss of EUR
35 million arising from the sale of the Pont Sainte Maxence mill.

KEY FIGURES                     4–6/06  1–3/06 1–6/06  1–6/05 1–12/05
Sales, EUR million1              1 378   1 441  2 819   2 603  5 241
Operating result, EUR million      -75      35    -40      43     36
  excluding non-recurring          -21      35     14     -27      4
items, EUR million
Result before taxes, EUR          -111      16    -95     -66   -114
  excluding non-recurring          -57      16    -41    -132   -142
items, EUR million
Result for the period, EUR        -103       3   -100     -45    -80
Earnings per share, EUR          -0.31    0.01  -0.30   -0.14  -0.25
Return on equity, %              -18.3     0.5   -8.9    -3.7   -3.4
  excluding non-recurring         -9.1     0.5   -4.3    -9.6   -4.8
items, %
Return on capital employed, %     -5.6     3.4   -1.1     2.2    1.2
  excluding non-recurring         -1.2     3.4    1.1    -0.7    0.5
items, %
Equity ratio at end of period,    35.0    36.2   35.0    38.4   36.6
Gearing ratio at end of period,    108     100    108      85     95
Interest-bearing net                     2 296  2 381   1 993  2 205
liabilities at the end of the    2 381
period, EUR million
Gross investments, EUR million     101     103    204     203    452
Paperboard deliveries, 1 000       284     304    588     512  1 006
Paper deliveries, 1 000 tons     1 040   1 080  2 120   2 018  4 046
Personnel at the end of the     15 277  15 046 15 277  15 964 15 154

Hannu Anttila, President and CEO, comments on M-real’s recent
development and outlook:

“Our result for the second quarter was a clear disappointment. The
costs of the investment and maintenance shutdowns at the Alizay and
Simpele mills burdened our profitability by about EUR 20 million. In
addition, the two-day strike at the Finnish mills caused an
unexpected loss of approximately EUR 4 million.”

“We also booked a loss of EUR 35 million when we sold our French Pont
Sainte Maxence mill producing speciality fine papers. The mill showed
heavy losses and its sale will release resources into other
development measures.”

“All in all, the production input costs have remained high or even
continued to rise, which we have hardly been able to compensate by
product price increases. The need for price increases in paper and
paperboard products is very high. In the summer we have announced
price increases of about five per cent for all our main paper grades
effective at the beginning of September.”

“The measures required by the EUR 200 million cost savings programme
published in 2004 have been defined and are being implemented. As the
final measures under the programme we initiated personnel reductions
at the Stockstadt, Hallein and Alizay mills. Our organisation has
done good work and the efficiency improvement is progressing slightly
ahead of the original schedule. However, as a result of the rise in
production input and transport costs, the effect of these efficiency
measures on our profitability has remained regrettably slight. The
search for cost savings and further efficiency improvements will
continue under a new programme, which is currently under preparation.

“During the second quarter our gearing ratio exceeded our defined
maximum level of one hundred per cent, mainly due to the weak
performance development and strategic investments. We are controlling
the debt trend through improving financial performance, reducing
working capital and restricting investments.”

“The result for the third quarter before taxes and non-recurring
items is expected to be clearly better than for the second quarter.
In spite of the result improving measures in progress, the result for
the whole year before taxes will remain negative," says Anttila.

Corporate Communications

For additional information, please contact Hannu Anttila, President
and CEO, tel. +358 10 469 4343.




This year’s economic growth and industrial production are expected to
strengthen somewhat from last year in M-real’s main markets. In
Western Europe the amount of money spent on advertising is generally
expected to increase slightly more than the general economic growth
this year.

The deliveries to Western Europe by Western European coated fine
paper producers have increased during the first half of the year
compared with the corresponding period last year. The consumption of
uncoated fine paper has also been growing. The delivery volumes of
coated magazine paper were slightly higher than during the first half
of 2005. The deliveries of all the above-mentioned paper grades to
Eastern Europe have grown significantly compared with the
corresponding period last year. The price of office paper was the
only one to rise in the paper market prices during the first half of
the year. No significant change has taken place in the prices of
other paper grades in Europe.

The deliveries to Europe by Western European folding boxboard
producers increased slightly compared to last year. Comparability is
affected by the labour dispute in the Finnish paper industry in the
summer of 2005.


The sales of M-real Group for the second quarter amounted to EUR 1
378 million (Jan–Mar/06: 1 441). Sales decreased by 4.4 per cent.

The operating result excluding non-recurring items totalled EUR -21
million (35). Operating profit including non-recurring items totalled
EUR -75 million (35). The operating result for April-June included
non-recurring net costs of EUR 54 million consisting of the sales
loss for the Pont Sainte Maxence paper mill (35) and the efficiency
improvement programmes at the Alizay (13), Stockstadt (4) and Hallein
(2) mills.

The operating result was weakened by the costs of about EUR 20
million arising from maintenance and investment shutdowns.

In addition, the operating result was primarily weakened by the
seasonally reduced delivery volumes, the two-day strike of paper
workers at the Finnish mills, the weakened US dollar and the
increased fibre and energy costs.

In the first quarter, the effect of increased energy costs on the
Group’s result was alleviated by the valuation gain on electricity
price derivatives of EUR 8 million. A corresponding valuation gain
has not arisen in the second quarter as the price of electricity
ultimately settled close to the same level as that at the end of the
first quarter. In terms of electricity derivatives M-real has adopted
hedge accounting according to IFRS as of the beginning of the second
quarter of 2006. The adoption of hedge accounting did not have an
effect on the result compared with the earlier accounting practice.

