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M-real Corporation Stock Exchange Bulletin on 25 October 2006 at 1:00


M-real's result before taxes, excluding non-recurring items, improved
clearly in the third quarter, nevertheless showing a loss of EUR 20
million (-57 in the previous quarter). The operating result excluding
non-recurring items amounted to EUR 17 million (-21).

The operating result improved as business returned to normal
following the items that burdened the previous quarter and due to a
moderate seasonal increase in delivery volumes. The previous
quarter's operating result was weakened by costs of EUR 20 million
arising from maintenance and investment shutdowns, as well as the two-
day strike of paper workers at the Finnish mills.

Profitability was weakened by the EUR 2 million adjustment in the
selling price of the Pont Sainte Maxence mill, which was booked as a
non-recurring item in addition to the sales loss of EUR 35 million
booked in the previous quarter.

KEY FIGURES                7-9/06 4-6/06  1-3/06    1-    1- 1-12/05
                                                  9/06  9/05
Sales, EUR million          1,367  1,378   1,441 4,186 3,872   5,241
Operating result, EUR          15    -75      35   -25    63      36
  excluding non-               17    -21      35    31    -7       4
recurring items, EUR
Result before taxes, EUR      -22   -111      16  -117   -65    -114
  excluding non-              -20    -57      16   -61  -131    -142
recurring items, EUR
Result for the period,        -33   -103       3  -133   -42     -80
EUR million
Earnings per share, EUR     -0.10  -0.31    0.01 -0.40 -0.13   -0.25
Return on equity, %          -6.1  -18.3     0.5  -7.9  -2.3    -3.4
  excluding non-             -5.8   -9.1     0.5  -4.7  -6.2    -4.8
recurring items, %
Return on capital             1.8   -5.6     3.4  -0.2   2.3     1.2
employed, %
  excluding non-              2.0   -1.2     3.4   1.4   0.2     0.5
recurring items, %
Equity ratio at end of       34.3   35.0    36.2  34.3  37.4    36.6
period, %
Gearing ratio at end of       111    108     100   111    87      95
period, %
Interest-bearing net        2 402  2 381   2 296 2 402 2 040   2 205
liabilities at end of
period, EUR million
Gross investments, EUR        101    101     103   305   308     452
Paperboard deliveries,        285    284     304   873   738   1 006
1,000 tonnes
Paper deliveries, 1,000     1 031  1 040   1 080  3151  3009   4 046
Personnel at end of        14 509 15 277  15 046    14    15  15 154
period                                             509   412

Mikko Helander, appointed CEO on 18 October 2006, comments on M-
real's situation:

”While our result improved in the third quarter, it still remained
negative. Comparable delivery volumes increased slightly from the
second quarter, but we failed to implement our targeted price
increases except for office papers and the coated fine paper market
in the UK. Production input costs have remained high and the need for
price increases in paper and paperboard products is very high.

On 18 October 2006 we announced an extensive profit improvement
programme as a first step in our strategic review. The plan, which
includes possible capacity closures, a new cost savings programme,
potential divestments and an impairment charge, will take effect
immediately with planned completion by the end of 2007. The profit
improvement programme is being undertaken to cut capacity and costs
and to improve the company's competitiveness on the market. We are
also launching a working capital reduction programme to improve our
cash flow.

Fourth-quarter result before taxes and excluding non-recurring
items is not expected to be materially below third quarter's level.
The full-year result before taxes and excluding non-recurring items
will be negative," says Helander.


For additional information, please contact Mikko Helander, CEO, tel.
+ 358 10 469 4300 or Seppo Parvi, Executive Vice President and CFO,
tel. +358 10 469 4321.




Economic growth in Europe is expected to continue its relatively good
pace in the near future. A slight decrease is anticipated in 2007
compared with this year. Economic growth is also expected to decrease
in North America and somewhat in Asia. Energy prices and the exchange
rate of the US dollar remain the most significant uncertainty

In Europe, advertising spending is growing steadily and moderate
growth is expected to continue also next year. Industrial production
is this year generally expected to outperform last year's growth but
the rate of growth is expected to slacken next year.

European deliveries by Western European coated and uncoated fine
paper producers have remained at somewhat higher levels compared with
last year, while deliveries of coated magazine papers have continued
at the previous year's level. The deliveries of all the above-
mentioned paper grades to Eastern Europe have grown significantly
compared with the corresponding period last year. No significant
change has taken place in the average paper market prices in Europe.
The price of office paper is the only one rising slightly.

In folding boxboard, deliveries to Europe by Western European
producers increased slightly compared with last year. Demand has
developed very favourably in Eastern Europe. Comparability with the
previous year is affected by the labour dispute in the Finnish paper
industry. The market price of folding boxboard in Europe has remained


The sales of M-real Group for the third quarter amounted to EUR 1,367
million (4-6/2006: 1,378). Comparable turnover rose by 0.6 per cent.

The operating result excluding non-recurring items totalled EUR 17
million (-21). Operating result including non-recurring items
totalled EUR 15 million (-75). The operating result for July-
September includes EUR 2 million of non-recurring costs arising from
an accrual adjustment in accounts payable  of Pont Sainte Maxence
mill, which was sold in June. The operating result for April-June
included non-recurring net costs of EUR 54 million consisting of the
sales loss for the Pont Sainte Maxence paper mill (35) and the
efficiency improvement programmes at the Alizay (13), Stockstadt (4)
and Hallein (2) mills.

