Technical information on the merger of M-real Petőfi Címke Kft. into M-real Petőfi Nyomda Kft.

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Technical information on the merger of M-real Petőfi Címke Kft. into M-real
Petőfi Nyomda Kft. 

Following the decision made by the owner M-real Corporation, and according to
the final decision of the Court of Registration M-real Petőfi Címke Kft will
merge into M-real Petőfi Nyomda on 28th April, 2006, and will continue its
operations under the name M-real Petőfi Nyomda Kft. The production and sales of
Self-adhesive Labels will be built into the already known structure of the
Printing Press as a separate division. All other fields of business, as
administration, purchasing, logistics and quality assurance, however, will be
merged. We do hope that the changes to take place will cause no problems in our
well-established business contacts and we will do everything to ensure smooth
transition. Please find below some useful and essential information: 

Location and contact:

Our address, contact numbers and contact people will remain the same:

Managing Director: Endre Fábián

Name of the company: M-real Petőfi Nyomda Kft., in short: M-real Petőfi Kft.
The company's name in English: M-real Petőfi Printing House Ltd., in short:
M-real Petőfi Ltd. 
Address: H-6000 Kecskemét, Külső-Szegedi út 6.
Registry No.: Cg.03-09-108328
Tax registry No.: 12493164 2 03
EU VAT: HU12493164

Central No.: +36 76 510 200
Secretariat: +36 76 510 242 or + 36 76 510 230
Central fax: +36 76 320 503


Apart from the central telephone numbers, our colleagues continue to be
available at the already known extensions, telephone and mobile numbers, as
well as e-mail addresses. 

Production, sales

The departments of sales and production are not effected by the merger, since
under the leadership of Erika Kovács these divisions will continue to operate
within the business division of M-real Petőfi Nyomda Kft Self-adhesive Labels
as independent units. 

Erika Kovács's contact:
Mobile: +36 30 915 3230
Telephone: +36 76 510 277
Fax: +36 76 415 008

Purchasing and logistics

Purchasing and logistics of the Self-adhesive Label division will be merged and
the leader is Anikó Molnár. Klára Tuza will carry on with her work as strategic
purchaser and will continue to be responsible for raw materials for the
self-adhesive labels. All other purchasing tasks are shared by other

Klára Tuza's contact:
Telephone: +36 76 510 215
Mobile: +36 30 655 70 46
Fax: +36 76 479 441

Quality Management

The merger of quality management will be conducted by harmonising certain
procedures, and the contact person for the labels remains to be Sándor Nagy.
Our QA manager is Edit Meleg. 

Sándor Nagy's contact:
Telephone: +36 76 510 256
Mobile: +36 30 299 5380
Fax: +36 76 518 340


Finance, invoicing

The fields of administration will also be merged under the leadership of Mrs
Katalin Várnagy. 

Please note that following the merger all account numbers for M-real Petőfi
Címke Kft. will cease to exist and all financial activities will be executed
through the already existing accounts of M-real Petőfi Nyomda Kft. Of course,
we provide a transition period necessary for resetting your invoicing system.
The main bank managing our account is HVB Bank Hungary Plc.: 

Bank's name	Foreign exchange  	Account number	IBAN number	SWIFT code
HVB Bank Hungary Rt.	HUF	10900011-00000005-03740164	HU98 1090 0011 0000 0005
0374 0164	BACXHUHB 
 	EUR	10918001-00000005-03740401	HU43 1091 8001 0000 0005 0374 0401	BACXHUHB
 	USD	10918001-00000005-03740652	HU56 1091 8001 0000 0005 0374 0652	BACXHUHB
Raiffeisen Bank Rt.	HUF	12076903-00249622-00100006	HU501
20769030024962200100006	UBRTHUHB 

The invoices will not differ in their format from the ones that are used at
present, and will be dispatched under the heading of M-real as well as under
the number that appropriately follows from M-real Petőfi Nyomda Kft's system. 

Should you have any queries in connection with the merger, please address your
questions to Mrs István Várnagy economic director. 

Mrs Katalin Várnagy's contacts:
Telephone: +36 76 510 242
Mobile: +36 30 955 7756
Fax: +36 76 482 996