The deliveries of paperboard to customers totalled 284 000 tons (304
000). Production was curtailed to correspond to demand by 19 000 tons
(12 000).

The total deliveries of paper products were 1 039 000 tons (1 080
000). Production curtailments were 63 000 tons (36 000).

Except for the Map Merchant Group, the profitability of all business
areas weakened.

The share of results from associated companies was EUR 0 million

Financial income and expenses totalled EUR -36 million (-18).
Translation differences from accounts receivable, accounts payable,
financial items and the valuation of currency hedging were EUR -3
million (8). Net interest and other financial expenses were EUR -33
million (-26).

Other financial expenses include a valuation gain on interest rate
derivatives of EUR 3 million (4).

Currency and interest rate hedges are used to hedge the future cash
flow against the fluctuation in currencies and interest rates. The
valuation gains and losses booked are mainly associated with the
changes in the exchange rate of the US dollar and the general
interest level. As of the third quarter of 2005 M-real has applied
partial hedge accounting according to IAS 39 to hedge its dollar cash
flow exposure and as of the last quarter of 2005 also to the hedging
of the Swedish crown flow position. A valuation gain totalling EUR 19
million has been booked in shareholders’ equity for the hedge
accounting at the end of June.

At the end of June the exchange rate of the US dollar in euro was 5.0
per cent lower and the rate of the British pound in euro was 0.6 per
cent higher than at the end of March. On average the dollar weakened
by 4.5 per cent and the pound by 0.3 per cent compared with the
previous quarter.

Result before taxes excluding non-recurring items amounted to EUR -57
million (16) and including non-recurring items at -111 million (16).

The result for the second quarter was EUR -103 million (3). Income
taxes, including the change in deferred tax liabilities, were EUR 8
million (-13).

Earnings per share were EUR -0.31 (0.01), excluding non-recurring
items EUR -0.16 (0.01).

Return on equity was -18.3 per cent (0.5), excluding non-recurring
items -9.1 per cent (0.5). Return on capital employed was -5.6 per
cent (3.4), excluding non-recurring items -1.2 per cent (3.4).


Sales amounted to EUR 2 819 million (Jan-Jun/2005: 2 603). Comparable
sales rose by 8.6 per cent.

The operating result was EUR 14 million (-27) excluding non-recurring
items and to EUR -40 million (43) including non-recurring items.

The result for last year was burdened by the labour dispute in the
Finnish paper industry, which affected the Consumer Packaging and
Publishing business areas in particular. As a result, the increase in
this year’s delivery volumes improved the operating result compared
with January-June last year. The result for the period under review
was also improved by the rise in sales prices in the Publishing and
Office Papers business areas. The result was weakened by the
increased energy costs in particular.

The deliveries of paperboard to customers totalled 588 000 tons (512
000). Production was curtailed to correspond to demand by 31 000 tons
(21 000).

The total delivery volume of paper products was 2 120 000 tons (2 018
000). Production curtailments were 99 000 tons (118 000).

Of the business areas, Consumer Packaging, Publishing and Map
Merchant Group improved their profitability.

The operating result for January-June includes 39 per cent of Metsä-
Botnia's operating result. Last year operating result included 47 per
cent of Metsä-Botnia’s operating result during January-March and 39
per cent during April-June.

The share of results from associated companies was EUR -1 million (-

Financial income and expenses totalled EUR -54 million (-106).
Translation differences from accounts receivable, accounts payable,
financial items and the valuation of currency hedging were EUR 5
million (-26). Net interest and other financial expenses amounted to
EUR -59 million (-80). Other financial expenses include a valuation
gain for interest rate hedges of EUR 7 million (-17).

At the end of June the exchange rate of the US dollar in euros was
5.1 per cent lower and the rate of the British pound in euros was 2.7
per cent lower than at the end of June 2005. However, on average the
dollar strengthened by 4.4 per cent and the pound weakened by 0.1 per
cent compared with January-June in 2005.

The result before taxes was EUR -95 million (-66). Result before
taxes excluding non-recurring items totalled EUR -41 million (-132).

Result for the period under review was EUR -100 million (-45). Income
taxes, including the change in deferred tax liabilities, were EUR -5
million (21).

Earnings per share were EUR -0.30 (-0.14). Earnings per share
excluding non-recurring items were EUR -0.15 (-0.35).

Return on equity was -8.9 per cent (-3.7), excluding non-recurring
items -4.3 per cent (-9.6).
Return on capital employed was -1.1 per cent (2.2), excluding non-
recurring items 1.1 per cent (-0.7).


The number of personnel was 15 277 at the end of June (15 154 on 31
December 2005), of which 4 946 worked in Finland (4 488). The effect
of corporate transactions on the number of personnel was -169. The
number of summer employees was about 450, which resulted in a net
increase in personnel of 123 people.

M-real employed an average of 15 207 people during January-June (Jan-
Jun/2005: 15 660). The number of personnel of the Group includes 39
per cent of Metsä-Botnia’s personnel.


Gross investments in January-June totalled EUR 204 million (Jan-
Jun/2005: 203), which includes a share of EUR 97 million (56) of
Metsä-Botnia’s investments. Metsä-Botnia’s share includes EUR 28
million paid for the shares in its subsidiaries and associated
companies in Uruguay. Total investments in fixed assets amounted to
EUR 176 million.