The operating result improved as business returned to normal
following the items that affected the previous quarter and due to a
moderate seasonal increase in delivery volumes. The previous
quarter's operating result was weakened by a cost of about EUR 20
million arising from maintenance and investment shutdowns, and the
two-day strike of paper workers at the Finnish mills.

The operating result for the third quarter continued to be weakened
by the relatively weak US dollar and high fibre and energy costs.

In the first quarter the effect of increased energy costs on the
Group’s result was alleviated by the valuation gain on electricity
price derivatives of EUR 2 million. In terms of electricity
derivatives, M-real has adopted hedge accounting according to IFRS as
of the beginning of the second quarter of 2006. A valuation gain
totalling EUR 5 million has been booked in shareholders’ equity for
the hedge accounting at the end of September.

Deliveries of paperboard to customers totalled 285,000 tonnes
(284,000). Production was curtailed by 10,000 tonnes in line with
demand (19,000).

The deliveries of paper products totalled 1,031,000 tonnes
(1,040,000). Comparable deliveries were up 17,000 tonnes. Production
curtailments were 52,000 tonnes (63,000).

Profitability improved in all business areas except for the Map
Merchant Group.

The share of the results in associated companies amounted to EUR 1
million (0).

Financial income and expenses totalled EUR -38 million (-36). Foreign
exchange gains and losses from accounts receivable, accounts payable,
financial income and expenses and the valuation of currency hedging
were EUR -1 million (-3). Net interest and other financial expenses
amounted to EUR -37 million (-33). Other financial expenses do not
include a valuation gain on interest rate derivatives (3). A
valuation gain totalling EUR 10 million has been booked in
shareholders’ equity for hedge accounting at the end of September.

At the end of September, the US dollar exchange rate against the euro
was 0.4 per cent higher and the rate of the British pound against the
euro 2.1 per cent higher than at the end of June. However, on average
the dollar weakened by 1.4 per cent and the pound strengthened by 1.2
per cent compared with the previous quarter.

The result before taxes excluding non-recurring items amounted to EUR
-20 million (-57) and including non-recurring items to -22 million (-

The result for the third quarter was EUR -33 million (-103). Income
taxes, including the change in deferred tax liabilities, amounted to
EUR -11 million (8).

Earnings per share were EUR -0.10 (-0.31); excluding non-recurring
items EUR -0.08 (-0.16).

The return on equity was -6.1 per cent (-18.3); excluding non-
recurring items -5.8 per cent (-9.1). The return on capital employed
was 1.8 per cent (-5.6); excluding non-recurring items 2.0 per cent (-


Sales were EUR 4,186 million (1-9/2005: 3,872). Comparable sales rose
by 8.8 per cent.

The operating result was EUR 31 million (-7) excluding non-recurring
items and EUR -25 million (63) including non-recurring items. The
most significant non-recurring items this year concern the loss (-37)
arising from the sale of the Pont Sainte Maxence paper mill in June
and the efficiency improvement programmes at the Alizay, Stockstadt
and Hallein mills (-19); last year's most significant non-recurring
item concerned the sales profit from an 8 per cent interest in Metsä-
Botnia (81).

The result for last year was burdened by the labour dispute in the
Finnish paper industry, which affected the Consumer Packaging and
Publishing business areas in particular. As a result, the increase in
this year's delivery volumes especially improved the operating result
compared with January-September last year. The result for the report
period was also improved by the rise in selling prices in the
Publishing and Office Papers business areas. The result was weakened
by the increased energy costs in particular.

Paperboard deliveries to customers totalled 873,000 tonnes (738,000
tonnes). Production was curtailed to correspond to demand by 41,000
tonnes (24,000).

The total delivery volume of paper products was 3,151,000 tonnes
(3,009,000). Comparable deliveries were up 168,000 tonnes. Production
curtailments were 151,000 tonnes (161,000).

With the exception of the Map Merchant Group, profitability excluding
non-recurring items improved in all business areas.

The operating result for January-September includes 39 per cent of
Metsä-Botnia's operating result. Last year the operating result
included 47 per cent of Metsä-Botnia’s operating result during
January-March and 39 per cent during April-September.

The share of the results in associated companies amounted to EUR 0
million (-3).

Financial income and expenses totalled EUR -92 million (-125).
Foreign exchange gains and losses from accounts receivable, accounts
payable, financial income and expenses and the valuation of currency
hedging were EUR 4 million (-26). Net interest and other financial
expenses amounted to EUR -96 million (-99). Other financial expenses
include EUR 6 million of valuation gains on interest rate hedges (-

At the end of September the exchange rate of the US dollar against
the euro was 5.1 per cent lower and the rate of the British pound
against the euro 0.6 per cent lower than at the end of September
2005. However, on average the dollar strengthened by 1.5 per cent and
the pound by 0.1 per cent compared with January-September in 2005.

The result before taxes was EUR -117 million (-65). The result before
taxes excluding non-recurring items totalled EUR -61 million (-131).

The result for the report period was EUR -133 million (-42). Income
taxes, including the change in deferred tax liabilities, were EUR -16
million (23).

Earnings per share were EUR -0.40 (-0.13). Earnings per share
excluding non-recurring items were EUR -0.23 (-0.34).

