Resolutions of M-real's Annual General Meeting

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M-real Corporation Stock Exchange Release 13.3.2008

The Annual General Meeting of M-real Corporation, held on 13 March
2008, approved the company's financial statements for the year 2007
and granted discharge from liability to the members of the Board of
Directors, the CEO and deputy to the CEO.


The Annual General Meeting resolved to pay a dividend of EUR 0.06 per
share for the financial year ended 31 December 2007, in the total
amount of EUR 19,689,936.72. The dividend will be paid to
shareholders who on the record date of 18 March 2008 have been
entered in the shareholders' register of the company maintained by
the Finnish Central Securities Depository Ltd. The dividend payment
date is 27 March 2008.

Amendment of the Articles of Association

The Annual General Meeting resolved, in accordance with the proposal
of the Board of Directors, to delete Paragraph 5 (Par Value) of the
Articles of Association, amend Paragraph 4 (Share Capital), Paragraph
10 (Matters decided by the Shareholders Meeting), Paragraph 11 (Board
of Directors) and Paragraph 14 (Auditor).

Board of Directors

The Annual General Meeting elected as members of M-real's Board of
Directors Mr. Heikki Asunmaa, Counsellor of Forest Economy; Mr.
Martti Asunta, M. Sc. (Forestry); Mr. Kari Jordan, President and CEO
of Metsäliitto Group; Mr. Erkki Karmila, LL.M.; Mr. Kai Korhonen, M.
Sc. (Technology); Mr. Runar Lillandt, Counsellor of Agriculture; Mr.
Juha Niemelä , Honorary Counsellor; and Mr. Antti Tanskanen,
Minister. The term of office of the members of the Board of Directors
expires at the end of the next Annual General Meeting. At its
organising meeting following the Annual General Meeting, the Board of
Directors elected Mr. Kari Jordan as its Chairman and Mr. Martti
Asunta as its Vice Chairman.

The Board of Directors agreed that the Board committees shall consist
of the following Board members:

The members of the Audit Committee are Mr. Erkki Karmila (chairman),
Mr. Kai Korhonen and Mr. Antti Tanskanen.
The members of the Compensation Committee are Mr. Kari Jordan
(chairman), Mr. Erkki Karmila and Mr. Martti Asunta.
The members of the Nomination Committee are Mr. Martti Asunta
(chairman), Mr. Runar Lillandt and Mr. Antti Tanskanen.

Remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors and the auditor

The Annual General Meeting resolved to maintain the remuneration of
the members of the Board of Directors unchanged. The Chairman of the
Board of Directors receives EUR 6,375 per month, Vice Chairman EUR
5,375 per month and the ordinary members EUR 4,200 per month. In
addition, the members are paid a fee of EUR 500 per Board meeting and
Board committee meeting.

The fee of the auditor is paid according to invoice.


The Annual General Meeting elected as M-real's auditor Authorized
Public Accountants PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy with Göran Lindell,
Authorized Public Accountant, acting as the Principal Auditor. The
term of office of the auditor expires at the end of the next Annual
General Meeting.


Further information:
Anne-Mari Achrén, Communications, tel. +358 10 465 4541