M-real’s share of Metsä-Botnia’s investments is based on 39 per cent
share of ownership. Last year M-real’s share was 47 per cent in
January-March and 39 per cent in April-June.

The main shutdown of the investment project at the Simpele paperboard
mill was implemented from 20 March to 6 April 2006. The production
volume and quality of the products after start up have been according
to plan. With the investment, the paperboard production capacity of
the Simpele mill will rise to 215 000 tons per year.


The main development measures during the January to June period have
been the completion of the development programme at the Simpele
paperboard mill, the product quality improvement investment at the
Alizay mill and the introduction of Kaskinen’s BCTMP pulp mainly in M-
real’s own paper production.

In March 2006, M-real‘s subsidiary Tako Carton Plant Ltd. decided to
centralise the manufacture of folding cartons to the Tampere
production plant as part of the operational efficiency improvement
programme. As a result, Tako Carton Plant’s Järvenpää plant was shut
down at the end of June.

On 30 June 2006, M-real sold the French Pont Sainte Maxence
speciality paper mill to the German company Arques Industries. A loss
of EUR 35 million has been booked from the sale of the mill in the
result for the second quarter. The annual capacity of the Pont Sainte
Maxence mill is 120 000 tons and it employs about 200 people.

As a result of the efficiency improvement measures during January-
June, a reduction of about 600 people has been agreed (not including
the personnel of Pont Sainte Maxence). Of these, the reduction of
about 200 people concerns units and functions located in Finland and
about 400 located elsewhere in Europe.


At the end of June the equity ratio was 35.0 per cent (Dec/2005:
36.6) and the gearing ratio 108 per cent (Dec/2005: 95).

Interest-bearing net liabilities totalled EUR 2 381 million at the
end of June (Dec/2005: 2 205). Of the long-term liabilities, 7 per
cent were denominated in currencies other than the euro. Of these
loans, 74 per cent was subject to variable interest rates and the
rest to fixed rates. The average interest rate for the liabilities
was 5.0 per cent and the average maturity of long-term liabilities
was 4.1 years at the end of June. The interest rate maturity was 10
months at the end of the period; the interest rate maturity has
varied between 10 and 16 months during the period.

The cash flow from business operations before investments and
financing was EUR 41 million in the second quarter (Jan-Mar/2006:
65). Working capital rose by EUR 57 million from the end of the year.

Of the net currency flow on average, 7 months were hedged at the end
of the report period. The degree of hedging has varied between 7 and
9 months during the period; 96 per cent of the shareholders’ equity
denominated in currencies other than euro was hedged at the end of
the report period.

Liquidity is good. Liquidity was EUR 1 454 million at the end of
June, of which EUR 1 355 million was binding long-term credit
commitments and EUR 99 million liquid assets and investments. In
addition, the Group had non-binding domestic and foreign commercial
paper programmes and credit limits in use for short-term financing
needs at a value of about EUR 600 million.

On 30 June 2006 Standard & Poors Rating Services placed the rating of
M-real’s long-term credits under watch for a potential decrease of
the credit rating from its current level BB-.


The highest price of M-real’s B share on the Helsinki Stock Exchange
was EUR 5.62 during the January to June period, the lowest EUR 3.61
and the average price EUR 4.63. At the end of June the price of the B
share was EUR 3.87. The average price in 2005 was EUR 4.36. At the
end of last year the price was EUR 4.22.

The exchange of the B share was EUR 1 316 million during the January
to June period, or 97 per cent of the shares outstanding. The market
value of the A and B shares totalled EUR 1 280 million at the end of

Metsäliitto Cooperative owned 38.6 per cent of the shares at the end
of June, and the voting rights conferred by these shares was 60.5 per
cent. The holding of foreign owners in the shares was 33.4 per cent.

The Annual General Meeting on 13 March 2006 authorized the Board of
Directors for one year from the date of the Annual General Meeting to
decide on increasing the share capital through one or more rights
issues and/or one or more issues of convertible bonds such that in
the rights issue or issue of convertible bonds, a total maximum of
58 365 212 M-real Corporation Series B shares with a nominal value of
EUR 1.70 can be subscribed for, and that the company's share capital
can be increased by a total maximum of EUR 99 220 860.40. The
authorization will confer the right to disapply shareholders' pre-
emptive right to subscribe for new shares and/or issues of
convertible bonds and to decide on the subscription prices and other
terms and conditions. Shareholders' pre-emptive subscription rights
can be disapplied providing that there is a significant financial
reason for the company to do so, such as strengthening of the
company's balance sheet, making possible business structuring
arrangements or taking other measures for developing the company's
business operations. The Board of Directors may not disapply the pre-
emptive subscription rights on behalf of a related party.


On 13 March, M-real's Board of Directors has initiated a strategic
review of M-real's current business portfolio, with a view to M-real
exploring potential benefits of participation in the consolidation
and restructuring of the European paper industry. At the moment no
estimate on the potential conclusions of the strategy review can be


Metsä-Botnia’s Uruguay pulp mill investment is progressing as planned
according to its schedule and budget. The mill, which will produce
one million tons of pulp, is expected to start up in the third
quarter of 2007. At the end of June about 2 600 people were working
in the project.