The return on equity was -7.9 per cent (-2.3); excluding non-
recurring items -4.7 per cent (-6.2). Return on capital employed was
-0.2 per cent (2.3); excluding non-recurring items 1.4 per cent


The number of personnel at the end of September was 14,509 employees
(15,154 employees at 31 December 2005), of whom 4,314 worked in
Finland (4,488). The effect of acquisitions and divestments on the
number of personnel was -169. M-real employed an average of 15,085
people during January-September (1-9/2005: 15,695). The Group's
personnel includes 39 per cent of Metsä-Botnia’s personnel.


Gross investments in January-September totalled EUR 305 million (1-
9/2005: 308), which includes a EUR 161 million share of Metsä-
Botnia’s investments (67). This share includes EUR 28 million paid
for the shares in Metsä-Botnia's subsidiaries and associated
companies in Uruguay. Total investments in fixed assets amounted to
EUR 277 million.

M-real's share of Metsä-Botnia's investments is based on a 39 per
cent share of ownership. Last year M-real’s share was 47 per cent in
January-March and 39 per cent in April-September.

On 29 September 2006, Kyro Corporation and M-real Corporation agreed
on an arrangement which gives M-real the option to purchase the
Kyröskoski natural gas powerplant from Kyro. The plant is owned by
Kyro Power Oy, a subsidiary of Kyro Corporation. According to the
agreement, M-real will be able to exercise its option to purchase in
the summer of 2007 when the current energy supply agreement between M-
real and Kyro expires.


At the end of September, the equity ratio was 34.3 per cent (12/2005:
36.6) and the gearing ratio 111 per cent (12/2005: 95).

Interest-bearing net liabilities amounted to EUR 2,402 million at the
end of September (12/2005: 2,205). Seven per cent of the Group's long-
term loans were denominated in foreign currencies. Of these loans, 76
per cent was subject to variable interest rates and the rest to fixed
interest rates. The average interest rate on the loans was 5.1 per
cent and the average maturity of long-term loans was 4.0 years at the
end of September. The interest rate maturity was 8 months at the end
of September. During the report period the interest rate maturity has
varied between 8 and 16 months.

Third-quarter cash flow from business operations before investments
and financing was EUR 82 million (4-6/2006: 41). Working capital was
up EUR 74 million from the turn of the year.

At the end of the report period, an average of 7 months of the net
foreign currency exposure was hedged. The degree of hedging during
the period has varied between 7 and 9 months; 95 per cent of the
shareholders’ equity denominated in currencies other than euro was
hedged at the end of the report period.

Liquidity is good. Liquidity at the end of September was EUR 1,501
million, of which EUR 1,405 million consisted of binding long-term
credit commitments and EUR 96 million represented liquid funds and
investments. In addition, to meet its short-term financing needs, the
Group had at its disposal non-binding domestic and foreign commercial
paper programmes and credit facilities amounting to approximately EUR
600 million.

On 7 July 2006, Moody’s Investors Services downgraded the rating on M-
real's long-term credits from Ba3 to B2. The rating outlook remained

On 4 August 2006, Standard & Poors Ratings Services downgraded the
rating on M-real’s long-term credits from BB- to B+. The rating
outlook remained negative.


The highest price of M-real’s B share on the Helsinki Stock Exchange
in January-September was EUR 5.62, the lowest EUR 3.26 and the
average price EUR 4.36. At the end of September the price of the
Series B share was EUR 3.99. The average price in 2005 was EUR 4.36.
The last quotation of the share price at the end of 2005 was EUR

The trading volume of the Series B share in January-September was EUR
1,702 million, or 132 per cent of the shares outstanding. The market
value of the Series A and B shares at the end of September totalled
EUR 1,315 million.

At the end of September, Metsäliitto Cooperative owned 38.6 per cent
of M-real Corporation's shares and the voting rights conferred by
these shares was 60.5 per cent. International investors owned 32.9
per cent of the shares. Hermes Focus Asset Management Europe Ltd
announced that as of 23 August 2006, its holding in M-real had
increased to 5.10 per cent of the share capital and 2.25 per cent of
voting rights in the company.

The Annual General Meeting on 13 March 2006 authorized the Board of
Directors for one year from the date of the Annual General Meeting to
decide on increasing the share capital through one or more rights
issues and/or one or more issues of convertible bonds such that in
the rights issue or issue of convertible bonds, a total maximum of
58 365 212 M-real Corporation Series B shares with a nominal value of
EUR 1.70 can be subscribed for, and that the company's share capital
can be increased by a total maximum of EUR 99 220 860.40. The
authorization will confer the right to disapply shareholders' pre-
emptive right to subscribe for new shares and/or issues of
convertible bonds and to decide on the subscription prices and other
terms and conditions. Shareholders' pre-emptive subscription rights
can be disapplied providing that there is a significant financial
reason for the company to do so, such as strengthening of the
company's balance sheet, making possible business structuring
arrangements or taking other measures for developing the company's
business operations. The Board of Directors may not disapply the pre-
emptive subscription rights on behalf of a related party.


On 13 March 2006, M-real’s Board of Directors initiated a strategic
review of M-real's current business portfolio, with a view to M-real
exploring potential benefits of participation in the consolidation
and restructuring of the European paper industry. On 18 October 2006
M-real announced an extensive profit improvement programme as a first
step in its strategic review.

The programme, which includes possible capacity closures, a new EUR
100 million cost savings programme, potential divestments and an
impairment charge of approximately EUR 200 million, will take effect
immediately with planned completion by the end of 2007. The intent of
the plan is to cut capacity and costs and improve the company's
competitiveness on the market. M-real is also launching a programme
to reduce working capital by EUR 100 million.

