M-real wins two top industry awards

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M-real wins two top industry awards

Press release 9.12.2005

M-real wins two top industry awards

M-real, the European paper and paperboard manufacturer, has received two
industry accolades in one week. Both the PPA (Periodical Publishers
Association) and the APA (Association of Publishing Agencies) recognised the
company's commitment to service and innovation in the magazine publishing

At the PPA Production Awards in London, M-real was named Magazine Paper
Supplier of the Year and received a special mention for its unfaltering service
during the industrial strikes in Finland earlier this year. The nominations for
the award were made by key customers and the judges stated that M-real had
shown the real value of a supplier by "pulling it out of the bag" when it
really mattered. 

The citation went on to say: "M-real has helped to deliver global extensions to
brands such as FHM, now available in 15 countries, and has an ongoing research
programme into reader experience and response to print media. Publishers also
value M-real's environmental initiatives and credentials." 

M-real's second honour of the week was awarded by the APA, for the design of
its customer magazine. Designer Jeremy Leslie was named Designer of the Year in
recognition of his flair and innovation in the production of the magazine,
which the judges deemed "a brilliant example of paper's potential in the
creative process". The magazine, designed to showcase M real's Galerie Papers
range, takes a different theme each issue around which the design and editorial
content is based to create a unique magazine each time. "Taking its lead from
the changing themes, each issue is redesigned completely, yet although it
breaks the boundaries of normal expectations, it never veers into
self-indulgence", according to the judges. 

- ends -

NOTE TO EDITORS: M-real Corporation is a European paper and paperboard company
with approximately 16,000 employees.  M-real provides fibre-based solutions for
consumer packaging, communications and advertising end-uses.  Through its
worldwide sales network, M-real serves its customers consisting mostly of
publishers, printers, paper merchants, offices and well-known consumer product

M-real's turnover in 2004 amounted to EUR 5.46 billion.  The company is
headquartered in Finland and is listed in the Helsinki Stock Exchange. 

Andrew Gunman, Divisional Director, Publishing, M-real UK, receiving the
Magazine Paper Supplier of the Year award from Ed Byrne (left), host and
comedian, and James Povey, Sales and Marketing Director for Polestar (right) 