On 7 July 2006 Moody’s Investor Service notified that it would reduce
M-real’s Ba3 credit rating to level B2. The rating outlook remained
negative. The effect of the change in credit rating on M-real’s
current financial costs is about EUR 2.5 million per year.

Argentina has appealed to the International Court of Justice in The
Hague regarding the Uruguay pulp mill projects (Botnia and the
Spanish ENCE). Argentina requested the Court to order a prohibition
of measures for the mill projects. The International Court of Justice
in The Hague published its resolution on 13 July 2006. The Court
stated there were no grounds on which to order the pulp mill projects
to be interrupted, so the construction work for the Botnia pulp mill
in Uruguay continues according to plan.


The demand for M-real’s main products was fairly good in the second
quarter, though weaker than in the first quarter primarily for
seasonal reasons. In the third quarter the demand for the main
products is expected to improve to some extent.

The price of uncoated fine paper was increased slightly during the
second quarter. The price of coated fine paper sheets was also
increased in Continental Europe, but the effect of the increase on
the average price remained slight. M-real has announced price
increases for all its main paper grades and they will enter into
force as of the beginning of September. The average prices of both
fine papers and coated magazine paper are expected to be at a
somewhat higher level in the third quarter than in the second
quarter. The market price of folding boxboard is expected to remain

The measures required by the cost savings programme published in 2004
have been defined and are being implemented. The planning for a new
cost savings and efficiency improvement programme has been started.
The programme will take a more detailed shape during the third

M-real’s result for the third quarter before taxes and non-recurring
items is expected to be clearly better than for the second quarter.
Despite the result improving measures in progress, the year-end
result before taxes will remain negative.

Espoo, 27 July 2006



Consumer Packaging

                         II    I    IV  III    II  I-II  I-II  II 06/I
                         06   06    05   05    05    06    05       06
Sales                   237  257   231  196   199   494   437    -7.8%
EBITDA                   24   44    37   33     6    68    55   -45.5%
  EBITDA, %             10.  17.  16.0 16.8   3.0  13.8  12.6         
                          1    1
Operating result          2   24    16   14   -16    26    11         
  Operating result, %   0.8  9.3   6.9  7.1     -   5.3   2.5         
Non-recurring items       0    0     0    0     0     0     0         
Return on capital       1.3  10.   7.8  6.7     -   6.1   2.8         
employed, %                    9              6.9
Return on capital       1.3  10.   7.8  6.7     -   6.1   2.8         
employed excluding             9              6.9
non-recurring items,
Deliveries, 1 000       284  304   268  226   231   588   512    -6.6%
Paperboard              270  299   272  292   128   569   421    -9.7%
production, 1 000
EBITDA = Earnings before interest, taxation, depreciation and

The second quarter compared with the previous quarter

The operating result of the Consumer Packaging business area for the
second quarter was EUR 2 million (Jan-Mar/2006: 24).The result does
not include non-recurring items.

The operating result was mainly weakened by the investment shutdown
at the Simpele mill and the strike of Finnish paper workers. In
addition, the result was weakened by the lower delivery volume and
the weakened US dollar.

Total deliveries by Western European folding boxboard producers
decreased by 5 per cent compared with the previous quarter. During
the corresponding period, M-real's deliveries of folding boxboard
decreased by 6 per cent. The sales price of folding boxboard
denominated in euros was slightly lower than in the previous quarter
mainly due to the strengthening of the euro. The delivery volume of
liner decreased from the first quarter. The average prices remained

January-June compared with the corresponding period in 2005

The business area’s operating result for January-June totalled EUR 26
million (Jan-Jun/2005: 11). The corresponding period in 2005 was
weakened by the decreases in production and delivery volumes caused
by the labour dispute in the Finnish paper industry and the decrease
in product inventories. The profitability of the current year is
mainly weakened by the rising energy costs.

Total deliveries by Western European folding boxboard producers
increased by 7 per cent compared with the corresponding period last
year. M-real’s deliveries were 14 per cent higher. Last year’s
delivery volumes remained lower than normal due to the labour dispute
in the Finnish paper industry. The price of folding boxboard
denominated in euros was at the level of the corresponding period
last year.

The delivery volume of liner was clearly higher than last year. The
average price was at the level of the corresponding period last year.


                         II    I   IV  III    II  I-II    I-II      II
                         06   06   05   05    05    06      05    06/I
Sales                   216  225  230  181   177   441     385   -4.0%
EBITDA                   23   32   34   35     0    55      29  -28.1%
  EBITDA, %             10.  14.  14.  19.   0.0  12.5     7.5        
                          6    2    8    3
Operating result          2   11   13   14   -21    13     -13        
  Operating result, %   0.9  4.9  5.7  7.7     -   2.9    -3.6        
Non-recurring items       0    0    0    0    -2     0      -2        
Return on capital       0.9  4.1  4.8  5.6  -7.7   2.5    -2.3        
employed, %
Return on capital       0.9  4.1  4.8  5.6  -7.0   2.5    -2.0        
employed excluding
non-recurring items,
Deliveries, 1 000       306  318  326  257   256   624     563   -3.8%
Production, 1 000       270  307  315  294   155   577     463  -12.1%
EBITDA = Earnings before interest, taxation, depreciation and

The second quarter compared with the previous quarter

The Publishing business area’s second quarter operating result was
EUR 2 million (Jan-Mar/2006: 11). The result does not include non-
recurring items. The operating result was primarily weakened by the
decrease in product inventories, the lower delivery volume and the
strike by the Finnish paper workers. Prices remained at previous
quarter’s level.