M-real's Board of Directors appointed Mikko Helander as the new CEO
for M-real as of 18 October 2006. His predecessor, Hannu Anttila, has
been appointed Executive Vice President, Strategy, for Metsäliitto


Work on Metsä Botnia's pulp mill investment project in Uruguay
has reached the machinery installation stage. At the end of
September approximately 3,600 people were employed in the
project. The mill, which will produce one million tonnes of
eucalyptus pulp, will start up in the third quarter of 2007.
The estimated cost of the project is USD 1.1 billion.


On 13 October 2006 M-real Corporation sold its entire 52.78 per cent
holding in the Tampere-based hydroelectric power station company
Alakoski Oy to H. Liljeroos Oy and Koskienergia Oy.


The demand for M-real's main products was relatively good in the
third quarter. Comparable delivery volumes increased slightly on the
previous quarter. Demand for the main products is expected to
continue at a good level.

The price of uncoated fine paper was raised in Europe at the end of
the third quarter; as a result, the average selling price is also
expected to rise somewhat in the fourth quarter. M-real's efforts
towards price increases in coated papers have failed to reach the
intended outcome. Compared with the third quarter, the average price
of coated fine paper is expected to rise slightly in Europe due to a
price increase carried through in the United Kingdom. Because of
heavy cost pressure, there is a clear need to raise also the market
prices for coated magazine paper and folding boxboard; however, the
average market prices will probably remain unchanged during the rest
of the year.

The profit improvement programme announced on 18 October 2006 was
initiated immediately. An impairment of approximately EUR 200 million
related to the profit improvement programme will be booked by the end
of this year. Fourth-quarter result before taxes and excluding non-
recurring items is not expected to be materially below third
quarter's level. The result before taxes and excluding non-recurring
items for the entire year will be negative.

Espoo, 25 October 2006



Consumer Packaging

                         III    II  I 06    IV    III   I-   I-     III
                          06    06          05     05  III  III   06/II
                                                        06   05      06
Sales                    236   237   257   231    196  730  633   -0.4%
EBITDA                    38    24    44    37     33  106   88   58.3%
  EBITDA, %             16.1  10.1  17.1  16.0   16.8  14.  13.        
                                                         5    9
Operating result          17     2    24    16     14   43   25        
  Operating result, %    7.2   0.8   9.3   6.9    7.1  5.9  3.9        
Non-recurring items        0     0     0     0      0    0    0        
Return on capital        7.5   1.3  10.9   7.8    6.7  6.6  3.9        
employed, %
Return on capital        7.5   1.3  10.9   7.8    6.7  6.6  3.9        
employed excluding
non-recurring items,
Deliveries, 1,000        285   284   304   268    226  873  738    0.4%
Paperboard               273   270   299   272    292  842  713    1.1%
production, 1,000
EBITDA = Earnings before interest, taxation, depreciation and

The third quarter compared with the previous quarter

The Consumer Packaging business area reported an operating result of
EUR 17 million for the third quarter (4-6/2006: 2). The result does
not include non-recurring items. The previous quarter's operating
result was mainly weakened by the investment shutdown at the Simpele
mill and the strike of Finnish paper workers.

Deliveries by Western European folding boxboard producers were up one
per cent compared with the previous quarter. M-real’s deliveries of
folding boxboard increased by a corresponding amount. The selling
price of folding boxboard denominated in euros was on par with the
previous quarter.

The volume of linerboard deliveries decreased from the second quarter
due to a shutdown related to the linerboard machine former
investment. The average selling price remained unchanged.

January-September compared with the corresponding period in 2005

The business area’s operating result for January-September totalled
EUR 43 million (1-9/2005: 25). The previous year was weakened by the
7-week labour dispute in the Finnish paper industry and the resulting
decrease in production and delivery volumes. The profitability of the
current year is mainly weakened by the rising energy costs.

Deliveries by Western European folding boxboard producers increased
by 7 per cent compared with the corresponding period last year. M-
real’s folding boxboard deliveries were up 20 per cent. In 2005,
delivery volumes remained below normal levels due to the labour
dispute in the Finnish paper industry. The average selling price of
folding boxboard remained unchanged compared with the previous year.

The volume of linerboard deliveries was also clearly higher than last
year. The average price was at the level of the corresponding period
last year.


                        III    II    I   IV   III    I-    I-       III
                         06    06   06   05    05   III   III  06/II 06
                                                     06    05    change
Sales                   226   216  225  230   181   667   566      4.6%
EBITDA                   36    23   32   34    35    91    64     56.5%
  EBITDA, %            15.9  10.6  14.  14.   19.  13.6  11.3          
                                     2    8     3
Operating result         14     2   11   13    14    27     1          
  Operating result,     6.2   0.9  4.9  5.7   7.7   4.0   0.2          
Non-recurring items       0     0    0    0     0     0    -2          
Return on capital       5.3   0.9  4.1  4.8   5.6   3.4   0.3          
employed, %
Return on capital       5.3   0.9  4.1  4.8   5.6   3.4   0.5          
employed excluding
non-recurring items,
Deliveries, 1,000       320   307  318  326   257   944   820      4.2%
Production, 1,000       307   270  307  315   294   884   757     13.7%
EBITDA = Earnings before interest, taxation, depreciation and

The third quarter compared with the previous quarter

The Publishing business area reported an operating result of EUR 14
million for the third quarter (4-6/2006: 2). The operating result
does not include non-recurring items. The operating result was
improved by higher delivery volumes, change in inventories and lower
fixed costs. Prices were at the previous quarter's level.

Deliveries by Western European coated magazine paper producers
increased by 4 per cent. The Publishing business area's delivery
volume was up 4 per cent.

January-September compared with the corresponding period in 2005

The business area’s operating result for January-September totalled
EUR 27 million (1). Last year’s operating result was significantly
weakened by the labour dispute in the Finnish paper industry. This
year’s result was improved by the increase in the average selling
price and the cost savings measures implemented.

Deliveries by Western European coated magazine paper producers were
on par compared with the corresponding period last year. The
Publishing business area's delivery volume was up 15 per cent. The
corresponding period last year was affected by the labour dispute in
the Finnish paper industry.

Commercial Printing

                        III    II  I 06    IV   III    I-     I-    III
                         06    06          05    05   III    III  06/II
                                                       06     05     06
Sales                   361   380   394   376   381     1      1  -5.0%
                                                      135    112
EBITDA                   14   -26    24     3    25    12     55       
  EBITDA, %             3.9  -6.8   6.1   0.8   6.6   1.1    4.9       
Operating result        -10   -51    -2   -41     0   -63    -21       
  Operating result, %  -2.8     -  -0.5     -   0.0  -5.6   -1.9       
                             13.4        10.9
Non-recurring items      -2   -41     0   -29     0   -43      0       
Return on capital      -3.2     -  -0.5     -   0.0  -7.0   -2.1       
employed, %                  16.2        13.7
Return on capital      -2.6  -3.2  -0.5  -3.9   0.0  -0.6   -2.1       
employed excluding
non-recurring items,
Deliveries, 1,000       453   481   497   469   480     1      1  -5.8%
tonnes                                                431    397
Production, 1,000       456   494   509   476   482     1      1  -7.7%
tonnes                                                459    404
EBITDA = Earnings before interest, taxation, depreciation and
Pont Sainte Maxence is included until June 30 2006.

The third quarter compared with the previous quarter

The Commercial Printing business area reported an operating result of
EUR -10 million for the third quarter (4-6/2006: -51). The third-
quarter result was weakened by a EUR 2 million adjustment on the
selling price of the Pont Sainte Maxence mill. Non-recurring cost
items of EUR 41 million (sales loss for the Pont Sainte Maxence mill
(35) and a share of the efficiency improvement programmes at the
Stockstadt and Hallein mills (6 in total)) were booked in the second

Profitability weakened due to the decrease in delivery and production
volumes. Raw material costs (particularly the fibre and energy costs)
increased on the previous quarter. Profitability improved due to
lower fixed costs.

Deliveries by Western European coated fine paper producers increased
by 2 per cent. Commercial Printing´s total deliveries were down 6 per
cent (on comparable basis 1 per cent). The average selling price
denominated in euros was at the level of the previous quarter. The
price of speciality paper increased by slightly as a result of price

January-September compared with the corresponding period in 2005

The business area’s operating result for January-September amounted
to EUR -63 million (-21). The result includes EUR 43 million non-
recurring costs. Despite the increased delivery volume and lower
fixed costs, the business area's profitability failed to improve
markedly as a result of higher fibre and energy costs. The selling
prices were at last year’s level.

Deliveries by Western European coated fine paper producers increased
by 5 per cent. Commercial Printing´s total delivery volume increased
by 2 per cent compared with last year (on comparable basis 4 per
cent). Deliveries increased the most in markets outside Europe,
particularly in North America.

Office Papers

                       III   II    I     IV   III    I-    I-       III
                        06   06   06     05    05   III   III  06/II 06
                                                     06    05    change
Sales                  181  174  183    167   174   538   537      4.0%
EBITDA                  15   -2   20     18    13    33    38          
  EBITDA, %            8.3    -  10.   10.8   7.5   6.1   7.1          
                            1.1    9
Operating result        -1  -17    4      3    -3   -14    -8          
  Operating result, %    -    -  2.2    1.8  -1.7  -2.6  -1.7          
                       0.6  9.8
Non-recurring items      0  -10    0      0     0   -10    -9          
Return on capital        -    -  2.2    1.6  -1.1  -2.3  -1.2          
employed, %            0.2  9.0
Return on capital        -    -  2.2    1.6  -1.1  -0.6   0.3          
employed excluding     0.2  3.7
non-recurring items,
Deliveries, 1,000      258  251  266    242   254   775   792      2.8%
Production, 1,000      259  252  264    258   260   775   776      2.8%
EBITDA = Earnings before interest, taxation, depreciation and

The third quarter compared with the previous quarter

The Office Papers business area reported an operating result of EUR -
1 million for the third quarter (4-6/2006: -17). In the previous
quarter, the result was burdened by a non-recurring cost of
approximately EUR 10 million, which was the business area’s share of
the non-recurring expense reserve of EUR 13 million related to the
operational efficiency improvement programme at the Alizay mill.

Deliveries by Western European uncoated fine paper producers
decreased by 5 per cent. The delivery volume of the Office Papers
business area's products was up 3 per cent.