Total deliveries by Western European coated magazine paper producers
decreased by one per cent. The delivery volume of the Publishing
business area decreased by 4 per cent.

January-June compared with the corresponding period in 2005

The business area’s operating result for January-June totalled EUR 13
million (Jan-Jun/2005: -13). Last year’s operating result was
significantly weakened by the labour dispute in the Finnish paper
industry. This year’s result was improved by the increase in the
average sales price and the cost savings measures implemented. The
result was weakened by the rise in the price of energy.

Total deliveries by Western European coated magazine paper producers
decreased by one per cent compared with the corresponding period last
year. The delivery volume of the Publishing business area increased
by 11 per cent.

Commercial Printing

                         II  I 06    IV   III    II  I-II   I-II     II
                         06          05    05    05    06     05   06/I
Sales                   380   394   376   381   368   774    731  -3.6%
EBITDA                  -26    24     3    25     9    -2     31       
  EBITDA, %            -6.8   6.1   0.8   6.6   2.4  -0.3    4.2       
Operating result        -51    -2   -41     0   -17   -53    -21       
  Operating result, %     -  -0.5     -   0.0  -4.6  -6.8   -2.9       
                       13.4        10.9
Non-recurring items     -41     0   -29     0    -1   -41      0       
Return on capital         -  -0.5     -   0.0  -5.5  -8.6   -3.2       
employed, %            16.2        13.7
Return on capital      -3.2  -0.5  -3.9   0.0  -5.1  -1.9   -3.2       
employed excluding
non-recurring items,
Deliveries, 1 000       481   497   469   480   464   978    917  -3.2%
Production, 1 000       494   509   476   482   452  1003    922  -2.9%
EBITDA = Earnings before interest, taxation, depreciation and

The second quarter compared with the previous quarter

The Commercial Printing business area’s second quarter operating
result was EUR -51 million (Jan-Mar/2006: -2). Non-recurring costs of
EUR 41 million are included in the result for the second quarter. The
amount consists of the sales loss of the Pont Sainte Maxence mill and
the business area’s share of restructuring costs of the Stockstadt
and Hallein mills.

Profitability was mainly weakened by the seasonally lower delivery
and production volumes.

Total deliveries by Western European coated fine paper producers
decreased by 7 per cent. M-real’s deliveries of coated fine paper
decreased by 5 per cent. The average sales price denominated in euros
was at the level of the previous quarter. The price of speciality
papers increased as a result of price increases and an improved
product mix.

January-June compared with the corresponding period in 2005

The business area’s operating result for January-June was EUR -53
million (-21). The result includes non-recurring costs of EUR 41
million booked in the second quarter. Profitability was improved by
the 7 per cent increase in the business area’s delivery volume and
decreased fixed costs. The average prices were at last year’s level.
The result was significantly weakened by the increase in fibre and
energy costs.

Total deliveries by Western European coated fine paper producers
increased by 6 per cent. M-real’s delivery volume of coated fine
paper increased by 8 per cent compared with last year. Deliveries
increased the most in Europe and North America.

Office Papers

                        II  I 06    IV    III    II  I-II  I-II      II
                        06          05     05    05    06    05    06/I
Sales                  174   183   167    174   187   357   363   -4.9%
EBITDA                  -2    20    18     13     5    18    25        
  EBITDA, %              -  10.9  10.8    7.5   2.7   5.0   6.9        
Operating result       -17     4     3     -3   -10   -13    -5        
  Operating result, %    -   2.2   1.8   -1.7  -5.3  -3.6  -1.4        
Non-recurring items    -10     0     0      0   -12   -10    -9        
Return on capital        -   2.2   1.6   -1.1  -5.1  -3.4  -1.3        
employed, %            9.0
Return on capital        -   2.2   1.6   -1.1   1.0  -0.7   0.9        
employed excluding     3.7
non-recurring items,
Deliveries, 1 000      251   266   242    254   279   517   538   -5.6%
Production, 1 000      252   264   258    260   268   516   516   -4.5%
EBITDA = Earnings before interest, taxation, depreciation and

The second quarter compared with the previous quarter

The operating result of the Office Papers business area for the
second quarter was EUR -17 million (Jan-Mar/2006: 4). The result
includes a non-recurring cost of approx EUR 10 million, which is the
business area’s share of the non-recurring expense reserve of EUR 13
million related to the operational efficiency improvement programme
at the Alizay mill. As a result of the programme, the number of
personnel at the mill is expected to be reduced by about 100 people.
In addition, the renewal of the paper machine’s former and an
extensive maintenance shutdown of the pulp mill were simultaneously
implemented at the Alizay mill in April. The shutdown lasted close to
three weeks.

Total deliveries by Western European uncoated fine paper producers
decreased by 4 per cent. Office Papers business area’s product
delivery volume decreased by 6 per cent. Sales prices remained at the
level of the previous quarter on average.

January-June compared with the corresponding period in 2005

The business area’s operating result excluding non-recurring items
for January-June totalled EUR -3 million (4). The result was weakened
by the rise in energy costs. On the other hand, the result was
improved by the increase in the average sales price and delivery

Total deliveries by Western European uncoated fine paper producers
increased by 2 per cent. The delivery volume of the Office Papers
business area decreased by 4 per cent.