January-September compared with the corresponding period in 2005

The business area’s operating result for January-September totalled
EUR -14 million (-8). The result includes a EUR 10 million cost
reserve for the efficiency improvement programme at Alizay and,
correspondingly in the comparison period, a EUR 9 million share of
the costs related to the efficiency improvement programme at the
Swedish mills. The result was improved by a rise in the average
selling price. The result was weakened by an increase in energy

Total deliveries by Western European uncoated fine paper producers
were up by 3 per cent. The delivery volume of the Office Papers
business area decreased by 2 per cent.
Map Merchant Group

                        III    II    I   IV   III    I-  I-III      III
                         06    06   06   05    05   III     05    06/II
                                                     06              06
Sales                   342   354  365  357   341     1  1 033    -3.4%
EBITDA                    5     8    9    2     6    22     23         
  EBITDA, %             1.5   2.3  2.5  0.6   1.8   2.1    2.2         
Operating result          3     7    7    0     5    17     18         
  Operating result, %   0.9   2.0  1.9  0.0   1.5   1.6    1.7         
Non-recurring items       0     0    0   -4     0     0      0         
Return on capital       4.9   8.2  8.7  2.1   4.5   7.3    7.3         
employed, %
Return on capital       4.9   8.2  8.7  7.1   4.5   7.3    7.3         
employed excluding
non-recurring items,
Deliveries, 1,000       347   354  363  347   337     1  1 012    -2.0%
tonnes                                              064
EBITDA = Earnings before interest, taxation, depreciation and

The third quarter compared with the previous quarter

The Map Merchant Group reported an operating result of EUR 3 million
for the third quarter (4-6/ (4-6( 2006: 7). The result was weakened
by a reduced delivery volume attributable to the holiday season.

January-September compared with the corresponding period in 2005

The operating result of the Map Merchant Group for January-September
was at the level of the corresponding period last year, amounting to
EUR 17 million (18).

M-REAL GROUP (all figures unaudited)


EUR million                    1-      1-   Change 1-12/05  7-9/06
                           9/2006  9/2005
Continuing operations:                                            
Sales                       4 186   3 872      314   5 241   1 367
Other operating income         98     174      -76     206      29
Operating expenses         -4 034  -3 698     -336  -5 008  -1 291
Depreciation and             -275    -285       10    -403     -90
impairment losses
Operating result              -25      63      -88      36      15
% of sales                   -0.6     1.6              0.7     1.1
Share of results in             0      -3        3      -2       1
associated companies
Net exchange gains and          4     -26       30     -33      -1
Other financial income        -96     -99        3    -115     -37
and expenses, net
Result before taxes          -117     -65      -52    -114     -22
% of sales                   -2.8    -1.7             -2.2    -1.6
Income taxes                  -16      23      -39      34     -11
Result for the period        -133     -42      -91     -80     -33
% of sales                   -3.2    -1.1             -1.5    -2.4
Attributable to:                                                  
Shareholders of parent       -131     -43      -88     -81     -31
Minority interest              -2       1       -3       1      -2
Earnings per share for      -0.40   -0.13    -0.27   -0.25   -0.10
result attributable to
the shareholders of
parent company, euros


                    30.9.20       % 30.9.20      % 31.12.20    %
                         06             05              05
EUR million                                                       
Non-current assets                                                
Intangible assets       658    10.4    654   10.5      654    10.3
Tangible assets       3 185    50.3  3 166   50.6    3 178    50.2
Biological assets        37     0.6     33    0.5       36     0.6
Shares in               114     1.8    113    1.8      114     1.8
associated and
other companies
Interest bearing         38     0.6     43    0.7       46     0.7
Deferred tax             31     0.5     40    0.6       33     0.5
Other non-interest       14     0.2     26    0.4       23     0.4
bearing receivables
                      4 077    64.4  4 075   65.1    4 084    64.5
Current assets                                             
Inventories             741    11.7    726   11.6      749    11.8
  Interest bearing      175     2.7    178    2.9      167     2.7
  Non-interest        1 246    19.7  1 159   18.5    1 215    19.2
Cash and cash            96     1.5    120    1.9      112     1.8
                      2 258    35.6  2 183   34.9    2 243    35.5
Total assets          6 335   100.0  6 258  100.0    6 327   100.0
Equity attributable   2 108    33.3  2 310   36.9    2 271    35.9
to shareholders of
parent company
Minority interest        60     1.0     31    0.5       45     0.7
Total equity          2 168    34.3  2 341   37.4    2 316    36.6
 Deferred tax           331     5.2    359    5.8      336     5.3
 Post employment        205     3.2    215    3.4      211     3.3
benefit obligations
    Provisions           61     1.0     56    0.9       62     1.0
 Other non-interest      49     0.8     82    1.3       60     0.9
bearing liabilities
 Interest bearing     1 997    31.5  1 639   26.2    1 877    29.7
                      2 643    41.7  2 351   37.6    2 546    40.2
Current liabilities                                        
 Non-interest           811    12.8    823   13.1      813    12.9
bearing liabilities
 Interest bearing       713    11.2    743   11.9      652    10.3
                      1 524    24.0  1 566   25.0    1 465    23.2
Total liabilities     4 167    65.7  3 917   62.6    4 011    63.4
Total shareholders’   6 335   100.0  6 258  100.0    6 327   100.0
equity and