Map Merchant Group

                         II  I 06    IV   III    II  I-II    I-II      II
                         06          05    05    05    06      05    06/I
Sales                   354   365   357   341   351   719     692   -3.0%
EBITDA                    8     9     2     6     9    17      17  -11.1%
  EBITDA, %             2.3   2.5   0.6   1.8   2.6   2.4     2.5        
Operating result          7     7     0     5     7    14      13        
  Operating result, %   2.0   1.9   0.0   1.5   2.0   1.9     1.9        
Non-recurring items       0     0    -4     0     0     0       0        
Return on capital       8.2   8.7   2.1   4.5   9.3   8.5     8.8        
employed, %
Return on capital       8.2   8.7   7.1   4.5   9.3   8.5     8.8        
employed excluding
non-recurring items,
Deliveries, 1 000       354   363   347   337   343   717     675   -2.5%
EBITDA = Operating result before depreciation and impairments

The second quarter compared with the previous quarter

The operating result of the Map Merchant Group for the second quarter
was EUR 7 million (Jan-Mar/2006: 7).

The result was as expected and included no non-recurring items.

January-June compared with the corresponding period in 2005

The operating result of the Map Merchant Group for the first half of
the year was at the level of the corresponding period last year, EUR
14 million (13). The result was improved by the increased delivery
volume and weakened by the decreased average sales margin. The
results did not include non-recurring items.

M-REAL GROUP (all figures unaudited)


EUR million                    1-      1-   Change 1-12/05  4-6/06
                           6/2006  6/2005
Continuing operations:                                            
Sales                       2 819   2 603      216   5 241   1 378
Other operating income         69     139      -70     206      32
Operating expenses         -2 743  -2 508     -235  -5 008  -1 393
Depreciation and             -185    -191        6    -403     -92
impairment losses
Operating result              -40      43      -83      36     -75
% of sales                   -1.4     1.7              0,7    -5.4
Share of results in            -1      -3        2      -2       0
associated companies
Net exchange gains and          5     -26       31     -33      -3
Other financial income        -59     -80       21    -115     -33
and expenses, net
Result before taxes           -95     -66      -29    -114    -111
% of sales                   -3.4    -2.5             -2.2    -8.1
Income taxes                   -5      21      -26      34       8
Result for the period        -100     -45      -55     -80    -103
% of sales                   -3.5    -1.7             -1.5    -7.5
Attributable to:                                                  
Shareholders of parent       -100     -45      -55     -81    -102
Minority interest               0       0        0       1      -1
Earnings per share for      -0.30   -0.14    -0.16   -0.25   -0.31
result attributable to
the shareholders of
parent company, euros


                    30.6.20       % 30.6.20      % 31.12.20       %
                         06             05              05
EUR million                                                       
Non-current assets                                                
Intangible assets       665    10.6    647   10.6      654    10.3
Tangible assets       3 174    50.5  3 137   51.5    3 178    50.2
Biological assets        43     0.7     31    0.5       36     0.6
Shares in               115     1.8    113    1.9      114     1.8
associated and
other companies
Interest bearing         38     0.6     42    0.7       46     0.7
Deferred tax             32     0.5     41    0.7       33     0.5
Other non-interest       13     0.2     24    0.4       23     0.4
bearing receivables
                      4 080    64.9  4 035   66.3    4 084    64.5
Current assets                                               
Inventories             737    11.7    632   10.4      749    11.8
  Interest bearing      169     2.7    180    3.0      167     2.7
  Non-interest        1 202    19.1  1 112   18.2    1 215    19.2
Cash and cash            99     1.6    129    2.1      112     1.8
                      2 207    35.1  2 053   33.7    2 243    35.5
Total assets          6 287   100.0  6 088  100.0    6 327   100.0
Equity attributable   2 142    34.1  2 308   37.9    2 271    35.9
to shareholders of
parent company
Minority interest        58     0.9     30    0,5       45     0.7
Total equity          2 200    35.0  2 338   38.4    2 316    36.6
 Deferred tax           329     5.2    368    6.0      336     5.3
 Post employment        204     3.2    215    3.5      211     3.3
benefit obligations
 Provisions              66     1.0     52    0.9       62     1.0
 Other non-interest      48     0.8     95    1.6       60     0.9
bearing liabilities
 Interest bearing     2 123    33.8  1 614   26.5    1 877    29.7
                      2 770    44.0  2 344   38.5    2 546    40.2
Current liabilities                                               
 Non-interest           753    12.0    676   11.1      813    12.9
bearing liabilities
 Interest bearing       564     9.0    730   12.0      652    10.3
                      1 317    21.0  1 406   23.1    1 465    23.2
Total liabilities     4 087    65.0  3 750   61.6    4 011    63.4
Total shareholders’   6 287   100.0  6 088  100.0    6 327   100.0
equity and


EUR million             1-6/06  1-6/05 1-12/05 4-6/06
Cash flow from                                       
Operating Activities
Result for the period     -100     -45     -80   -103
  Adjustments to the       263     267     480    136
result, total
  Change in working        -57      -9     -82      8
Cash flow arising from     106     213     318     41
Finance costs, net         -51     -78    -136    -21
Income taxes paid          -15     -23     -46    -10
Net cash flow arising       40     112     136     10
from Operating
Investments in            -204    -203    -452   -101
intangible and
tangible assets
Asset sales and other       12     314     312     10
investing cash flow
Net cash flow arising     -192     111    -140    -91
Investing Activities
Minority’s share in         23       0      12      4
share issue
Changes in loans and       157    -298    -100     67
other financial items
Dividends paid             -39     -39     -39      0
Net cash flow arising      141    -337    -127     71
from Financial
Changes in Cash and        -11    -114    -131    -10
Cash Equivalents
Cash and Cash              112     242     242    110
Equivalents at
beginning of period
Translation                 -2       1       1     -1
Changes in Cash and        -11    -114    -131    -10
Cash Equivalents
Cash and Cash               99     129     112     99
Equivalents at end of