EUR million             1-9/06  1-9/05 1-12/05 7-9/06
Cash flow from                                       
Operating Activities
Result for the period     -133     -43     -80    -33
  Adjustments to the       395     350     480    132
result, total
  Change in working        -74     -18     -82    -17
Cash flow arising from     188     289     318     82
Finance costs, net         -57     -96    -136     -6
Income taxes paid          -24     -31     -46     -9
Net cash flow arising      107     162     136     67
from Operating
Investments in            -305    -308    -452   -101
intangible and
tangible assets
Asset sales and other       14     320     312      2
investing cash flow
Net cash flow arising     -291      12    -140    -99
Investing Activities
Minority’s share in         28       0      12      5
share issue
Changes in loans and       181    -258    -100     24
in other financial
Dividends paid             -39     -39     -39      0
Net cash flow arising      170    -297    -127     29
from Financial
Changes in Cash and        -14    -123    -131     -3
Cash Equivalents
Cash and Cash              112     242     242     99
Equivalents at
beginning of period
Translation                 -2       1       1      0
Changes in Cash and        -14    -123    -131     -3
Cash Equivalents
Cash and Cash               96     120     112     96
Equivalents at end of


EUR million       Share  Share  Translat Fair   Retained Minor  Total
                 capitalpremium   ion    value  earnings  ity
                          fund  differen  and            inter
                                  ces    other            est
Shareholder´s       558     667       6       2    1 160    37  2 430
January 1, 2005,
Translation                                                         0
Net expenses                                 -2                    -2
directly in
Change in                                                    7      7
interest during
the period
Result for the                                       -81     1    -80
Total recognised                             -2      -81     8    -75
for the period
Dividends paid                                       -39          -39
Shareholder´s       558     667       6       0    1 040    45  2 316
December 31,
2005, IFRS
Translation                          -8                            -8
Net expenses                                 15                    15
directly in
Change in                                                   17     17
interest during
the period
Result for the                                      -131    -2   -133
Total recognised                     -8      15     -131    15   -109
income for the
Dividends paid                                       -39          -39
Shareholder´s       558     667      -2      15      870    60  2 168
September 30,
2006, IFRS

KEY RATIOS                 1-      1-       1-      7-
                         9/2006  9/2005  12/2005  9/2006
Sales, EUR million        4 186    3 872   5 241   1 367
Operating result, EUR       -25       63      36      15
excl. non-recurring          31       -7       4      17
Result before taxes, EUR   -117      -65    -114     -22
excl. non-recurring         -61     -131    -142     -20
Result for the period,     -133      -42     -80     -33
EUR Million
Earnings per share, EUR   -0.40    -0.13   -0.25   -0.10
  excl. non-recurring     -0.23    -0.34   -0.35   -0.08
items, EUR
  From continuing         -0.40    -0.34   -0.25   -0.10
operations, EUR
  From discontinued        0.00     0.00    0.00    0.00
Return on equity, %        -7.9     -2.3    -3.4    -6.1
  excl. non-recurring      -4.7     -6.2    -4.8    -5.8
items, %
Return on capital          -0.2      2.3     1.2     1.8
employed, %
  excl. non-recurring       1.4      0.2     0.5     2.0
items, %
Equity ratio, %            34.3     37.4    36.6    34.3
Gearing ratio, %            111       87      95     111
Shareholder´s equity per   6.42     7.04    6.92    6.42
share, EUR
Interest-bearing net      2 402    2 040   2 205   2 402
EUR million
Gross capital               305      308     452     101
EUR million
Personnel at the end of  14 509   15 412  15 154  14 509
the period


EUR million                                     
                           9/06     9/05   12/05
For own loans                71      138     108
For associated                1        1       1
For affiliated                5        5       5
For others                   10       11      11
Total                        87      155     125
OPEN DERIVATIVE            9/06     9/05   12/05
EUR million
Interest rate             3 493   10 793   7 416
Currency derivatives      3 658    3 952   5 365
Other derivatives           148       23      54
Total                     7 299   14 768  12 835

The fair value of open derivative contracts calculated at market
value at the end of the review period
was +5.2 EUR million (-37.3 EUR million Dec 31, 2005  and -25.0 EUR
million September 30, 2005)

Also include other closed contracts to a total amount of 3 253.9 EUR
million ( 8 164.8
EUR million Dec 31, 2005 and 7 056.3 EUR million September 30, 2005).


SALES BY          I-III     I-   III     II  I 06   IV     III  2005
SEGMENTS             06    III    06     06         05      05
EUR million                 05
Consumer            730    633   236    237   257    231   196   864
Publishing          667    566   226    216   225    230   181   796
Commercial         1135   1112   361    380   394    376   381  1488
Office Papers       538    537   181    174   183    167   174   704
Map Merchant       1061   1033   342    354   365    357   341  1390
Internal sales       55     -9    21           17      8    -4    -1
and other                                17
GROUP TOTAL        4186   3872  1367   1378  1441   1369  1269  5241

OPERATING RESULT BY    I-     I-   III    II   I 06   IV    III  2005
SEGMENTS, EUR         III    III    06    06          05     05
million                06     05
Consumer Packaging     43     25    17     2     24   16     14    41
Publishing             27      1    14     2     11   13     14    14
Commercial Printing   -63    -21   -10   -51     -2  -41      0   -62
Office Papers         -14     -8    -1   -17      4    3     -3    -5
Map Merchant Group     17     18     3     7      7    0      5    18
Other operations      -35     48    -8   -18     -9  -18    -10    30
Operating result      -25     63    15   -75     35  -27     20    36
  % of sales         -0.6    1.6   1.1  -5.4    2.4 -2.0    1.6   0.7
Share of result in            -3     1     0     -1    2      0    -2
associated              0
Net exchange gains      4    -26    -1    -3      8   -7      0   -33
and losses
Other financial       -96    -99   -37   -33    -26  -17    -19  -115
income and
expenses, net
Result on            -117    -65   -22  -111     16  -49      1  -114
operations before
Income tax            -16     23   -11     8    -13   11      2    34
Result on            -133    -42   -33  -103      3  -38      3   -80
Result on               0      0     0     0      0    0      0     0
Result for the       -133    -42   -33  -103      3  -38      3   -80
Minority interest       2     -1     2     1     -1    2     -1    -1
Result attributable  -131    -43   -31  -102      2  -36      2   -81
to shareholders of
parent company
Earning per share       -      -     -     -   0.01    -   0.01     -
adjusted for share   0.40   0.13  0.10  0.31        0.12         0.25
issue, EUR