EUR million       Share  Share  Translat  Fair  Retained Minori  Total
                 capitalpremium   ion     value earnings   ty
                          fund  differen   and           intere
                                  ces     other            st
Shareholders’       558     667        6      2    1 160     37   2 430
equity Jan 1,
2005, IFRS
Translation                                                              0
Net expenses                                   -2                      -2
directly in
Change in                                                        7       7
interest during
the period
Result for the                                          -81      1     -80
Total recognised                               -2      -81      8     -75
income for the
Dividends paid                                          -39            -39
Shareholders’       558     667        6      0    1 040     45   2 316
equity Dec 31,
2005, IFRS
Translation                             -8                              -8
Net expenses                                   18                      18
directly in
Change in                                                       13      13
interest during
the period
Result for the                                         -100      0    -100
Total recognised                        -8     18     -100     13     -77
income for the
Dividends paid                                          -39            -39
Shareholders’       558     667       -2     18      901     58   2 200
equity June 30,
2006, IFRS


                              1-     1-       1-      4-
                          6/2006 6/2005  12/2005  6/2006
Sales, EUR million         2 819  2 603    5 241   1 378
Operating result, EUR        -40     43       36     -75
excl. non-recurring           14    -27        4     -21
Result before taxes, EUR     -95    -66     -114    -111
excl. non-recurring          -41   -132     -142     -57
Result for the period,      -100    -45      -80    -103
EUR million
Earnings per share, EUR    -0.30  -0.14    -0.25   -0.31
  excl. non-recurring      -0.15  -0.35    -0.35   -0.16
items EUR
  from continuing          -0.30  -0.14    -0.25   -0.31
operations EUR
  from discontinued         0.00   0.00     0.00    0.00
operations EUR
Return on equity, %         -8.9   -3.7     -3.4   -18.3
excl. non-recurring         -4.3   -9.6     -4.8    -9.1
items, %
Return on capital           -1.1    2.2      1.2    -5.6
employed, %
  excl. non-recurring        1.1   -0.7      0.5    -1.2
items, %
Equity ratio, %             35.0   38.4     36.6    35.0
Gearing ratio, %             108     85       95     108
Shareholders’ equity per    6.53   7.03     6.92    6.53
share, EUR
Interest-bearing net       2 381  1 993    2 205   2 381
EUR million
Gross capital                204    203      452     101
EUR million
Personnel at the end of   15 277 15 964   15 154  15 277
the period


EUR million                6/06     6/05   12/05
For own loans               101      139     108
For associated                1        1       1
For affiliated                5        5       5
For others                   10       11      11
Total                       117      156     125
OPEN DERIVATIVE            6/06     6/05   12/05
EUR million
Interest rate             3 302   10 971   7 416
Currency derivatives      3 577    4 097   5 365
Other derivatives           116       23      54
Total                     6 995   15 091  12 835

The fair value of open derivative contracts calculated at market
value at the end of the review period was EUR 12.0 million (EUR -37.3
million Dec 31, 2005 and EUR -41.8 million June 30, 2005).

Also include other closed contracts to a total amount of EUR 3 134.7
million (EUR 8 164.8 million Dec 31, 2005 and EUR 6 268.9 million
June 30, 2005).


SALES BY SEGMENTS   I-II  I-II   II  I 06    IV   III    II  2005
EUR million           06    05   06          05    05    05
Consumer Packaging   494   437  237   257   231   196   199   864
Publishing           441   385  216   225   230   181   177   796
Commercial           774   731  380   394   376   381   368  1488
Office Papers        357   363  174   183   167   174   187   704
Map Merchant Group   719   692  354   365   357   341   351  1390
Internal sales and    34    -5         17     8    -4   -23    -1
other operations                 17
GROUP TOTAL         2819  2603 1378  1441  1369  1269  1259  5241

OPERATING RESULT    I-II  I-II    II  I 06   IV   III    II  2005
BY SEGMENTS, EUR      06    05    06         05    05    05
Consumer Packaging    26    11     2    24   16    14   -16    41
Publishing            13   -13     2    11   13    14   -21    14
Commercial           -53   -21   -51    -2  -41     0   -17   -62
Office Papers        -13    -5   -17     4    3    -3   -10    -5
Map Merchant Group    14    13     7     7    0     5     7    18
Other operations     -27    58   -18    -9  -18   -10   -15    30
Operating result     -40    43   -75    35  -27    20   -72    36
 % of sales         -1.4   1.7  -5.4   2.4    -   1.6  -5.7   0.7
Share of result in    -1    -3     0    -1    2     0    -4    -2
Net exchange gains     5   -26    -3     8   -7     0   -15   -33
and losses
Other financial      -59   -80   -33   -26  -17   -19   -52  -115
income and
expenses, net
Result on            -95   -66  -111    16  -49     1  -143  -114
operations before
Income tax            -5    21     8   -13   11     2    21    34
Result on           -100   -45  -103     3  -38     3  -122   -80
Result on              0     0     0     0    0     0     0     0
Result for the      -100   -45  -103     3  -38     3  -122   -80
Minority interest      0     0     1    -1    2    -1     1    -1
Profit/loss         -100   -45  -102     2  -36     2  -121   -81
attributable to
shareholders of
parent company
Earning per share      -     -     -  0.01    -  0.01     -     -
adjusted for share  0.30  0.14  0.31        0.1        0.37  0.26
issue, EUR                                    3