NON-RECURRING ITEMS  I-III   I-     III   II   I 06  IV 05   III   2005
                       06    III     06   06                  05
Consumer Packaging        0     0     0      0    0      0     0      0
Publishing                0    -2     0      0    0      0     0     -2
Commercial Printing     -43     0    -2    -41    0    -29     0    -29
Office Papers           -10    -9     0    -10    0      0     0     -9
Map Merchant Group        0     0     0      0    0     -4     0     -4
Other operations         -3    81     0     -3    0     -5     0     76
Non-recurring items     -56    70    -2    -54    0    -38     0     32
in operations, total
Non-recurring             0    -4     0           0      0     0     -4
financial items                              0
Non-recurring items,    -56    66    -2    -54    0    -38     0     28
Operating result         31    -7    17    -21   35     11    20      4
non-recurring items
  % of sales            0.7  -0.2   1.2   -1.5  2.4    0.8   1.6    0.1
Result before taxes,    -61  -131   -20    -57   16    -11     1   -142
excl. non-recurring
  % of sales           -1.5  -3.4  -1.5   -4.1  1.1   -0.8   0.1   -2.7
Earnings per share,   -0.23     -     -      - 0.01  -0.01  0.01  -0.35
excl.                        0.34  0.08   0.16
non-recurring items,
Return on equity,      -4.7  -6.2  -5.8   -9.1  0.5   -0.5   0.4   -4.8
excl. non-recurring
items, %
Return on capital       1.4   0.2   2.0   -1.2  3.4    1.4   2.3    0.5
employed, excl. non-
recurring items, %

RETURN ON CAPITAL I-III  I-III III 06  II 06  I 06 IV 05 III 05      
EMPLOYED, %          06     05                                   2005
Consumer            6.6    3.9    7.5    1.3  10.9   7.8    6.7   4.8
Publishing          3.4    0.3    5.3    0.9   4.1   4.8    5.6   1.3
Commercial         -7.0   -2.1   -3.2  -16.2  -0.5 -13.7    0.0  -4.9
Office Papers      -2.3   -1.2   -0.2   -9.0   2.2   1.6   -1.1  -0.5
Map Merchant        7.3    7.3    4.9    8.2   8.7   2.1    4.5   6.0
GROUP TOTAL        -0.2    2.3    1.8   -5.6   3.4  -1.8    2.3   1.2

CAPITAL EMPLOYED  09/06   06/06  03/06   12/05   9/05    6/05   12/04
EUR million
Consumer            914     907    917     878    857     835     943
Publishing         1091    1094   1124    1094   1077    1056    1132
Commercial         1208    1243   1273    1178   1204    1225    1313
Office Papers       742     746    754     762    764     780     818
Map Merchant        313     318    323     324    315     308     301
Other assets        609     578    514     610    506     479     428
GROUP TOTAL        4877    4886   4904    4846   4723    4683    4935

Segments’ capital employed includes segments’ assets (= goodwill,
other intangible assets, tangible assets, biological assets,
investments in associated companies, inventories and accounts
receivables, prepayment and accrued income (excluding interest and
tax items) ) deducted by segments’ liabilities (= accounts payable,
advances received and accruals and deferred income (excluding
interest and tax items)).

PERSONNEL            I-III   I-III    I-IV
Average               2006    2005    2005
Consumer Packaging   2 632   2 696   2 667
Publishing           1 470   1 500   1 486
Commercial           4 499   4 849   4 816
Office Papers        1 846   1 962   1 948
Map Merchant Group   2 494   2 516   2 515
Other operations     2 144   2 172   2 146
GROUP TOTAL         15 085  15 695  15 578

1000 tonnes         I-III I-III  III  II 06  I 06 IV 05 III  2005
                     06    05     06                    05
Consumer Packaging   873   738   285   284   304   268   226  1006
Publishing           944   820   320   307   318   326   257  1146
Commercial Printing 1431  1397   453   481   497   469   480  1866
Office Papers        775   792   258   251   266   242   254  1034
Paper businesses    3151  3009   1031  1040  1080 1037   991  4046
Map Merchant Group  1064  1012   347   354   363   347   337  1359

1000 tonnes         I-III I-III  III  II 06  I 06 IV 05 III  2005
                     06    05     06                    05
Consumer Packaging   842   713   273   270   299   272  292   985
Publishing           884   757   307   270   307   315  294  1072
Commercial Printing 1459  1404   456   494   509   476  482  1880
Office Papers        775   776   259   252   264   258  260  1034
Paper mills total   3119  2937   1023  1016  1079 1048 1036  3985
Metsä-Botnia pulp    728   649   243   234   251   252  234   901
M-realLs pulp      1305  1112   443   422   440   421  379  1533

1) Equals to M-real´s ownership in Metsä-Botnia.
Pont Sainte Maxence is included in Commercial Printing´s figures in
all tables until June 30 2006.


Mikko Helander