NON-RECURRING       I-II I-II    II    I    IV  III   II   2005
ITEMS                 06   05    06   06    05   05   05
Consumer Packaging     0    0     0    0     0    0    0      0
Publishing             0   -2     0    0     0    0   -2     -2
Commercial           -41    0   -41    0   -29    0   -1    -29
Office Papers        -10   -9   -10    0     0    0  -12     -9
Map Merchant Group     0    0     0    0    -4    0    0     -4
Other operations      -3   81    -3    0    -5    0    0     76
Non-recurring        -54   70   -54    0   -38    0  -15     32
items in
operations, total
Non-recurring          0   -4          0     0    0   -4     -4
financial items                   0
Non-recurring        -54   66   -54    0   -38    0  -19     28
items, total
Operating result      14  -27   -21   35    11   20  -57      4
excl. non-
recurring items
% of sales           0.5 -1.0  -1.5  2.4   0.8  1.6    -    0.1
Result before        -41 -132   -57   16   -11    1    -   -142
taxes, result                                        124
excl. non-
recurring items
% of sales          -1.5 -5.1  -4.1  1.1  -0.8  0.1    -   -2.7
Earnings per           -    -     -  0.0     -  0.0    -      -
share, excl. non-   0.15 0.35  0.16    1  0.01    1  0.3   0.35
recurring items                                        2
Return on equity,   -4.3 -9.6  -9.1  0.5  -0.5  0.4    -   -4.8
excl. non-                                           17.
recurring items                                        6
Return on capital    1.1 -0.7  -1.2  3.4   1.4  2.3    -    0.5
employed, excl.                                      0.3

RETURN ON CAPITAL  I-II   I-II  II 06  I 06  IV 05 III 05  II 05      
EMPLOYED, %          06     05                                   2005
Consumer            6.1    2.8    1.3  10.9    7.8   6.7   -6.9   4.8
Publishing          2.5   -2.2    0.9   4.1    4.8   5.6   -7.7   1.3
Commercial         -8.6   -3.2  -16.2  -0.5  -13.7   0.0   -5.5  -4.9
Office Papers      -3.4   -1.3   -9.0   2.2    1.6  -1.1   -5.1  -0.5
Map Merchant        8.5    8.8    8.2   8.7    2.1   4.5    9.3   6.0
GROUP TOTAL        -1.1    2.2   -5.6   3.4   -1.8   2.3   -5.7   1.2

CAPITAL EMPLOYED  06/06   03/06  12/05    9/05   6/05    3/05   12/04
EUR million
Consumer            907     917    878     857    835     894     943
Publishing         1094    1124   1094    1077   1056    1121    1132
Commercial         1243    1273   1178    1204   1225    1249    1313
Office Papers       746     754    762     764    780     805     818
Map Merchant        318     323    324     315    308     306     301
Other assets        578     514    610     506    479     476     428
GROUP TOTAL        4886    4904   4846    4723   4683    4851    4935

Segments’ capital employed includes segments’ assets (= goodwill,
other intangible assets, tangible assets, biological assets,
investments in associated companies, inventories and accounts
receivables, prepayment and accrued income (excluding interest and
tax items) ) deducted by segments’ liabilities (= accounts payable,
advances received and accruals and deferred income (excluding
interest and tax items)).

PERSONNEL             I-II    I-II    I-IV
Average               2006    2005    2005
Consumer Packaging   2 629   2 677   2 667
Publishing           1 468   1 483   1 486
Commercial           4 620   4 860   4 816
Office Papers        1 847   1 969   1 948
Map Merchant Group   2 506   2 521   2 515
Other operations     2 137   2 150   2 146
GROUP TOTAL         15 207  15 660  15 578

1000 tons           I-II  I-II  II 06  I 06 IV 05  III II 05 2005
                     06    05                      05
Consumer Packaging   588   512   284   304   268   226  231  1006
Publishing           624   563   307   318   326   257  256  1146
Commercial Printing  978   917   481   497   469   480  464  1866
Office Papers        517   538   251   266   242   254  279  1034
Paper businesses    2120  2018   1040  1080  1037  991  999  4046
Map Merchant Group   717   675   354   363   347   337  343  1359

1000 tons           I-II  I-II  II 06  I 06 IV 05  III II 05 2005
                     06    05                      05
Consumer Packaging   569   421   270   299   272   292  128   985
Publishing           577   463   270   307   315   294  155  1072
Commercial Printing 1003   922   494   509   476   482  452  1880
Office Papers        516   516   252   264   258   260  268  1034
Paper mills total   2096  1901   1016  1079  1048 1036  875  3985
Metsä-Botnia’s pulp  485   415   234   251   252   234  108   901
M-real’s pulp        862   733   422   440   421   379  350  1533

1) Equals to M-real’s ownership in Metsä-Botnia (39% as from II 05,
47% until I 05).


Hannu Anttila
President and CEO
